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Notes from the edge of civilization: May 12, 2024

Notes from the edge of civilization: May 12, 2024

Solar flares could cause disruptions – are you ready?; conflicts could bubble over – is the US military ready?; and how classical music can help with cognition, memory, and emotion.

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Skywatchers across the country saw dazzling northern lights this week, reaching as far south as Georgia, Florida, and Texas. The phenomenon was sparked by intense solar activity causing geomagnetic storms.

Back in March, Cyrus D. Harding told Collapse Life viewers this would happen: “We will see solar flares increasing in number and intensity,” he said, explaining that this is both a good and bad thing.

On the plus side, increased solar flares and sun spot intensity can block harmful cosmic energy coming in from outside our solar system. But, Harding cautioned that satellite communications, navigation systems, and electrical power grids can be affected and could create havoc in our daily lives.

That threat hasn’t passed yet; it could actually get worse. So gird yourself and your family to be vigilant and have some backups in place for power, food, and water. You know, follow the old adage: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

The term ‘flare up’ is often used to refer to conflicts and unrest that break out quickly and unexpectedly. Flare is also a term used in the oil and gas business. For anyone paying attention, there‘s zero surprise we sit at the precipice of some very difficult and potentially violent times, should saner heads not prevail. Just today, an unmanned Ukrainian drone hit a Lukoil refinery in Volgograd, Russia. That’s a ‘flare-up’ in both the literal and figurative sense. Between these incursions and news that F-16s are making their way to Ukraine, the collective West seems to be on a collision course with a rather unsavory conflict in which no one wins.

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