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Rickards’ Five 2024 Forecasts

Rickards’ Five 2024 Forecasts

I have five forecasts for 2024 to help keep you ahead of the curve in positioning your investment portfolio.

My overall forecast is that 2024 will be more tumultuous and shocking than 2023. That may seem hard to credit.

With two major wars going on, an indicted former president and a demented current president, how can 2024 be more challenging than 2023?

Rest assured; it will be. I explain why below.

An Election of Dire Consequences

It’s a cliche to write that the next presidential election will be the “most important in our lifetimes.” Yet in 2024 that cliche will actually be true.

The divide between the two parties is probably greater than at any time in U.S. political history since the Civil War. The choice could not be more stark and the stakes could not be higher.

That’s why this election is so important.

First off, I don’t think that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee for president.

Biden’s problem is not just his age, but the fact that he actually is mentally and physically impaired. He’s simply not fit to be president, and everyone knows it even if Democratic operatives and media sycophants don’t want to mention it. But who will replace Biden?

The most likely replacements are Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer and Jennifer Granholm. All four were or are state governors. They’re all about the same ideologically; take your pick. Forget Kamala Harris; she’s simply too much of a liability.

The Republican Side

On the Republican side, there’s not a lot to say. Trump will be the nominee; no one can recall a non-incumbent with such a large lead in the polls.

He’s leading the pack by 55 points or more and is now even running ahead of Joe Biden in recent polls.

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Stop the Real Steal!

Stop the Real Steal!

It’s axiomatic that when you suddenly change the election rules and modus operandi, causing 65 million mail-in ballots (out of 159 million total) to flood unprepared local elections systems, you will get beaucoup irregularities, mistakes and fraud. To that extent, the impending Trumpite challenge when the Congress meets on Wednesday to certify the 2020 election results is spot on.

But at the end of the day, the challenge being mounted by Senator Hawley (R-Missouri) and the Cruz Eleven is both futile and mischievous. That’s because, thank heavens, American government is not organized into an all-powerful, centralized, unitary state like France, Red China or countless other authoritarian regimes in-between.

To the contrary, government in America remains decentralized and federalist, even if the founders’ design, culminating in the 10th Amendment’s reservation of unexpressed powers to the states, has been relentlessly chipped away since the New Deal. Indeed, when it comes to many aspects of day-to-day governance, such as on matters of public welfare or commerce, federalism has been drained of substance and the sovereign states have, regrettably, morphed into administrative appendages and fiscal supplicants of Washington.

Yet notwithstanding that erosion, one originalist feature from the 1787 convention remains largely in tact: Namely, that the election of Federal officials – congressman, senators and presidents – is to be conducted by the states as seen fit by their sovereign legislatures.

And that’s where the Trumpite challenge comes a cropper: No state has sent dueling slates of electors to the Congress, and no state legislature has petitioned the Congress asserting that its now certified tally of the presidential votes was the product of fraudulent or nefarious maneuvers.

Q.E.D. There is nothing to contest rooted in electoral Federalism because there are no state-based disputes pending before the new Congress. That’s essentially the position of solid libertarians like Congressman Thomas Massie. He’s dead-on correct and not just owing to Scaliaian regards for the Constitution’s language and intent on the matter of Federal elections.

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The Split is Coming

Socrates has been projecting political upheaval which began with the 2016 election where Trump took the presidency against all odds. The press was always covering Trump and ignored the other Republican candidates because they were trying to manipulate the election back then. They assumed Trump was a joke so they covered him all the time. When he won, the Democrats blasted them when Trump won. That is why the media then turned against Trump aggressively because they believed they made him trying to reverse everything.

Thie wave began 1985.65 and 31.4 years into it we warned that was when for the first time a 3rd party could win. That was Trump albeit under the guise of the Republican banner. But when he won, the Republicans hated him. He was an outsider never a politician sot o them it was like a revolution.

The political establishment worldwide was frightened. They saw Trump as leading the charge by the people – POPULISM they called it. But isn’t Democracy supposed to be about the people voting?

Populism became a dirty word among politicians. How dare the people try to overthrow the establishment! Just who the hell do people really think they are? The established political class rules – not “We the People” which they did away with a long time ago.

