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Tag Archives: war
The Bulletin: March 13-19, 2025
The Bulletin: March 13-19, 2025
The Great Gas Pipeline Caper of 2025 – by Terry Cowan
BlackRock CEO Says American ‘Practicalism’ Can ‘Make Energy Great’ | The Epoch Times
Some Psychology for Responding To a World in Chaos
Can We Feed Ourselves Just out of Our Vegetable Gardens?
The Lost Art of Grieving: Grief as Ritual, Resistance, and Resilience
Welcome to the Era of Energy Realism – by Roger Pielke Jr.
We Have Even Less Time than We Thought to Get Ready for Collapse
Canada’s critical minerals and why Trump wants them
What about installing solar arrays on farms? Isn’t that a good use of land?
Acres of Amazon rainforest trees cut down to build road for climate summit
When Dissent Becomes a Crime: The War on Political Speech Begins – Global Research
Power and Control- The Vast Censorship Enterprise
The 2027 American War with Canada — A Soldier’s Perspective
The Ponzi Is Crumbling – by Lau Vegys
Mind-Boggling: Microplastics are Blotting Out Photosynthesis
The 7 Fundamental Drivers of Overshoot – by Nate Hagens
The twilight of American hegemony – Collapse Life
You’ve Got a Blackout in Pennsylvania | RealClearWire
Doug Casey on Fort Knox, Government Secrecy, and the True Role of Gold
9 Takeaways from the JP Morgan Chase Energy Study You Won’t Want to Miss
Many U.S. bird species seen as reaching population ‘tipping point’ – The Japan Times
Europe Faces Late-Winter Test to Its Energy System Resilience | OilPrice.com
The Global Reset: Energy, Geopolitics, and Market Upheaval | Art Berman
Throwing the Monkey Wrench Into the System
A Civilisation Built on Conflict and Supremacy – George Tsakraklides
Alexa’s Privacy Backtrack: Amazon Pushes All Voice Data to the Cloud
Degrowth: Sanity in Spiraling Chaos – by Geoffrey Deihl
Saudi Aramco, IEA Chiefs Clash In Houston Over the Future of Oil
US wild bird populations continue steep decline | Climate & Capitalism
Jeff Currie’s “New Joule Order”—A Compelling but Flawed Energy Framework | Art Berman
The Ball Comes to Rest | Do the Math
Trump Says He’s Authorizing Use of Coal for Energy Production | The Epoch Times
Is 100 Years Of Cheap Food Coming To An End?
Shut Up About Trump, It’s Not Resistance
Trump Positions US Military For Imminent War With Iran
If you have arrived here and get something out of my writing, please consider ordering the trilogy of my ‘fictional’ novel series, Olduvai (PDF files; only $9.99 Canadian), via my website or the link below — the ‘profits’ of which help me to keep my internet presence alive and first book available in print (and is available via various online retailers).
Attempting a new payment system as I am contemplating shutting down my site in the future (given the ever-increasing costs to keep it running).
If you are interested in purchasing any of the 3 books individually or the trilogy, please try the link below indicating which book(s) you are purchasing.
Costs (Canadian dollars):
Book 1: $2.99
Book 2: $3.89
Book 3: $3.89
Trilogy: $9.99
Feel free to throw in a ‘tip’ on top of the base cost if you wish; perhaps by paying in U.S. dollars instead of Canadian. Every few cents/dollars helps…
If you do not hear from me within 48 hours or you are having trouble with the system, please email me: olduvaitrilogy@gmail.com.
You can also find a variety of resources, particularly my summary notes for a handful of texts, especially William Catton’s Overshoot and Joseph Tainter’s Collapse of Complex Societies: see here.
The Bulletin: February 20-26, 2025
The Bulletin: February 20-26, 2025

US Flies Bomber Group Over Middle East In Warning To Enemies | ZeroHedge
Bizarre Symptoms of Societal Collapse
Peak Oil. Food. Fascism. Collapse.
Guest post: How the global ‘water gap’ will grow under climate change – Carbon Brief
Bird study finds much larger volumes of toxic PFAS chemicals than previously reported
Trump energy chief says there are upsides to ecological collapse
The ‘Decline’ of Nations: How Elite Surplus and Inequality Lead to Societal Upheaval
The Electrify Everything Myth | Damn the Matrix
The Wider Boundary of Symptom Predicaments
Science Snippets: Human Activity Changes Tilt, Rotation of Earth as Arctic Mercury Bomb Poses Threat
Sustainability is destroying the Earth | Deep Green Resistance New York
Radioactive leaks found at 75% of US nuke sites – CBS News
Racing to Extinction – by Elisabeth
Action 101: Anatomy of a Campaign
Arctic Defence: The Growing Geopolitical Battle for the North | The Epoch Times
Lula pushes oil drilling at mouth of Amazon despite climate risks
A Combination of Supplements and Exercise May Slow Biological Aging
This Next Market Crash Will Break Our Fragile Brains
Solutions: The Art of Avoiding Reality | Art Berman
In 1177 BCE, Civilizations Fell Apart In A Mysterious Simultaneous Collapse | IFLScience
Complexity – Diversity = Fragility – by Eric Keyser
‘Green Grab’: Solar and Wind Boom Sparks Conflicts on Land Use – Yale E360
Scientists discover unexpected decline in global ocean evaporation amid rising sea temperatures
Short-termism is killing the planet – by Jonathan Tonkin
How do you write about collapse, from within in a collapsing world?
