Inverted Global Yield Curve Creates “The Perfect Cocktail For A Liquidity Crunch” As The IMF Warns Of “A Second Great Depression”
Why would the IMF use the phrase “a second Great Depression” in a report that they know the entire world will read? To be more precise, the IMF stated that “large challenges loom for the global economy to prevent a second Great Depression”. Are they saying that if we do not change our ways that we are going to be heading into a horrific economic depression? Because if that is what they are trying to communicate, they would be exactly correct. At this moment, global debt levels are higher than they have ever been before in all of human history, and in their report the IMF specifically identified “global debt levels” as one of the key problems that could lead to “another financial meltdown”…
The world economy is at risk of another financial meltdown, following the failure of governments and regulators to push through all the reforms needed to protect the system from reckless behaviour, the International Monetary Fund has warned.
With global debt levels well above those at the time of the last crash in 2008, the risk remains that unregulated parts of the financial system could trigger a global panic, the Washington-based lender of last resort said.
And the IMF report also seemed to indicate that global central banks were responsible for the situation in which we now find ourselves.
In the report, an “extended period of ultralow interest rates” was blamed for “the build-up of financial vulnerabilities”…
The IMF Global Financial Stability report read: “The extended period of ultralow interest rates in advanced economies has contributed to the build-up of financial vulnerabilities.
…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…