Saudi Arabia’s fiscal break-even oil price to be around $US 100 mark for the foreseeable future
The latest IMF Article IV consultation report on Saudi Arabia was published on 9 September 2015.
Extract: Government spending has increased substantially in recent years. Consequently, the breakeven oil price rose to $106 a barrel in 2014 from $69 a barrel in 2010. As a result, with the large decline in oil prices, the fiscal deficit has increased sharply and is likely to remain high over the medium-term. These deficits will rapidly erode the fiscal buffers (in the form of government deposits and low public debt) that have been built over the past decade.
Let’s put this into some graphs. We start with the fiscal deficit first, then look at the external balance.
Fig1: Expenditure, Budgetary Central Government Operations
During the period of high oil prices until 2014, expenditure grew by 9-15% pa. In early 2015, King Salman disbursed a bonus of 50 bn Riyal to government employees, contributing to a 30% increase of the annual wage bill. Capital expenditure (transportation, health and education) includes the expansion works at Medina and Mecca.
Budget Balance
Fig 2: Budget revenue vs expenditure
Oil revenue dropped sharply, starting in 2013 and leading to a negative balance by 2014. It will get worse in 2015. It is clear that the pre 2015 trend cannot continue. The IMF proposes a budget adjustment scenario (ii, Fig 7) by initially reducing expenditure in 2016 and then increasing it moderately by 4% and later 1%. Oil revenue is assumed to grow along a recovery of oil prices.
Fig 3: Budget balance as % of GDP
In Fig 3, we take the balance from Fig 2 and add a curve (blue) as percentage of GDP. In 2015, the deficit reaches 20% of GDP. For comparison: commodity dependent Australia had a budget deficit of -2.6% of GDP in 2014/15, the US estimate for 2015 is -2.7%.
Oil price assumptions
The underlying oil prices have been taken from the World Economic Outlook (WEO), assumed as follows:
Fig 4: Oil price assumptions and Saudi budget balance
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