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Seriously… Governments around the world are telling citizens to prepare for war

Seriously… Governments around the world are telling citizens to prepare for war

You don’t need a high-tech mountain bunker to get ready for a potential crisis. The time to start is now.

We may be closer to World War 3 than at any other time in history. At least that’s what many political commentators are warning.

President Biden’s recent authorization of the use of American weapons to strike inside Russia, Russia’s possible ICBM installations in MexicoIran’s continued stockpiling of enriched uranium, and North Korea’s recent launch of military reconnaissance satellites are just a few examples. For the first time in decades, the threat of nuclear war is being discussed more seriously — and more openly.

Across Europe, countries are making plans to get their populations ready for conflict. Last week, Germany updated its ‘Framework Directive on Comprehensive Defence’ — a 67-page plan outlining the measures the country would take during a military conflict. The document was originally adopted in 1989, but the new update notes that Germany’s security policy environment has changed fundamentally since then, and that “Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine” has put Germany under military threat for the first time in decades.

As CNN reported, this new plan of action notes that Germany would reinstate mandatory conscription into the army and demand that skilled laborers aged over 18 work certain jobs, “including in bakeries and post offices – as well as being prevented from quitting their jobs. Doctors, psychologists, nurses, and vets may also be repurposed in military and civil service roles.”

Rationing would also be brought in. In the event of dwindling food supplies, the government would stockpile food to provide citizens with “one hot meal a day” for an undisclosed period of time, according to the document. Federal reserves would include foods like rice, pulses and condensed milk.

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Plastics are everywhere — but mostly in places they shouldn’t be

Plastics are everywhere — but mostly in places they shouldn’t be

Turns out, maybe we should have been a bit more responsible with how we used plastics.

Reducing plastic pollution by 5pc yearly may stabilise ocean microplastics:  Study - The Statesman

A new study in Toxicological Sciences has millions of people searching the Internet to find out: “are microplastics stored in the balls”?

The short answer is yes, with the understanding “balls” is the colloquial term for testicles. Researchers tested human testicles and dog testicles and found microplastics in every sample. Back in February, a separate study found microplastics in every sample of the human placenta that was tested. In fact, “there hasn’t been a body part that people have looked but haven’t found [microplastics] in,” environmental health researcher Tracey Woodruff told Scientific American.

Microplastics — small pieces of plastic less than 5 millimeters long — are, literally, everywhere. They have been found in cloudsbeerwindapplespoophoneybees, and much more. Microplastics have been detected in the Mariana Trench and the Grand Canyon, on uninhabited Pacific islands and at the top of Mount Everest.

Woodruff says “it’s not a stretch to think that we’re just going to find more adverse health effects with microplastics.” Those adverse health effects can include reduced fertility, hormone disruptions, immune dysfunction, and other illnesses, according to experts.

Currently, the World Health Organization is busy with other crises with better fear-mongering potential. So they’re not using this unseen enemy to ratchet up concern. A 2019 report from the World Health Organization looked at the evidence related to microplastics in the water cycle. “Based on the limited information we have, microplastics in drinking water don’t appear to pose a health risk at current levels,” said Dr Maria Neira, a director of Public Health, Environment and Social Determinants of Health.

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The surveillance state will be a power hog

The surveillance state will be a power hog

The amount of power required for the data centers that underpin the control grid and AI is overwhelming.

From a recent Wall Street Journal article:

U.S. power usage is projected to expand by 4.7% over the next five years, according to a review of federal fillings by the consulting firm Grid Strategies. That is up from a previous estimate of 2.6%.

The projections come after efficiency gains kept electricity demand roughly flat over the past 15 years, allowing the power sector to limit emissions in large part through coal-plant closures.

“We haven’t seen this in a generation,” said Arne Olson, a senior partner at consulting firm Energy and Environmental Economics. “As an industry, we’ve almost forgotten how to deal with load growth of this magnitude.”

Just over 60 percent of China’s power grid is fueled by coal, according to the International Energy Agency. How else could you transform a country as big and as vast from backwater to tech leader in about 30 years?

source: https://www.iea.org/countries/china

But, while China has used every available source of energy in its arsenal, the West has been hell bent on destroying traditional energy generation for use by our remnant industrial base by focusing on wind and solar, which is nowhere near stable enough to maintain baseload for the kinds of important manufacturing activities needed in a modern economy — whether making steel, or appliances, or cars. Instead, we basically handed over our industrial and economic infrastructure to China, seduced by the lax environmental rules, cheap labor and promise of vast profits for shareholders.

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Notes from the edge of civilization: May 12, 2024

Notes from the edge of civilization: May 12, 2024

Solar flares could cause disruptions – are you ready?; conflicts could bubble over – is the US military ready?; and how classical music can help with cognition, memory, and emotion.

Aurora Borealis · Free Stock Photo

Skywatchers across the country saw dazzling northern lights this week, reaching as far south as Georgia, Florida, and Texas. The phenomenon was sparked by intense solar activity causing geomagnetic storms.

Back in March, Cyrus D. Harding told Collapse Life viewers this would happen: “We will see solar flares increasing in number and intensity,” he said, explaining that this is both a good and bad thing.

