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The Bulletin: August 16-22, 2024

The Bulletin: August 16-22, 2024

“Ubiquitous” – Scientists Discover That the Oceans Release Microplastics Into the Atmosphere

Why large projects fail. Especially Renewable Energy | Peak Everything, Overshoot, & Collapse

Global Debt Hits A New High Of $315 Trillion | ZeroHedge

Big Tech Uses More Electricity Than Entire Countries | ZeroHedge

Western Battle Tanks Are Invading Russia: Sky News | ZeroHedge

China Coal Production Hits New All Time High For July | ZeroHedge

Nature is the Best Teacher – Biocentric with Max Wilbert

The Great “Solutions” Swindle: Capital, Products, Technology and the Civilisational Lie – George Tsakraklides

The Biggest Issue Is NOT Climate Change; It Is OVERSHOOT

How the Russia-Ukraine War Could Go Nuclear–By Accident

Drying of Indian subcontinent by rapid Indian Ocean warming and a weakening land-sea thermal gradient | Nature Communications

Science Snippets: Ice Melting, North and South

Lebanon Plunged Into Darkness As Last Operational Power Plant Runs Out Of Fuel | ZeroHedge

15000 Scientists From 184 Countries Are Warning Humankind We’re Screwed 

The Mythology of Growth

Politicians In Dystopialand Warn Other Candidate Will Cause Dystopia

The Impossible Math of Growth – George Tsakraklides

‘The land is becoming desert’: drought pushes Sicily’s farming heritage to the brink | Climate crisis | The Guardian

Environmental laws failing to slow deforestation, researchers say

‘Overshoot myth’ risks catastrophic global warming – News

Today’s economy is like that of the late 1920s

Fascism 2.0 – The changing face of social media censorship – OffGuardian

Why Nuclear Energy Is Not the Solution to the Climate Crisis – The Good Men Project

As Arctic Thaws, New Evidence of Looming ‘Mercury Bomb’ – Yale E360

EU Lawmaker Threatens to Ban X Unless Musk Complies with Censorship Demands

Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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Click on image to purchase @ FriesenPress