The Bulletin: January 16-22, 2025
Visualizing All Of Canada’s Cancelled Energy Projects | ZeroHedge
Geological Events Show the Difference Between Predicaments and Problems
The Everything Bubble Suddenly Feels Unstable
The War Behind The War: What World War III Is Really Being Fought Over | ZeroHedge
Preventable Deaths And Vitamin D3 | ZeroHedge
Greece Calls On EU For Fast Response To Surging Energy Prices
Drill, Baby, Drill – Waking Up in the Age of Absurdity
Norway warns its oil and gas production is in decline
None Of These War Criminals Will Face Justice As Long As the US Empire Exists
Firecraft Guide Part I: Tindering the Flame
Climate, Net Zero and Other Words You Must Stop Using
Giant freshwater aquifer in southern Africa is under threat from mining
Greenland’s melting ice is clearing the way for a mineral ‘gold rush’
Is Digitization Catastrophic for Civilization?
Climate Fatigue: Why the Story of Saving the Planet Isn’t Selling | Art Berman
The Red Giant – The Honest Sorcerer
Every Large Economy on Earth is Shrinking
The Imp with a Chainsaw – by Ugo Bardi – The Seneca Effect
How to Survive a Pre-Collapse Dystopia: a Conceptual Segmentation – George Tsakraklides
Resource Insights: Wishful thinking? Sweden building nuclear waste site to last 100,000 years
Trump To Declare National Energy Emergency | ZeroHedge
Questioning lithium-ion batteries, fire risks & hydrating dry regions
Extremes Become More Extreme, Then Revert to the Mean
Trump, Musk, Gaza, the Rise of Totalitarianism and the End of the US Empire
Decisions, Decisions | Do the Math
Donald Trump Is The Empire Unmasked – by Caitlin Johnstone
After millennia as CO₂ sink, more than one-third of Arctic-boreal region is now a source
Heat waves could worsen as soil moisture changes, climate models reveal
Unprecedented winter storm paralyzes Gulf Coast with record-breaking snow even in Florida | CNN
‘Catastrophic’: Great Barrier Reef hit by its most widespread coral bleaching, study finds
Alberta government lifts ban on coal exploration in Eastern Slopes | CBC News
Direction of Global Crises to Depend on Trump’s Next Steps, Russia’s Lavrov Says | The Epoch Times
PJM Grid Declares “Max Generation Alert” As Polar Vortex Unleashes Mini Ice Age | ZeroHedge