2024 & the Inevitable Rise of Biometrics
Perhaps you are asked to do captchas to “prove you’re human” and they seem to be getting more complex all the time or simply not working at all?
Why do you think that might be?
We’ll come back to that.
Did you know we’re in a “breakthrough year” for biometric payment systems?
According to this story from CNBC, JPMorgan and Mastercard are on board with the technology and intend a wide rollout in the near future, following successful trials.
In March this year, JPMorgan signed a deal with PopID to begin a broad release of biometric payment systems in 2025.
A Mastercard spokesman told CNBC:
Our focus on biometrics as a secure way to verify identity, replacing the password with the person, is at the heart of our efforts in this area,”
Apple Pay already lets you pay with a face scan, while Amazon have introduced pay-by-palm in many of their real-world stores.
VISA showcased their latest palm biometric payment set-up at an event in Singapore earlier this year.
As we covered in a recent This Week, PayPal is pushing out its own biometric payment systems in the name of “preventing fraud”.
As always, this is not just an issue in “the West”.
Chinese companies have been leading this race for a while, with AliPay having biometric payment options since 2015.
Moscow’s Metro system has been using facial recognition cameras for biometric payments for over a year.
And it’s not just payments, “replacing the password with the person” has already spread to other areas.
…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…