Neil Howe On The Fourth Turning: How Bad Will It Get, How Long Will It Last & What Comes Next? (PT1)

That civilizations and societies tend to follow cycles — boom/bust, feast/famine, war/peace, cultural experimentation/a retrenchment to the “old ways”.
Neil Howe, the author of the best-selling book The Fourth Turning, lays out his prediction that today’s society has entered the “bust” part of our current cycle — where the status quo falls apart — often chaotically — to be replaced by a new, hopefully better, order.
Howe explains why the weight of history strongly suggests we are headed into a decade-plus period of economic and social disruption that will transform our political, economic, financial and social systems.
Volatility will reign. Crushing inflation looks likely. We may see a stock market crash and widespread job losses. Perhaps even war.
But as with all preceding fourth turnings, Howe predicts we’ll come of it ok. Yes, with some bruises; but likely also with some net improvements for society.
What should we expect from this period of disruption? Are there steps we can take to improve our odds of persevering?
Neil provides very detailed answers in this interview…