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It is Time to Knock off the Bullshit About Surveillance for Terrorism

It is Time to Knock off the Bullshit About Surveillance for Terrorism


The worldwide collection of phone calls, emails, text messages and our total loss of privacy is all about taxes – NOT terrorism. With all this power and the demand that encryption be outlawed, not any of this surveillance has stopped one terrorist act. There was the Boston bombers, two kids using cell phones. They didn’t catch that either. Then there was the two guys dressing up as women who attacked the NSA itself. They didn’t know about that. Then Charlie Hebdo, that too was a surprise. Now we have an all out assault on civilians in Paris carried out by 3 suicide squads and again they were clueless.This surveillance does not work because they are really monitoring the people for taxes or they would not be storing everything forever.



Ministry for State Security (Stasi) smelling jars _ From the Vault

Let’s get honest here. The only other intelligence agency to collect evidence on everyone was the notorious Stasi of East Germany. When the Wall came down, the extent of the secret police operations targeted against their own people was mind-blowing. What surfaced was their “smelling jars” collection. Yes, the Stasi used odour recognition to keep tabs on anyone they suspected. The Stasi often collected the samples covertly by breaking into homes to stealing a suspects’ used underwear. They then kept them in jars in case they turned up missing to hunt them down.

A friend grew up behind the Wall. When it fell, his father obtained the Stasi file on him just as the NSA now builds on everyone. In that file he read that all his friends were reporting on him to the Stasi. He no longer retains any friends for his trust in humanity was destroyed.

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