Now we will witness the self-destruction of the Republican Party. The majority of Republicans are against Trump. They are already telling the minority to shut up and let this go. They want Trump out! They succeeded in surrounding him with their own ME TOO movement of the seasoned political elite. AG Barr declined to appoint a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden because a special counsel cannot be dismissed by Biden or his AG. This way any investigation of Hunter will be covered-up.

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How the Supreme Court Doomed the US & the West

I have been warning that those in Washington DO NOT like outsiders. Only 106 republicans out of 196 joined Texas demonstrating that behind the curtain, nearly 50% of republican politicians prefer Trump to leave because he is not one of them. The Supreme Court avoided ruling claiming Texas had no standing which is completely false. Not giving a decision, either way, will propel civil unrest as each side claims they are right. Already people in Texas are talking about secession might be the answer for pro-Trump states. This time, we are approaching the break up of the United States and it may indeed be the only solution. No side has the right to oppress the other and the Supreme Court will NOT defend the people or the Constitution. The rule of law was the foundation of civilization, and refusing to comply with that duty condemns the nation to oblivion.

The Supreme Court has NO DISCRETION whatsoever to deny the petition and I do not say that as being supportive of the action. The only way to settle this dispute is to rule then both sides would have no choice but to settle down. This way, the election will always be in dispute. Biden got more votes in each of these swing states than Hillary or Obama which was NOT the case in any other state. This is indicative of fraud and it should have been addressed yes or no. This election was STOLEN not be Biden, but by an international agenda which has taken over the entire West and they needed Trump removed. Just look at the Agenda 2030 coming from Klaus Schwab and you will see the real future we face…

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A World in a State of Total Confusion

While 17 states have joined Texas in their lawsuit against Pennsylvania for a fraudulent election, YouTube/Google and the new BigTech conspiracy against the people vow to delete any content claiming the election was tarnished in any way pronouncing Biden is the president-elect which is totally illegal for only the Electoral College can make that determination – note CNN, New York Times, or the Washington Post.

The Georgia Governor refuses to investigate anything including dead voters which is a common fraud in every election. The Republican Party filed a suit against the governor to mandate he follow the law.

Then in Delaware, the US Attorney is investigating Hunter Biden’s taxes which can lead to Biden himself. Is there any wonder why our computer has been highlighting the week of December 21 following the Electoral College vote and then the week of January 4th which is the Georga runoff for the Senate rather than inauguration day? The target week of the 4th is the biggest target and it is that election that will determine who controls the Senate.


We are getting in reports from around the world that people are getting sick from the vaccine. Pfizer has issued a warning now itself. I have heard from health workers who had to quit or take the vaccine. Both Pfizer and Moderna are producing separate vaccines that use messenger RNA, or mRNA, to trigger the immune system to produce protective antibodies without using actual bits of the virus. This experimental coronavirus vaccine is the first-ever authorized vaccines that use mRNA. In reality, there are no long-term studies and this whole thing has been pushed for political purposes – not health. Nobody in government cares about us – EVER! We are the great unwashed who are tolerated – but perhaps not for long.

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Chris Hedges: The Ruling Elite’s War on Truth

Chris Hedges: The Ruling Elite’s War on Truth

American political leaders display a widening disconnect from reality intended to mask their complicity in the seizure of power by global corporations and billionaires.

Original illustration by Mr. Fish. (Scheerpost)

Joe Biden’s victory instantly obliterated the Democratic Party’s longstanding charge that Russia was hijacking and compromising U.S. elections. The Biden victory, the Democratic Party leaders and their courtiers in the media now insist, is evidence that the democratic process is strong and untainted, that the system works. The elections ratified the will of the people.

But imagine if Donald Trump had been reelected. Would the Democrats and pundits at The New York Times, CNN and MSNBC pay homage to a fair electoral process? Or, having spent four years trying to impugn the integrity of the 2016 presidential race, would they once again haul out the blunt instrument of Russian interference to paint Trump as Vladimir Putin’s Manchurian candidate?

Trump and his attorney Rudy Giuliani are vulgar and buffoonish, but they play the same slimy game as their Democratic opponents. The Republicans scapegoat the deep state, communists and now, bizarrely, Venezuela; the Democrats scapegoat Russia. The widening disconnect from reality by the ruling elite is intended to mask their complicity in the seizure of power by predatory global corporations and billionaires.

Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani in 2019. (Gage Skidmore, Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0)

“This is a disgraceful thing that was done in this country,” Giuliani said at his recent bad-hair-day press conference. “Probably not much more disgraceful than the things these people did in office, which you didn’t and don’t bother to cover and you conceal from the American people, but we let this happen, we use largely a Venezuelan voting machine in essence to count our vote…

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Twitter Block’s Website

The very same day they decided to censor our website I believe at the direction of Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, who is using corporate funds to further his personal agenda of social activism in line with Klaus Schwab’s Stakeholder Economics, Twitter has blocked Sidney Powell’s Website. This is becoming an all-out war. If this has been a clean election, none of this would be taking place.

Shutting down all commentary on Powell and her filings is demonstrating that indeed these people have something serious to hide and it is far more than Dorsey’s imitation of Rasputin. He should pay attention to history. Rasputin was assassinated.

These people have the audacity to obstruct free speech or even judicial cases that may expose their corruption and perhaps treason against the United States furthering a foreign agenda from the World Economic Forum?I removed “Powell” from the headline to see if this makes it out.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Vermont has instructed teachers to interrogate children and find out if their families got together for Thanksgiving. This is EXACTLY what East Germany was all about. Children were told to inform the government about anything their parents said or did. Welcome to absolutely the Bonfire of our Liberties. This violates the 5th Amendment of the children for if they say yes, they are then thrown in quarantine for 2 weeks and their liberty is restrained. That is a constitutional violation and lawyers should file a civil rights suit forthwith.

Uncertainty and the Future

Uncertainty and the Future

QUESTION: I would imagine that if Trump is able to prevail in the courts and earn a second term social unrest would be profound but what would be the effects on the markets?


ANSWER: There is still a shot that Trump can prevail if he can stop Biden from reaching 270 votes and that would throw it into the House of Representatives where each state would get one vote and Trump would win in that scenario as took place during the election of 1824. But PA has certified Biden as the winner and then a state judge ruled against the governor. Then lawsuits against Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin raise the stakes of perhaps preventing Biden from getting 270 sending it into the House of Representatives.

What is clear from Socrates is that civil unrest will rise no matter what. If Trump can prevail or the Republicans can keep the Senate, then the Great Reset agenda will be stalled. But Biden can still use executive orders if he takes the White House to try to impose lockdowns etc overriding Congress. In Theory, Trump could have used executive orders ordering the State to end lockdowns but that would have been used against him and the Democrats argued he lacked that power. With Biden, they would say he has it.

My OPINION is just an OPINION. This year has been off the charts and it is still not over. Socrates just follows the markets and that is the only tool we have that is not subject to personal opinion which I seriously doubt anyone will be correct in this mess other than sheer luck. Nobody has lived through this type of market. The press attributes the rally to the vaccine. Let’s be honest here, that is propaganda. The Dow took the lead only because of international capital flows.

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The “COVID Coup”

The “COVID Coup”

What we are experiencing is a COVID coup.

While Joe Biden (apparently) won the election, the entire process was dominated by COVID precautions and distortions.

Nearly 80% of Joe Biden’s vote — according to the exit polls — named COVID as the key issue. A similar 80% of Trump’s vote saw the economy as the key issue.

In the name of COVID fears, election day was essentially cancelled and more than half the votes were cast by mail, many of them weeks before.

With the Democrats leading the push for early mail-in voting, people who feared to go to the polls (because of COVID) were overwhelmingly Biden voters.

Republicans across the country allowed the Democrats to intimidate voters with COVID myths and then use the myths as a pretext for voting by mail from home.

On the assumption that it was perilous to vote in person, mail-in ballots were authorized everywhere. More than 100 million votes were mailed-in.

Breaking the links between personal presence, IDs, signatures, ballots, and individual voters, the new procedures fostered a murky and error-prone system that should not be repeated.

The mail-in operations prolonged the voting period and changed the electoral dynamic. We can only hope that the American future was not “lost in the mail.

The Myth and Mantra of COVID

The ruling theme of the campaign was the myth and mantra of 220,000 “COVID deaths.” This claim the media inculcated and propagated relentlessly and even Trump disastrously seemed to condone. The electoral campaigns pivoted on the myth of the 220,000 or more deaths.

