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Citing Corrupt Think Tanks For News Reports Is Blatant Propaganda

Citing Corrupt Think Tanks For News Reports Is Blatant Propaganda

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One of the weirdest things about the mass media propaganda which manipulates the way people think, act and vote to maintain the status quo is the fact that mainstream news outlets routinely cite the employees of think tanks that are sponsored by war profiteers and government powers as expert sources for their reports. And they just get away with it.

To pick one of nearly infinite possible examples, here in Australia the Murdoch press are currently citing a report generated through the funding of governments and weapons manufacturers to whip up public hysteria about the ridiculous fantasy that China might attack us. The most egregious of these is a write-up from Sky News whose headline reads, “Lowy Institute report: China possesses ability to ‘strike Australia’ with long-range missiles, bombers“.

On social media Sky News is sharing this story with the even more incendiary caption “China now has the military arsenal to pose the greatest threat to the Australian mainland since World War II, experts warn.”

Sky News Australia

China now has the military arsenal to pose the greatest threat to the Australian mainland since World War II, experts warn.https://www.skynews.com.au/australia-news/defence-and-foreign-affairs/lowy-institute-report-china-possesses-ability-to-strike-australia-with-longrange-missiles-bombers/news-story/66706e2f1a28b186d4f90177582be87d?preview=true 

Australia ‘firmly within reach of Chinese long-range missiles’

China now has the military arsenal to pose the greatest threat to the Australian mainland since World War II, experts warn.

The “experts” in question are the Lowy Institute, named after its billionaire founder, which is funded by multiple branches of the Australian government including ASIO and the Department of Defence, by major financial institutions, and by weapons manufacturers like Boeing…

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