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Spartacus Returns

Edward Hopper Approaching a city 1946
On September 26, 2021, I posted the Spartacus letter in its entirety, because I thought it was too good to “disappear” in our daily news aggregator, Debt Rattle. This turned out to be a good decision, since the letter vanished from its original server soon afterward. But it was -and is- still here. Zero Hedge reposted my repost, and things went off from there, generating some 200,000 views here and 1.85 million at Zero Hedge. Plus who knows how many at other places.

The Spartacus collective -we now know they are indeed a group- returned a few days ago with an update letter, now on Substack. That is probably a safer place then their original Docdroid site, but I’ll repost this one as well. Nice to see they are aware of the Automatic Earth’s role in garnering attention for the first letter. My pleasure. You guys are very good.

Note: the original, COVID-19: A Web of Corruption, is here.


My name is Spartacus, and I ve had enough.

I am one of the authors of the Spartacus Letter, a document that took the world by storm in September of 2021.

To date, four versions of the letter have been published, and all four can be viewed here:

Spartacus Letter V1

Spartacus Letter V2

Spartacus Letter V3

Spartacus Letter V4

We shared this document with numerous news outlets and sent it directly to Dr. Robert Malone, who linked it on his Twitter account. From there, it was reposted on the Automatic Earth blog, and then, on ZeroHedge, where it garnered over a million hits.

It was quickly decried as misinformation both by freelance analysts on Twitter, and by fact-checkers:

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

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