Why We’re Failing: We’re Not a Mechanism
The Link Between Soil Health and Water
I Believe The World Is Ending – Does That Make Me Crazy?
The Great Escape | Do the Math
The #1 Warning Sign Capital Controls Are Coming Soon and 3 Ways To Beat Them
Engineered Collapse of the Middle Class
The Great Game Reborn—Energy, Geopolitics, and the Reversal of the Liberal Order | Art Berman
Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
State of emergency declared after blackout plunges most of Chile into darkness | CNN
The Bulletin: February 13-19, 2025
The Bulletin: February 13-19, 2025

What Will Energy Dominance Be Used For? – by Arthur Berman
Thirsty For Solutions, Water Scarcity Grips Iraq
Humans will Not Go Gentle into That Good Night
The Double Bind of Collapse | how to save the world
Ecological Collapse Supersedes Financial Collapse
The Crisis Report – 101 – by Richard Crim
We Are the Stewards of Our Future – by Nate Hagens
On Human (Over)Population – by Andrea P
Shell’s Flawed Report: The 2025 Energy Security Scenarios
Earthconomics 101: There Is a Killer on the Loose – George Tsakraklides
The War for Mineral Non-Resources – by Ugo Bardi
Are We Doomed? – Biocentric with Max Wilbert
The Tug of War Between Forests and Oceans
The Psychology of Collapse: A Deep Dive in Human Misbehavior
From the Archives: The Epic Failure Of Modern Experts
The Shape of Things to Come – The Honest Sorcerer
Plant Once, Harvest Forever: 15 Perennial Veggies for Endless Abundance – Garden Beds
Humans Are The Only Animal That Willingly Destroys Their Own Home
How America will collapse (by 2025) | Salon.com
AMOC Collapse: The Looming Climate Catastrophe & Global Consequences
The West Faces Uranium Shortage Amid Competition From China and Russia
Money as an Agent of Death – George Tsakraklides
The Story You’ve Been Told About Recycling Is a Lie
Prepping isn’t just for preppers anymore—it’s time to get a go-bag | Popular Science
The Bulletin: January 9-15, 2025
The Bulletin: January 9-15, 2025
The Falsification of Everything | how to save the world
Emissions Are SO Not the Only Problem with Cars
Rhyming History: Weimar Germany’s Hyperinflation
At least 6 dead, more than 300 000 without power as major winter storm sweeps through U.S.
Net Energy Cliff & the Collapse of Civilization
Quarter of Freshwater Animals Face Extinction, New Study Warns – Newsweek
Arresting and Killing Greenies: Targeting Climate Change Protests – Global Research
The Science of Anti-Russian Propaganda – by Glenn Diesen
Decoupling what!? – by Gunnar Rundgren
One Way or Another, the World is Headed for a Degrowth Future | by Doug Bierend
The UK’s Strange Collapse – John Rubino’s Substack
Positioned For a Historic Crash – The Daily Reckoning
Natural Gas Production is Contracting
The blackouts are coming – by Elisabeth Robson
The Energy March of Folly | Art Berman
Government Spending Will Cause the Next Financial Crisis | Mises Institute
America’s Great Climate Migration Has Begun. Here’s What You Need to Know. | Columbia Magazine
From Crisis to Connection: Why Radio is the Lifeline You Need to Learn Now
#296: Predicament, not outcome | Surplus Energy Economics
Escobar: Empire Of Chaos, Reloaded | ZeroHedge
The Human Souffle – The Honest Sorcerer
Oh, YouWhat the world needs now is directions for reducing our dependence on technology
Grabbing Greenland’s Oil. But does it Exist? – by Ugo Bardi Mean THAT Democracy | how to save the world
The adverse, long-term health effects of wildfires
Have You Been Faked Out by the Panama-Canada-Greenland Syndrome? – Global Research
What If Tech, the Market and the State Are No Longer Solutions?
