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Moisturizer: A Lifesaving (Yes, Really!) Stockpile Item That Most Preppers Forget

Moisturizer: A Lifesaving (Yes, Really!) Stockpile Item That Most Preppers Forget

As preppers, we have all sorts of lists to help us remain organized and better prepared.

We have lists of food supplies, lists of off-grid supplies,lists of non-food supplies, lists of medical supplies, and lists of books. We have first aid lists, water purifications lists, and personal hygiene lists.

But there’s one prep that hardly ever makes it on any lists, and my friend, medical professional Lizzie Bennett of the website Underground Medic is going to explain why this humble item is one of the most important things you’ll ever stockpile.

The Lifesaving Stockpile Item That Most Preppers Forget

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. It holds everything together and forms a barrier between your delicate internal organs, your muscles, bones and tendons and the elements on the outside.

Your skin is an amazing organ. It’s waterproof but at the same time semi-permeable. It allows waste products to seep out, such as sweat and it can directly absorb vitamins such as vitamins A, E, and C. It protects against infections too numerous to mention – providing it remains intact, but therein lies the problem.

The skin is easily damaged.

  • Anything sharp, from a bramble thorn to a stiletto blade damages it.
  • The sun can burn and blister it.
  • Foreign objects can pass right through it.
  • It is susceptible to blunt force trauma causing a drop in circulating blood volume as the blood from broken capillaries seep into the damaged area causing the classic discoloration of bruising.
  • It is affected by chemicals and environmental pollution.
  • It scars easily.
  • If it is over-stretched collagen in its sub-structure tears and stretch marks form. The nerve endings within stretch marks are damaged permanently.

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