On the plus side, increased solar flares and sun spot intensity can block harmful cosmic energy coming in from outside our solar system. But, Harding cautioned that satellite communications, navigation systems, and electrical power grids can be affected and could create havoc in our daily lives.

That threat hasn’t passed yet; it could actually get worse. So gird yourself and your family to be vigilant and have some backups in place for power, food, and water. You know, follow the old adage: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The term ‘flare up’ is often used to refer to conflicts and unrest that break out quickly and unexpectedly. Flare is also a term used in the oil and gas business. For anyone paying attention, there‘s zero surprise we sit at the precipice of some very difficult and potentially violent times, should saner heads not prevail. Just today, an unmanned Ukrainian drone hit a Lukoil refinery in Volgograd, Russia. That’s a ‘flare-up’ in both the literal and figurative sense. Between these incursions and news that F-16s are making their way to Ukraine, the collective West seems to be on a collision course with a rather unsavory conflict in which no one wins.

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Notes from the edge of civilization: Apr. 28, 2024

Notes from the edge of civilization: Apr. 28, 2024

No one wants EVs, but governments keep subsidizing them; Canada’s economy is being zombified; Education — higher and otherwise — is still woke, but not awake; and, cursive as cure.

TRUTH IN ADVERTISING: Even Ford’s own marketing materials admit that EVs are a product “drivers really want… but just don’t know it yet.”

Last week Ford announced its electric vehicle (EV) division, known as Model e, lost $1.3 billion in the first quarter of 2024. That translates to a loss of $132,000 per vehicle for the 10,000 units the company managed to sell. Ford anticipates the losses will continue to mount for the rest of the year, with a projected annual loss of $5 billion.


The world’s largest EV maker, Tesla, is also hemorrhaging profits. The company’s adjusted earnings for the first quarter fell by 48%, underperforming even the lowered expectations set by most Wall Street analysts.

But governments are still pouring in massive amounts of taxpayer dollars to subsidize a product that consumers don’t want to buy.

On Thursday, Canada announced a $5 billion corporate welfare package for Honda to build an EV battery plant and manufacture EVs in Ontario. When Justin Trudeau released a video about the new deal on X over the weekend, the comments were not kind:

DeTocqueville14: You bribing Honda with money stolen from taxpayers isn’t them betting on you.

govt_corrupt: Justin Trudeau bribes Honda. Buys 1k jobs for $5B and bets on an industry with declining sales and rising inventories. Govt ‘investing’ at its finest…

jpkiekens: 5 million $ per job subsidy for an industry plagued with a huge oversupply of vehicles and with insufficient electric energy supply in most provinces. Bravo. It’s genuine theatre. But a very bad play.

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Financial turmoil in Canada – and what it means for the rest of the world

Financial turmoil in Canada – and what it means for the rest of the world

Max Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada, says the new federal budget will send the country deeper into debt than it already is.

Our latest episode of the Collapse Life podcast features a returning guest — Maxime Bernier, leader of the People’s Party of Canada. He says the new federal budget is anti-growth and will send the country deeper into debt than it already is. He tells host Zahra Sethna there is no way Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can win the October 2025 election given the inflationary economic crisis people are experiencing. But he argues that Pierre Poilievre, leader of the Conservative Party, is ‘meet the new boss, same as the old boss.’ Find out what Bernier says this anti-growth budget means for Canada, and how policies in Canada might start to affect people in other countries, too.

Watch on YouTube:

Watch on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v4rnttc-canadas-anti-growth-budget-is-an-indicator-of-financial-crisis.html

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The distinct danger of being naive

The distinct danger of being naive

Don’t assume it’ll all be OK or that you alone will be able to evade the consequences of collapse.

A dramatic and symbolic landscape scene showing a person standing at the edge of a crumbling cliff, looking out over the horizon. The person is unaware of the danger behind them as the cliff is visibly breaking apart. The scene is set during the day with a clear sky, emphasizing the concept of naivety and impending consequences. This landscape orientation highlights the vastness and isolation of the person in their environment, representing the theme 'The Distinct Danger of Being Naive'.

The writer and commentator Charles Hugh Smith is known for his discussions on global economic trends, the decline of the middle class, and the future of economies around the world.

In a post yesterday, he presented a somber forecast of what he says is “the most likely trajectory of the global financial system, based on history and the dynamics of human systems.”

He describes the unsustainable expansion of credit, which has far outpaced real production and consumption and has been supported by inflated asset price bubbles that will inevitably burst.

Most importantly, Smith warns against the naively optimistic idea that it’s possible to completely evade the consequences of economic collapse by holding hard money assets or offshoring wealth. He argues that emergency measures and increased surveillance will likely thwart such attempts.

As the bottom 99.5% feel the squeeze, their rage at those at the top not paying their fair share will rise exponentially, and the political pressure on authorities to go after the hyper-wealthy will become too intense to ignore. Many of those trying to save the system will have already had enough of coddled billionaires, bankers and financier grifters.

Another conviction that will be revealed as naive is the faith that the rules will stay unchanged, allowing us to hoard our stash and emerge unscathed to scoop up the bargains offered by the less prescient. History is again rather definitive: the rules will change overnight, and continue changing, as needed. One “emergency measure” after another will be imposed and become normalized.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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