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What Have We Gotten Done?

What Have We Gotten Done?

Or at least, what has this blog gotten done?

Perhaps the most important thing this blog has accomplished is to help its readers understand – or at least get them arguing about! – the need for a movement that is more than merely political: a movement that is philosophically and theologically capable of defeating progressive postmodernism, physicalism, and nihilism; with new economics that can be defended against both communism and neo-liberalism; with new leadership that can effectuate change; and with cadres organized to do it.

My calls to action have been spread out over the last three years. I’ve assembled them here:

Having spent the last few weeks furthering those calls to action, this week I wanted to take a step back and consider what else – if anything – I’ve gotten done so far.

Those of you who have been with me since the beginning of my contemplations will hopefully find this a helpful summary of all that has come before. Those who have only recently joined me in suffering on the Tree of Woe can consider this essay my table of contents or greatest hits compilation.

I’ve presented my accomplishments in what I consider their order of importance.

A Defense Against Postmodernism

About ten years ago, I read Stephen Hicks’ book Explaining PostmodernismThe book ends with the following paragraphs, which for many years preoccupied my mind:

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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