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What alternatives are there REALLY for fossil fuel use? – Dialogue with Mark Taylor

What alternatives are there REALLY for fossil fuel use? – Dialogue with Mark Taylor

Hint: it’s not solar

John: “What alternative to carbon-based fuels do you suggest, if not solar? Since the WPP is engaging in the process of policy development, we need one for transitioning away from carbon-based fuels. Any ideas?”

Mark:”First, to set the stage…”




Just contemplate the energy needed to power these scenes on a single night … and these are just three of the ‘smaller’ cities. How many solar panels would it take?

Here’s Mumbai…

Hey, maybe we better go nuclear … and really accelerate the insanity.

Nobody was a bigger fan of solar and wind energy than me, when I first learned about them. It made so much sense — hell, the planet is bathed in solar energy every day and wind blows and tides come and go. What’s not to like?

Well the gap between promise and reality, panels and watts, rooftop collectors and industrial waste, the disaster of precious mineral extraction, battery and panel recycling limitations and the human rights abuses the technology depends upon turns out to be huge.

The silence by the starry-eyed Green Deal left on the devastating human rights issue of “clean” energy is a sickening example of western liberal privilege. You can find lots of information on the issue, here’s a recent piece from Democracy Now!“Cobalt Red”: Smartphones & Electric Cars Rely on Toxic Mineral Mined in Congo by Children … 

The fact is, our urbanized high density industrial civilization rose and rides on easy availability of plentiful cheap, high density, high polluting energy. Without it we are stuck in the mud. The availability of the traditional energy sources are dwindling and all the pollution from 250 years of cheap high density dirty energy is choking us off.

…click on the above link to read the rest…

Olduvai IV: Courage
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