Russia, Iran To Sign ‘Comprehensive Strategic Partnership’ Treaty This Week | ZeroHedge
Extreme rainfall leaves 10 dead in Ipatinga, Minas Gerais, Brazil – The Watchers
Thrust Into Power: A Thought Experiment | how to save the world
Never Mind the Propaganda, the World Should Know About America’s Countless Wars – Global Research
Chapter 3 – How energy and natural resources inhibit growth
Los Angeles burns: What you need to know
Credit Card Default Wave Hits U.S. Banks
2025: The Year the Federal Debt Bubble Bursts – International Man
Today’s Contemplation: Collapse Cometh CXCV–‘Renewable’ Energy: See, Hear, and Speak No Evil, Part 1
Today’s Contemplation: Collapse Cometh CXCV–‘Renewable’ Energy: See, Hear, and Speak No Evil, Part 1

A recent post on environmentalism as a meme states that ‘renewable’ energy supporters hold that these technologies solve some significant problems that humanity faces.
‘Renewable’ energy enthusiasts claim the following: wars are not created as a result of them; they fight pollution; and through their use security is improved, jobs are created, and wealth is generated.
Each of these beliefs about ‘renewables’ could be argued to hold some ‘truth’ and be construed as positive, depending entirely upon one’s perspective. I would argue, however, that this perspective is relatively narrow and ignores much of the complexity surrounding our energy production, use, and especially the negative consequences that arise from such production and use.

I believe that these perceptions about renewables and the amplification of them by their cheerleaders feed into the monster that is the mythos (and false hope) around modern complex society ‘sustainability’ and a pending energy ‘transition’.
Let me deconstruct each of these ideas on our ‘renewable energy transition’ and its associated industrial technologies over this and my next Contemplation.
Claim #1: Wars are not created as a result of them
Implicit in this first view is that wars have and are arising from societal competition over the energy source that ‘renewables’ are seeking to ‘replace’: hydrocarbons. I cannot disagree whatsoever with this implication: wars have and are occuring as a result of attempts to gain control over hydrocarbon resources.
Although not typically admitted by governments and/or a region’s ruling elite, there is plenty of evidence to support the argument that resources in general are a significant contributing factor to kinetic wars; they rarely, if ever, arise due to the reasons typically promoted by nations as they seek to garner the support of their citizens for military engagements. Our elite wish the masses to buy into the belief that wars are fought almost exclusively over moral issues–to simplify: good versus evil. It is just coincidental that those evil ‘others’ tend to be in possession of lands that hold lots of natural resources, such as: water, timber, fishing grounds, arable farmland, precious metals and gemstones, rare-earth minerals, hydrocarbons, and/or uranium.

Brave AI-generated summary
It can be stated with fair certainty that for the past 50+ years many wars have been fought over our industrial societies’ master resource: hydrocarbons. This appears particularly obvious when one considers the geopolitical gamesmanship surrounding the Middle East over this time, including a number of hot wars and the petrodollar deal between the United States and Saudi Arabia struck in 1974. And it is probably not coincidental that the increase in such wars and machinations occurred not long after the U.S. Empire passed its peak in cheap, conventional crude oil in 1970 (just as predicted by petroleum geologist Marion King Hubbert in 1956).
For a current example, one need look no further than the decade-old U.S. invasion and occupation of hydrocarbon-rich regions of Syria. (Interesting, isn’t it, how the sovereignty and border integrity of some nation states is unimportant or simply ignored, while for others it’s worth ‘investing’–with probably a lot of money laundering–billions/trillions of dollars and risking many lives. Can you say double standard? Perhaps it’s because that ‘evil’ Syrian government happened to be controlling an area with ‘our’ oil.)
Regardless, it seems obvious that competition over hydrocarbon reserves results in war.

But the production and use of ‘renewables’ won’t result in wars? Let’s glance behind the curtain for a moment to unpack this initial claim.
First of all–and although die-hard techno-optimists/ecomodernists may deny/ignore/dispute the following–’renewables’ depend upon significant inputs of hydrocarbons for their production, distribution, maintenance, and reclamation/disposal. Despite extremely small-scale examples of power derived via ‘renewables’ to carry out these processes (but greatly amplified by ‘renewables’ cheerleaders), huge amounts of hydrocarbons are indispensable to the supposed energy ‘transition’. Almost all the important industrial processes required to produce ‘renewables’ need hydrocarbons to power them.
And if we are to attempt what some are calling for–a ‘war-footing’ investment in a massive rollout of ‘renewables’–then one hell of a lot of hydrocarbons are required; probably more than can be garnered from existing global reserves for the scale of such a feat. And remember scale is significantly important to any energy ‘transition’ that depends upon ‘renewables’ since the electricity generated by these technologies accounts for only a smallish amount of the current power needs of modern, industrial societies–to say little about growing energy demands due to the ongoing pursuit of the perpetual growth chalice and the globe’s increasing population.
