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The record of recent Man-made CO2 emissions: 1965 -2014

The record of recent Man-made CO2 emissions: 1965 -2014

This post, using BP statistical review (2015) data, presents CO2 trends on an absolute and per capita basis for the main global economies.  They add in the effect of recent Chinese under-reporting of CO2 emissions.  They compare CO2 emissions / head as a representation of the level of development of national groups.  In particular China overtook the EU (28) in 2012 and France has the lowest CO2 emissions / head of the developed world.  It is even less that the whole worldwide average.

If Greens wants to save the world from CO2 emissions this data wholly vindicates the use of Nuclear power for electricity generation.  Their preference for Renewable Energy, with the closure of fossil fuel generation, may destroy the progress and benefits of western civilization.


The following calculations and graphics are based on information on national CO2 emission levels worldwide published by BP in June 2015 for the period from 1965 up until the end of 2014.


These data and graphics have been updated in the light of the recent announcement that China has been significantly under reporting its actual CO2 emissions.

The assumption made for the additional CO2 emissions from China is calculated by assuming the emissions previously reported  by BP had increased by 17% in 2014.  Prior to that emissions are increased by 1% every year from 1998 onwards.  This may be an underestimate.


These notes and figures provide a short commentary on that CO2 emissions history.

Some highlights arising from the BP data and the revisions arising from the recent announcement of under-reporting of CO2 emissions by China:

  • by 2014 CO2 emissions for the developing world were ~60% higher than those from the developed world.
  • China’s CO2 emissions / head for its population of some 1.4 billion have exceeded the average emissions/head in Europe, and China’s CO2 emissions / head was higher than most of the EU Nations except for Germany.

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