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The Dreadful “C” Word – Conserve!

The Dreadful “C” Word – Conserve!

An article I wrote years ago remains as relevant today as when I wrote it. The subject delved into how candidates shy away from the dreaded “C” word, conserve! It pointed out how the  Presidential candidates at the time did not even bother to mention pursuing an innovative initiative to conserve our resources. The reason for pointing this out is rooted in a very ugly weather forecast through the 20th of February. The current weather models suggest a polar vortex will continue pouring Arctic air into much of the central US which has caused natural gas prices to soar along with electricity demand. The sad fact is many Americans will respond by cranking up their thermostats while they watch Netflix shows or use energy to mine Bitcoin. 

His Thermostat At Home Is Set At?

Because of my business, over the last several years I have had reason to enter many large buildings and offices in the evenings or during weekends. Amazingly, on cold winters nights, weekends, and over holidays thermostats on many of these buildings are not set-back and these buildings are a toasty seventy degrees. Yes all over America we heat empty buildings as though they are occupied. Also, a fair number of computers and lights are often left on long after everyone is gone for the day, it seems many people don’t care enough to make the slightest effort to turn down the heat or turn off a light.This is an awareness and an attitude problem and, without a gentle nudge to conserve, Americans will continue to damage the environment and add to climate change. Generally, Americans are a spoiled breed.

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