Actual COVID-caused deaths were less than 10% of this number and the average age of deaths was higher than the average age of all-cause deaths.

Measured by years of lost life, COVID was insignificant compared to ordinary flu, pneumonia, TB or other diseases.

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To Be A Rich And Famous Journalist: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

To Be A Rich And Famous Journalist: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Americans: healthcare please

US government: Sorry did you say more war ships in the South China Sea?

Americans: no, healthcare

US government: Alright, you drive a hard bargain. Here are more war ships in the South China Sea.

Hi I’m Sleazy McPundit with WMD News. To explain why more internet censorship is needed to fight disinformation, here’s a panel of millionaires who are paid to lie to you.

Biden in 2020 is just Obama in 2008 if you aged him 30 years, made him white, and replaced all the hope and change talk with “Fuck you. No.”

Biden’s presidency looks set to be worse than Obama’s in every way. There will be a backlash against this. It is absolutely imperative that the US left fight like never before to make sure it’s more of a leftist backlash than a rightist one, or things will get very ugly. If you don’t take the fight to the libs, the right will. If you don’t seize control of the dominant narrative, the right will. This is 100 percent guaranteed. You need to start dealing with this now unless you want something far uglier than Trump down the road in the near term.

The longer they can keep you fixated on Trump’s impotent post-election tantrum the longer they can keep you from noticing the incoming administration full of warmongers, corporate cronies and authoritarians currently setting up shop under the next president.

A full withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan would have been something. A partial withdrawal is just PR. If you’re not making it difficult to simply put the troops back when you’re gone, you’re not doing anything.

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Georgia Recount – Still a Fraud & Agenda 2030

This is why there should be a computer program that people go online to vote and we eliminate this outrageous fraud because these people have no idea what they are doing to the country because the “agenda” was never told to the people. We call this democracy where people can run for election and promise one thing to get their vote with the full intention of doing something completely opposite.

Stalin was exactly correct and this election in 2020 will be direct proof that you cannot trust the people counting the votes. This is absurd and it will only lead to a civil war with blood in the streets all because the real agenda is to impose communism. Trudeau of Canada though they defeated Trump and came out and told the people of Canada that Agenda 2030 is being implemented from the World Economic Forum.

Listen carefully to what Trudeau is saying. “This Pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset … to reimagine economic systems to address extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.”


I warned back in April 2020 that this agenda was deliberately orchestrated. These people try to discourage people from listening to me by constantly misrepresenting my case and even what happened while protecting the bankers as they stole $400 million from our company. I know far too many people and many insiders release material to us because they know that the big powers all tend to read this blog. Our computer began to pick up the shifting capital flows in preparation for this scam in August 2019. It became clear that the agenda was set in motion by December 2019. Even Bill Gates began liquidating stocks for the big crash. They shifted the capital flows to the Big Tech stocks by shutting down the economy and forcing people to buy online. All of this was pre-planned.

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2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History – Martin Armstrong

2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History – Martin Armstrong

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago.  Armstrong explains, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion, or anybody else’s, it just goes on the numbers from the economic data.  It’s never been wrong.  Besides 2016 (predicted Trump win) and for this one, it said it would be the most corrupt election in American history.  I published this out at least two years ago.  People have to understand, this isn’t my opinion.  This has gone far beyond anything I would have anticipated.  Every election you have had dead people voting.  That’s pretty standard, and that’s not something new. . . . This is just off the charts.  This is the Left, and they are so desperate to take over the United States.”

If the cheating is “off the charts,” then how bad was it in terms of fraudulent votes, including votes taken from President Trump and votes given to Joe Biden?  Armstrong contends, “The cheating is in the millions, definitely millions, and perhaps as much as 38 million.  This is some of the information I am getting from behind the curtain.”