A very significant portion of humanity’s primary energy needs is still met by way of hydrocarbons–more than 80%. To replace our current demands (ignore for the moment that these demands keep growing–just think about the energy needs being bandied about for Artificial Intelligence and data centres) would require gargantuan numbers of solar panels, and/or wind turbines, and/or nuclear power plants.
For example, to replace the electricity portion of our energy demands (remember that hydrocarbons are used for much more than just electricity production) via ‘renewables’ would require tens of millions of solar panels, and/or many millions of wind turbines to be produced, and/or thousands of nuclear power plants to be constructed.

So the initial glitch in the ‘wars are not created as a result of them’ claim is that if wars are created as a result of competition over hydrocarbon resources and hydrocarbon resources are necessary for the creation (and re-creation) of ‘renewables’, then wars are indeed created as a result of them–their production necessitates that the competition/wars over hydrocarbons continue. And such competition would need to ramp up very significantly given the scale of ‘renewables’ being clamoured for and the hydrocarbons that would be needed.
The second major glitch for this ‘no war’ claim is stumbled upon once one is aware that ‘renewables’ also require a number of other finite and rare-earth mineral resources for their production. And the concentrated deposits of these minerals do not occur in equitable distributions across the planet. Some of those evil ‘others’ happen to be sitting on the lands that hold the minerals we need for our ‘renewables’. Oops…talk about bad planning.

And then there’s the ‘warfare’ being waged upon the peoples of some of the mineral-rich regions (particularly nations with emerging or developing economies) who are stripped of rights, forcibly removed/relocated, required to work under less-than-ideal circumstances, increasingly exposed to pollutants/toxins, etc.. To say little about the ‘war’ waged against our ecosystems by the pursuit of ‘renewables’ (see below for more on this aspect).
Our species has been carrying out the brutal phenomenon of war for millennia prior to the use of hydrocarbons and I have little doubt that this is not going to halt, dissipate, or even be reduced through the adoption of ‘renewables’ as the notion implies. In fact, quite the opposite may be true if ruling elites across the globe believe that their wealth, control, and prestige are in jeopardy because somewhere and someone else has the resources required to ‘power’ via ‘renewables’ their lifestyles and fiefdoms (or at least line their pockets with the wealth being funnelled into the ‘electrify everything’ racket).
In fact, societal competition over regions of the planet that hold some of the mineral resources listed above as needed for ‘renewables’ started decades ago and can only get worse as we have already draw down a lot of the lowest-hanging fruit (i.e., best deposits) of these finite materials.
So, sorry, not sorry; if wars are fought over resources that are perceived as being necessary for a society’s energy needs, then the claim that wars are not fought as a result of ‘renewables’ is completely and utterly erroneous. To argue that wars are not created as a result of ‘renewables’ being produced and used completely ignores reality through some significantly darkly-shaded blinders.
Claim #2: They fight pollution
This is perhaps the most obviously misinformed assertion made by ‘renewables’ promoters. While within a narrow, keyhole perspective–focussed upon the lack of carbon emissions produced once the technologies have been manufactured and distributed–this may be accurate, such a statement completely ignores the massive ecologically-destructive mining required for the extraction and refinement of the minerals that help to create these technologies. It also overlooks the significant hydrocarbon inputs and their contribution to pollution of our ecosystems.

Mining is amongst the most polluting and destructive endeavours that humans engage in. To ignore this required activity in the production of ‘renewables’ technologies and then maintain that ‘renewables’ do not pollute is completely outlandish (bullshit, actually). But this fantastical belief is held tightly by many (most?) who assert that ‘renewables’ are and the energy ‘transition’ will be ‘clean/green’. This doesn’t just ignore reality, it distorts it beyond belief.
Some attempt to rationalise such destructive activities suggesting they are a one-off and everything is ‘clean/green’ once the products are manufactured. But this too ignores a lot. It ignores two very important facts: ‘renewables’ have a limited lifespan and/or can malfunction needing replacement; and, ‘recycling’ does not and cannot reclaim all the materials in them to ‘recreate’ them without more mining, to say little about the tremendous energy costs of recycling and pollutants/toxins that arise from the process.
This rationalisation also ignores the already overloaded planetary sinks and their increasing inability to absorb more pollutants/toxins. And the pollution and toxins that would be released into our ecosystems by the scale of ‘renewables’ production some are calling for would be monumental. Absolutely monumental.
Also keep in mind that the estimates provided above for how many solar panels and/or wind turbines would be required to replace the hydrocarbon-produced electricity that our complex societies demand do not take into account the number of additional panels or turbines that would be required to make up for the intermittency of these technologies. The sun only shines for a limited number of hours per day, and/or can encounter very cloudy or snowy conditions for many locations, and sometimes the wind doesn’t blow.
