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Pulling Levers to Steer the Machine

Ticks on a Dog

A brief comment on Fed chief Janet Yellen’s revealing speech at the University of Michigan. Bloomberg:

“Before, we had to press down on the gas pedal trying to give the economy all of the oomph that we possibly could,” Yellen said Monday in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Fed is now trying to “give it some gas, but not so much that we’re pushing down hard on the accelerator.” […]

“The appropriate stance of policy now is closer to, let me call it neutral,” Yellen said in response to questions during an event at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. Yellen said she expected the economy to continue to grow at a moderate pace and that gradual interest rate increases “can get us where we need to be.”

Central planners groping in the dark…

Every society is ruled by an elite. They prey upon the common folks like ticks on a dog. They work their way into positions of power and influence, using a combination of brains, connections, and claptrap.

The mob generally looks up to them, impressed by the hocus pocus. And then, eventually, the ticks grow too many and too fat. The poor dog weakens… and the magic fails.

Where exactly we are in the process, we can’t be sure. But surely, we took another step toward the eventual catastrophe when Ms. Yellen spoke.

Everything she said was preposterous.

No Oomph

The economy is not growing at a “moderate speed.” If it is growing at all – it depends on how you calculate consumer price inflation – it is doing so only at stall speed.

Officially, per capita growth is less than 1% a year. What kind of “oomph” is that?

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

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