Martin Armstrong also warns, “They (Democrats/communists) want to eliminate the Supreme Court—period.  This is outrageous what they are doing.  That’s why I have said this is not a simple election between Republican and Democrat.  This is something much more sinister. . . . You will own nothing, and you will be happy.  Their idea is to strip everybody of all property—period.  That’s communism.  Then you are going to give guaranteed basic income.  If you don’t do what the government tells you to do, like get a vaccine or whatever, then, oh, your guaranteed basic income will be suspended.  Then how are you going to eat?  This is what they are doing…

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Election Distraction Has Taken Eyes Off Our Economic Ills

Election Distraction Has Taken Eyes Off Our Economic Ills

See the source image

Lately it has been difficult to write about the economy because of all the noise flowing from the election and covid-19 hype. There is a growing reluctance to opine by many economic skeptics because it appears we have been wrong on recent predictions. Only time will tell if this is true due to the huge distortions now evident in the markets. Still, all this tends to diminish confidence in the ability to see what is ahead. This has forced not only me, but other economic watchers to go back and question all we hold true.

Unfortunately, other than moving a few pieces around the board, the recent actions by the Fed only continues to move back the day of reckoning. The “extend and pretend illusion” our economy remains on a sound footing is alive and well. One place this is evident is in the area corporate bond market where many bonds now hold an investment-grade BBB rating. If a company or bond is rated BB or lower it is known as junk grade, this means the probability the company will be able to repay its issued debt is seen as speculative.

In this troubling time of covid-19 where companies are being stressed and tested, we have watched the high yield option-adjusted spreads fall back towards pre-covid levels. The fact we have not seen yields rise as lending standers have tightened indicates the Fed has removed the liquidity problem. This has temporarily masked but has not solved the solvency problem. As the “lag time effect” kicks into gear expect a growing number of defaults and bankruptcies to take place.

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“Watch this!”

“Watch this!”

There are times in my career as a collapse observer and systematizer when my running commentary can quite reasonably be pared down to just two words: “Watch this!” The current severe stage of the financial and economic collapse sequence that was initiated in 2008, which is being artificially masked (no pun intended) by the fake Covid “pandemic,” and now a hung and fraudulent US election on top of it is just such an occasion: why not just sit back and watch the world burn? But I happen to be in a particularly good and sprightly mood today, and when I get that way few things can hold me back from holding forth and bloviating prophetically.

Let’s start with a quick jaunt down memory lane. I first realized that the USA was going to follow the general trajectory of the USSR back in 1995. I also immediately realized that the USSR was rather well prepared for collapse whereas the USA was about to be blindsided by it, and so, as a public service, I thought I should warn people. “And a fat lot of good that did!” some of you might immediately exclaim. But you would be wrong: lots of people have written to me to say how much better adjusted they are psychologically now that they have heard and accepted my message, for now they are ready to accept collapse with equanimity and poise. This is sure to make their company less tedious moving forward.

And so I had my “Eureka!” moment in 1995, and a decade later, in 2005, I went public with my observations. I got a surprisingly sympathetic response from some particularly enlightened people (even if they said so themselves).

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Truckers Prepare For MASSIVE Strike To Protest Biden

It’s called “Stop the Tires,” and it’s not the first time American truckers have chosen to stand up against Joe Biden.

As news spreads about the fishy manner in which the pop media prematurely called Joe Biden “President Elect”, thousands of independent truckers, their loved-ones, and their friends, are ready to take action.

From November 26th through the 29th, they will park their trucks, and deliveries will stop – a dramatic way to show their precarious position in a field that had been mauled by Biden and Obama prior to Donald Trump offering some relief, and which sees dark times ahead, based on Biden’s announced plans.

The official Facebook page for the protest is exploding, growing to over 51,000 members in just over 36 hours, and TikTok is seeing thousands viewing the expanding number of testimonials from indie truckers explaining why they are standing up against Biden, his previous legislative malfeasance, and his plans.

As posted on the page (which can be read here if one does not want to join the Facebook group), the official Stop the Tires announcement of intent says, in part:

We will not participate in the leftist, Biden/Harris Green New Deal. We do not support the banning of fracking. The United States of America operates as a capitalistic economy and OIL is the fuel she survives on.

They plan on initiating action today, Veterans Day, and really flexing their might starting on November 26, holding solid through the 29th.

We will STOP ALL TIRES for 24 hours on Veterans Day 11/11/20. If this is not effective and our leaders do not respect that blue-collar truck drivers are having to face domestic terrorism, primarily in democrat run cities all over the United States, and that we do not support the banning of fracking in any way, then we will have our second STOP OF TIRES for FOUR full days 11/26/20-11/29/20.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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Click on image to purchase @ FriesenPress