Then there are the massive and unprecedented battery storage facilities that would be required to store harvested energy for use when the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing. The negative impact upon our ecosystems from the production (that also require massive finite and rare-earth minerals via mining), use of, and reclamation/disposal of batteries would also be tremendously monumental.
Add on top of these ‘roadblocks’ to some ‘green/clean’ utopian future the infrastructure build-out that would be required to support all this ‘electrification of everything’ and the replacement of all those hydrocarbon-dependent technologies and the impact on our ecosystems is beyond comprehension.
Just as they do not reduce the drawdown of hydrocarbons and their use but add to them, ‘renewables’ do not ‘fight’ pollution–they exacerbate it, significantly. To maintain that ‘renewables’ fight pollution is probably even more outrageously egregious than holding that they don’t result in war.

I close Part 1 of this Contemplation with a section of Charles Hugh Smith’s latest book–The Mythology of Progress, Anti-Progress and a Mythology for the 21st Century–that highlights the lore surrounding ‘clean’ technology:
The Mythology of ‘Clean Technology’
“The disconnect between the inspirational, make-believe story of Progress and the real world reaches its most jarring extreme in the mythology of clean technology, which imagines a wondrous utopia of clean skies and clean air delivered by clean technology.
The mythology neatly ignores the polluted air, ravaged landscape and exploited workers of the developing world nations that are being torn apart for the minerals needed to build the supposedly clean technologies for the wealthy developed nations.
This is mythology at its most appalling, a bizarre myopia to the dreadful environmental destruction and human suffering caused by wealthy nations’ stripmining developed nations for the resources needed for hundreds of millions of batteries, copper for expanding the electrical grid and all the other ‘clean technologies’ that are only ‘clean’ because wealthy nations have offloaded all the poisoned air and water, environmental damage and poor health onto the developing nations–the penultimate expression of the asymmetry of the global power structure created by the mythology of Progress.
‘Clean technology’ is nothing more than the distorted, self-serving fantasy of the wealthy exploiting the powerless for their own pleasures and profits. The clean skies and electric bikes of Amsterdam and dozens of other developed-world capitals come not from clean technology but from the exploitation of the planet and the powerless in distant lands, far from the clean skies and profits of the powerful and wealthy.” (pp. 168-169)
See also this recent article in The Tyee by Andrew Nikiforuk on the ‘energy transition’ arguing that there is no energy ‘revolution’, only addition to our growing energy use.

What is going to be my standard WARNING/ADVICE going forward and that I have reiterated in various ways before this:
“Only time will tell how this all unfolds but there’s nothing wrong with preparing for the worst by ‘collapsing now to avoid the rush’ and pursuing self-sufficiency. By this I mean removing as many dependencies on the Matrix as is possible and making do, locally. And if one can do this without negative impacts upon our fragile ecosystems or do so while creating more resilient ecosystems, all the better.
Building community (maybe even just household) resilience to as high a level as possible seems prudent given the uncertainties of an unpredictable future. There’s no guarantee it will ensure ‘recovery’ after a significant societal stressor/shock but it should increase the probability of it and that, perhaps, is all we can ‘hope’ for from its pursuit.
If you have arrived here and get something out of my writing, please consider ordering the trilogy of my ‘fictional’ novel series, Olduvai (PDF files; only $9.99 Canadian), via my website or the link below — the ‘profits’ of which help me to keep my internet presence alive and first book available in print (and is available via various online retailers).
Attempting a new payment system as I am contemplating shutting down my site in the future (given the ever-increasing costs to keep it running).
If you are interested in purchasing any of the 3 books individually or the trilogy, please try the link below indicating which book(s) you are purchasing.
Costs (Canadian dollars):
Book 1: $2.99
Book 2: $3.89
Book 3: $3.89
Trilogy: $9.99
Feel free to throw in a ‘tip’ on top of the base cost if you wish; perhaps by paying in U.S. dollars instead of Canadian. Every few cents/dollars helps…
If you do not hear from me within 48 hours or you are having trouble with the system, please email me: olduvaitrilogy@gmail.com.
You can also find a variety of resources, particularly my summary notes for a handful of texts, especially William Catton’s Overshoot and Joseph Tainter’s Collapse of Complex Societies: see here.
Released September 30, 2024
It Bears Repeating: Best Of…Volume 2
A compilation of writers focused on the nexus of limits to growth, energy, and ecological overshoot.
With a Foreword by Erik Michaels and Afterword by Dr. Guy McPherson, authors include: Dr. Peter A Victor, George Tsakraklides, Charles Hugh Smith, Dr. Tony Povilitis, Jordan Perry, Matt Orsagh, Justin McAffee, Jack Lowe, The Honest Sorcerer, Fast Eddy, Will Falk, Dr. Ugo Bardi, and Steve Bull.
The document is not a guided narrative towards a singular or overarching message; except, perhaps, that we are in a predicament of our own making with a far more chaotic future ahead of us than most imagine–and most certainly than what mainstream media/politics would have us believe.
