Prime Minister Matteo Renzi gave a powerful speech on the need of acting against climate change….. or did he?
A few days ago, Mr. Renzi, Italy’s prime minister, attended a meeting on the climate situation. He was praised for having taken a stance against climate change, but I think his speech is a good example of how a smart politician can say a lot and, at the same time, say nothing. It is a political style that is not specific to Italy, but is, rather, universal today.
So, I took the liberty of translating some of Mr. Renzi’s statements at the meeting on climate, (as reported here) and adding their real meaning as Mr. Renzi himself could have done. (boldface: Mr. Renzi actual statements)
“I don’t believe in a culture of negativity and of pessimism, I am optimist, but it is necessary to assume one’s responsibilities and the time of choices is today” – So, I am starting with this remarkable platitude, and don’t think I’ll stop here!
“…to say that for us climate is a priority means to give back a sense of identity to our country…” which is, of course, another platitude, but it serves a purpose: note that I said “a” priority and I didn’t say which are the other priorities so that, as you may well imagine, there will always be some priority higher than climate (and in a moment I’ll tell you what these priorities are).
…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…