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Seriously… Governments around the world are telling citizens to prepare for war

Seriously… Governments around the world are telling citizens to prepare for war

You don’t need a high-tech mountain bunker to get ready for a potential crisis. The time to start is now.

We may be closer to World War 3 than at any other time in history. At least that’s what many political commentators are warning.

President Biden’s recent authorization of the use of American weapons to strike inside Russia, Russia’s possible ICBM installations in MexicoIran’s continued stockpiling of enriched uranium, and North Korea’s recent launch of military reconnaissance satellites are just a few examples. For the first time in decades, the threat of nuclear war is being discussed more seriously — and more openly.

Across Europe, countries are making plans to get their populations ready for conflict. Last week, Germany updated its ‘Framework Directive on Comprehensive Defence’ — a 67-page plan outlining the measures the country would take during a military conflict. The document was originally adopted in 1989, but the new update notes that Germany’s security policy environment has changed fundamentally since then, and that “Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine” has put Germany under military threat for the first time in decades.

As CNN reported, this new plan of action notes that Germany would reinstate mandatory conscription into the army and demand that skilled laborers aged over 18 work certain jobs, “including in bakeries and post offices – as well as being prevented from quitting their jobs. Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and vets may also be repurposed in military and civil service roles.”

Rationing would also be brought in. In the event of dwindling food supplies, the government would stockpile food to provide citizens with “one hot meal a day” for an undisclosed period of time, according to the document. Federal reserves would include foods like rice, pulses and condensed milk.

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