Click here to access the document as a PDF file, free to download.
The Bulletin: December 19-25, 2024
The Bulletin: December 19-25, 2024
The Great Simplification in Action: Building Resilience Through Local Communities
Antarctica’s tipping points threaten global climate stability
Homesteading 101: Regenerative Farming and the American Farmer.
Population Decline & Overshoot – Itsovershoot
American Can’t Escape Its Water Crisis | by Angus Peterson | Edge of Collapse | Dec, 2024 | Medium
How ‘the mother of all bubbles’ will pop
Prices Rise As Food Production is Threatened by Drought, Topsoil Loss, and Overheated Earth
Technocracy Rising: Why It’s Crucial to Understand the End Game – Global Research
US Shale Nears Limits Of Productivity
Middle East – Towards Endless Chaos? – Global Research
Even NASA Can’t Explain The Alarming Surge in Global Heat We’re Seeing : ScienceAlert
Nuclear Neo-Feudalism – The Honest Sorcerer
Political Economy Forever? – by Steve Keen
Depression, Debt, Default & Destruction in 2025 -Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
Health Prepping: Stop Poisoning Your Family
Are You Willing To Reduce Your Standard Of Living By 50%, Or Even 10%
Trump’s Trade Wars Will Fail, Currency Wars Will Be Next – MishTalk
Central Banks Will Prioritize Government Spending Over Inflation In 2025 | dlacalle.com
Superorganism – by Nathan Knopp – System Failure
The American Shale Patch Is All About Depletion Now
US Shale Nears Limits Of Productivity Gains
A Debt Jubilee of Biblical Proportions Is Coming — Are You Ready?
The End Of The Age Of Scientism
A List Of 24 Things That You Will Desperately Need In A Post-Apocalyptic World
The Impending Collapse of Modernity: A Stark Warning for the Next Few Decades
The Bulletin: December 12-18, 2024
The Bulletin: December 12-18, 2024
The Baby Bust: How The Toxicity Crisis Could Cause the Next Economic Crash
Global Warming and the Great Unravelling
All Stories Are Propaganda | how to save the world
The Big Shining Lie: We’re Better Off Now–No, We’re Poorer, Much Poorer
Are We Running Out Of Copper? This Image Says Yes
Saltwater will taint 77% of coastal aquifers by century’s end, modeling study finds
Fukushima: Disaster Response is to Spread Radioactive Waste to the Commons – CounterPunch.org
Drought alert issued in Pakistan
Environmental-Political Collapse Accelerates – resilience
Book review: Five Insights for Avoiding Global Collapse
Why I Am a Realist – by John J. Mearsheimer – Savage Minds
“Thank You for Ruining My Life” – The Great Simplification
What it Takes to Master a Collapsing World
Corporations Are Not Your Friends | how to save the world
Rhyming History: France’s First Hyperinflation
Before Societal Implosion Comes
Syria: Will It Prove To Be the Empire’s Final Quagmire?
Food From Commodity To Commons
World Coal Demand and Exports Set for New Record Highs in 2024 | OilPrice.com
Can Europe Afford Its Energy Transition
Science Snippets: Microplastics Changing Earth’s Climate
Kansas farmers wrestling with how to save their water source — and their future
#295: Beans on tech | Surplus Energy Economics
All Three Pillars Holding Up the Economy Have Cracked
Why it is urgent to take a proactive attitude towards protecting the extant natural forests
UN Talks Fail To Reach Agreement On Dealing With Rising Risk Of Global Drought
Santa, Please Bring Me a War for Christmas
Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People
Control Oil and You Control Nations | Art Berman
Over 70% of the world’s aquifers could be tainted by 2100
Copper Mining: Totally Not Green, But Totally Needed for “Green” Energy
Whoever Does Not Respect the Penny is Not Worthy of the Dollar – Doug Casey’s International Man
Trump And Israel Can’t Wait To Start Bombing Iran
The Bulletin: December 5-11, 2024
The Bulletin: December 5-11, 2024
The Argument for Assisted Collapse – George Tsakraklides
Total Grid Collapse Strikes Cuba (Again) | ZeroHedge
Yes, Climate Change Is Probably Going To Kill You
Reductionism Doesn’t Work Holistically
#294: The perils of extremes | Surplus Energy Economics
Lavrov Warns Europe The New Cold War Is Turning ‘Hot’ | ZeroHedge
‘Scary’ drought empties one of Bosnia’s largest lakes
Chevron Cuts Permian Capex for 2025 | OilPrice.com
Money is a Claim on Energy – Nate Hagens (The Great Simplification)
The war whores of the military-industrial complex are lighting the world on fire
Global Food Prices Hit 19-Month High As Upward Momentum Sparks Fears Of Stickiness | ZeroHedge
The Three Types of Elites – Charles Hugh Smith’s Substack
Ecological Overshoot: Humanity’s Countdown to Extinction
Too Many Elephants In The Room: The Overpopulation Taboo (Readers’ Poll) – George Tsakraklides
Car tyres shed a quarter of all microplastics in the environment – urgent action is needed
