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Duterte Exposes The Difference Between Homegrown Environmentalism And a Neo-Colonial Green Movement

Duterte Exposes The Difference Between Homegrown Environmentalism And a Neo-Colonial Green Movement

President Duterte’s record on the domestic environment is arguably the best of any modern Filipino leader. His project to clean up Manila Bay has seen a once heavily polluted body of water return to a place of beauty whilst just over a year after closing the tourist island of Boracay, it is once again open to visitors who must now abide be regulations that strictly prohibit polluting the natural beauty of the picturesque destination. Duterte has likewise delivered when it comes to cleaning up once filthy rivers and canals throughout the country.

From improving air quality to removing rubbish, scum and chemicals from rivers and creeks, Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has not just removed the criminal element from the streets but he is overseeing a revival of the beautiful natural environment of The Philippines that has for decades been neglected. In this sense, when Duterte pledged to deliver “clean government” upon taking office in 2016, he was speaking both metaphorically and literally.

But while Duterte’s genuine environmental credentials have scarcely been reported outside of The Philippines, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is often described as a champion of green policies. His record however shows that for whatever he may be doing to bring green policies (including increased taxation) to Canada’s icy tundras, his policies have come at the expense of the environment in The Philippines.

One of the great misnomers regarding the recycling movement is that it is completely sustainable. In reality, much of the western world’s “recycled” goods simply end up in landfills and dumping grounds in the developing world. Far from being actual recycling through the reuse of discarded materials, much of the “recycling” industry simply removes rubbish from western countries and puts them in foreign countries where the waste sits and rots, all the while blighting the local environment.

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Understanding State Propaganda From The USSR to The USA

Understanding State Propaganda From The USSR to The USA

While the de jure role of state sponsored propaganda is to convince a population to adopt a certain line of thinking on the issues of the day, the de fato function of state sponsored propaganda is rather different. In a society in which even a sizeable minority of the public are capable of critical thinking, few will immediately believe everything they are told, even if they can’t quite put their figure on a specific point of contention.

Because of that, in educated societies as the Soviet Union’s was, state propaganda serves a purpose of alerting people as to what they are forbidden to disagree with in public. In other words, if the official state line as delivered through state sanctioned newspapers, radio and television is that the economy is booming, people are being paid well and on time and that the new housing stock is superior to any other in the world – the authors of such propaganda do not expect those who are under-paid, living in mediocre housing and unable to elevate themselves into a higher living standard, to believe the self-evident nonsense that forms the core of the propaganda.

Instead, as part of the political requirement for society not to fall apart, it is expected that in private, people will complain to their friends and family about the fact that the economy is poor, people are stuck in dead end jobs and that housing is substandard, but that in public one will refrain from voicing these thoughts, because if they did, they would lose their job at a state owned factory, lose their state pension and if they took their message of opposition to greater heights, they could even receive a visit from the police.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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