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Modern-Day Monetary Cranks and the Fed’s “Inflation” Target

Modern-Day Monetary Cranks and the Fed’s “Inflation” Target

One Bad Idea After Another

Ben Bernanke is frequently in the news these days. The latest occasion concerns his opinion on the Fed’s “inflation” target, i.e., the target for the speed at which money should be debased relative to consumer goods in order to finally attain centrally planned economic nirvana.

Price inflation is currently deemed to be “too low” by our bien pensants, in spite of the fact that the broad US money supply TMS-2 has more than doubled since 2008 (as of March, it is very close to $11 trillion, up from $5.3 trn. in early 2008). If recent CPI data are to be believed (which requires a bit of a leap of faith), consumers may actually get slightly more goods and services for their money henceforth. What an unimaginable horror!

CPICPI dips ever so slightly into negative territory year-on-year – the nightmare of central planners around the world – click to enlarge.

Bloomberg reports that Ben Bernanke has an idea how to combat this terrifying development. Obviously, with the CPI’s rate of change dipping a few basis points into negative territory, the end of the world is practically at hand, so something needs to be done pronto.

Bernanke delivered his remarks at a conference sponsored by another economic central planning institution, the IMF. The people running this surplus to requirement bureaucratic vampire den are dreaming of the day when the IMF will become the global central bank, in line with Keynes’ “Bancor” idea. This would allow fiat money inflation on a nigh unprecedented scale, as currencies would no longer compete and be comparable. However, we digress.

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…



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