Escobar: The Syria Tragedy & The New Omni-War | ZeroHedge
Grey Swans Are Circling – Charles Hugh Smith’s Substack
The Fall of Assad & What it Means for The Middle East (w/ Alastair Crooke) | The Chris Hedges Report
Oil, Power, and Statecraft: The Geopolitics of Energy in a Changing World | Art Berman
Disarming Propaganda | how to save the world
Ray Dalio predicts global debt crisis, backs Bitcoin, gold
De-Banked: It’s Only a Matter of Time Before It Happens to You
World Coal Demand and Exports Set for New Record Highs in 2024 | OilPrice.com
East vs. West: A Global Dollar Dump Is Inevitable And The US Must Prepare
The Bulletin: November 28-December 4
The Bulletin: November 28-December 4
Globalists Go For Broke: Plan To Trigger World War III Moves Forward – Alt-Market.us
Why Bunkers Won’t Save The Super Rich
Hydropower decline due to climate change may increase price tag to decarbonize the grid
Energy Crises & Global Power Shifts: The Struggle for Stability in Israel, Iran, and Beyond
The shocks that made me abandon the green movement
Exxon Pours Cold Water On Trump’s “Drill, Baby, Drill” Plans | ZeroHedge
The Dilemma and Conundrum of Predicaments
Landman | Tommy Explains Why Even Wind Turbines Depend on the Oil Industry (S1, E3) | Paramount+
Here’s Why We Could See a Big Pivot Away From the Green Scam Agenda
This Dystopia Depends On Hiding Inconvenient Truths
Bankers, Fed Origins, and World War I | Mises Institute
The Civilizational Hospice Protocol
Small Farming, Urbanisation, and Climate Migration
Depopulation: Are the World’s Elites Planning to Kill Us?
Oil Producers Block Binding UN Treaty To Curb Plastics
Green Energy vs. the Mojave Desert
Babson’s Warning – Doug Casey’s International Man
Are Stocks Poised to Crash 55% Soon? – by David Haggith
Bumblebee population increases 116 times over in ‘remarkable’ Scotland rewilding project
Rethinking Energy, Productivity, and the Illusion of Endless Growth | Art Berman
DIY Microplastic Removal From Water? Study Says Yes
The Looming Debt Crisis: Is America Following the Path of Collapsed Empires?
A Mind-Blowing Leap | Do the Math
How Climate Change Is Framed to Disempower You | by Joe Brewer | Dec, 2024 | Medium
Carbon Dioxide: The Wonder Molecule
Don’t Buy Into Phony Anti-Establishment Schtick
Iran Ready To Send More Troops To Syria, But This Could Trigger Deeper Israeli Entry | ZeroHedge
House Oversight Report Supports Chinese Lab Leak Theory For Covid-19 Origins
Existential Risks: The Biggest Threats to Life as We Know It
The Bulletin: November 14-20, 2024
The Bulletin: November 14-20, 2024
What We Refuse to Believe | how to save the world
“That’s Bait…” Chumming the Media Waters Doesn’t Work Like it Used To – Gold Goats ‘n Guns
When The Show Is Over, The Actors Hold Hands And Take A Bow
Can we keep producing more food in a warmer world?
The US Economy Will Collapse: How Trump Should Handle It
Microplastics In Clouds Impacting Weather
The Seeds of Social Revolution: Extreme Wealth Inequality
The Face At The Front Desk Changes, The Corporation Remains The Same | Patreon
Pressure on Canada to Export Water Will Be Immense | The Tyee
Refining Reality: The Hidden Struggles of a World Still Dependent on Oil | Art Berman
Canada Promises Climate Reparations at COP29 While Courting Big Oil at Home – DeSmog
Gazprom Cuts Gas To Austria Off, Just in Time for Winter | OilPrice.com
The 8 Essentials We Need to Control
“We Don’t Have Enough…”: Russia Temporarily Limits Exports Of Enriched Uranium To U.S. | ZeroHedge
A Diesel Powered Civilization – The Honest Sorcerer
The Impending Collapse of the European Union – by Ugo Bardi
The Great Silence of The Human Lambs – George Tsakraklides
Kremlin Responds To Joe Biden’s Authorization of ATACMS Missile Strikes – Newsweek
The Ten Commandments of War Propaganda
The Cure for What Ails Us: Market Crash and Mass Defaults
Too Much Focus on Carbon – by Kollibri terre Sonnenblume
Gaia’s Forge: When You Are the Hammer
The Bulletin: October 31-November 6, 2024
The Bulletin: October 31-November 6, 2024
They Are Scrubbing the Internet Right Now
EU Warns “Citizens” To Prepare For A Nuclear Disaster | SHTF Plan
Our Nation Is about to Reap the Whirlwind of All Lies we’ve Told
They’re doing what they’re accusing us of doing – American Thinker
Death toll from Spain floods passes 200 as rescue teams search for missing
World War III has already begun, JP Morgan boss says
TV documentary on collapse readiness
Europe’s Gas Crisis Isn’t Over Despite Full Storage
The Collapse of Complex Societies – Professor Joseph Tainter
The Empire of Lies – by Ugo Bardi – The Seneca Effect
War. War Never Changes. – The Honest Sorcerer
DDoS Attack Cripples Archive.org: The Next Information War Front?
