Growth Is the Answer to Everything
Little Changes Add Up
Restoring Growth
From Carrot to Stick
Newport Beach, New York, and an SIC Conference Update
“Growth is never by mere chance. It is the result of forces working together.”
– James Cash Penney
In this business we spend a lot of time thinking about problems. What if we could wave a magic wand and make them all go away? Maybe we can.
The wand isn’t made from wood. You don’t need Latin phrases or a special incantation learned at Hogwarts to make it work, either. It’s a simple six-letter word: growth. Get the economy growing at a decent pace again, and most of our problems will get better.
Conversely, they’ll only get worse if we stay in slow-growth mode. And don’t even think about what a recession will do to the markets in this environment.
Fortunately, there are things we can do to bring growth back. We just have to decide to do them.
A new reader browsing through my archives might get the impression I am a worrywart. In fact, I’m quite optimistic about our future – but I don’t deny we face serious challenges. My weekly letters are a peek into my ongoing thought process as I wonder how we will tackle those challenges.
Just in the past few months we’ve looked at problems like retirement, energy prices, political chaos, zero interest rates, negative interest rates, China’s economy, terrorism, unemployment, inflation, pensions, healthcare, refugees, and the Federal Reserve. And an overarching theme of many letters has been the very big problem of growing debt. Whew – so many problems.
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