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Will Elections ever be Valid Any More?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have stated that you believe Kennedy was assassinated by the US Intelligence community. Given all this stuff with Comey, FBI, CIA, and NSA all conspiring against Trump, do you think that the real risk of interfering with our elections is not the Russians but closer to home? Is this a practice that always takes place that we are just suddenly becoming aware of these days?

Thank you

see you in Orlando


ANSWER: Absolutely. It is being called Spygate and it is very disturbing. The Democrats did absolutely everything to put Hillary in office. They thought they won. They had the press in their pocket like CNN, New York Times, and the Washington Post leading a host of others. We have to realize that Democracy is dead. I really do fear that Trump will be the LAST democratically elected president. What comes after Trump is not going to be warm and endearing.

Politicians have been rigging elections since ancient times. There can be no greater example of political corruption that required desperate reform than the calendar. Cato or the more moderate Cicero both criticized Julius Caesar who became pontifex max (high priest) taking charge of the calendar. The Romans used the moon calendar but knew it was incorrect and thus it required adjustments by inserting days. The corruption degenerated to such a point that elections could be postponed by the insertion of days. This realization led to bribing the high priest to even insert months to affect the political elections. This is why Julius Caesar revised the calendar to eliminate the political corruption. Moreover, interest rates would rise during elections because of the amount of money being paid out in bribing votes.

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