After The Storms, The Toxic Secrets Left Behind
How to…Rig Your Rigged Elections – OffGuardian
Escobar: The Roadblocks Ahead For The Sovereign Harmonious Multi-Nodal World | ZeroHedge
Rising hunger predicted across 16 global hotspots – The Watchers
Rainwater samples reveals it’s literally raining ‘forever chemicals’ in Miami
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: The Limits of Government
Record Number Of Americans Plagued By Drought Amid Crop Damage Fears | ZeroHedge
Game Of Chess: US Prepares Next Move With More B-52s, Warships To Middle East | ZeroHedge
Our Fragile Infrastructure: Lessons From Hurricane Helene – Global Research
Global water supply faces unprecedented stress | Climate & Capitalism
The Bulletin: October 10-16, 2024
The Bulletin: October 10-16, 2024
Chaos is Coming – John Rubino | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
Social Trust: It’s Not Warm and Fuzzy, It’s the Money, Honey
The History Of “Round Up” and pathways for Glyphosate Detox (from the soil and human body)
A Tipping Point for Global Population and Economic Growth: What it Means for Oil | Art Berman
‘The water wars are coming’: Missouri looks to limit exports from rivers, lakes
Climate Change is Coming for Your Supply Chain
When the Electricity Dies | The Epoch Times
My New Book Is Unleashed: The Mythology of Progress
Facebook Faces Heat for Blocking Report on Arrest of US Journalist in Israel
The weeds are winning | MIT Technology Review
Assess Your Local Landscape For Collapse
UN warns world’s water cycle becoming ever more erratic
Planetary Health Check: The State of Earth’s Critical Systems
oftwominds-Charles Hugh Smith: A Hard Rain Is Going to Fall
Will There Be a Second Stone Age? – The Honest Sorcerer
Our food system is broken and we only have 60 harvests left, researchers warn
Oil shortages lead to hidden conflicts–even war
Can We Rein In the Excesses of Financialization Without Crashing the Economy?
#291: The coming shock | Surplus Energy Economics
Electric Power Update: Big Data, AI, Bitcoin, Natural Gas, and More
The Bulletin: October 3-9, 2024
The Bulletin: October 3-9, 2024
From a Bunker in Israel, American Empire is Over – Charles Nenner | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog
Why Political “Solutions” Don’t Fix Crises, They Make Them Worse
Bank Of America Customers Report Widespread Outage, Zero Balances | ZeroHedge
Politicians Who Promise “Economic Growth” Are Lying 💰
Helene is now the deadliest mainland U.S. hurricane since Katrina » Yale Climate Connections
Taiwan shuts down for second day as Typhoon Krathon makes landfall
The Double Bind With Mitigating Ideas
The One World Order Is Here. UN Pact of the Future. “United under UN Tyranny” – Global Research
Doug Casey Exposes the Global Elites’ Plan for Feudalism 2.0—and How You Can Resist
Reckoning with Growth – by Steve Keen – The Ideas Letter
The Western Media Helped Create These Horrors In The Middle East
Green Jobs or Greenwashing? – Biocentric with Max Wilbert
The Superorganism and the Self – by Nate Hagens
Adapt or Die, Or…? – Charles Hugh Smith’s Substack
Think Climate Change Is a Hoax? Try Betting on It | Art Berman
Nowhere in America is safe from climate-fueled storms and fires, say scientists
What Would World War III Really Look Like? It’s Already Starting… – Alt-Market.us
Never Let Your Government Tell You Who Your Enemies Are
#290: Project 2050, part two | Surplus Energy Economics
Burn the Planet and Lock Up the Dissidents
The Second Bronze Age – The Honest Sorcerer
Manufacturing Energy Crises – by Rachel Donald
This is what Peak Cheap Energy looks like
The Rogue Primate — Revisited | how to save the world
7 Key Takeaways: 2024 State of the Climate Report
Yes, You Need To Be Able To Do This [The Market Ticker ®]