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When the Unprepared Come to Your Door: What to Do

When the Unprepared Come to Your Door: What to Do

It is an absolute certainty that when a disaster strikes that lasts for any prolonged period, people will show up at your door if you are stocked or better positioned to survive than they are.  Over the years, I have read numerous comments about what people would do.  The majority of preppers take a rigid approach to what they view as potential looters.  Instead of just dismissing them, they’re prepared to expel them from their property through force.  Then, you have the opposite end of the spectrum where some preppers set aside small care packages or backpacks to hand out to people who would come knocking so they can be sent on their way with a little bit better chance to survive.  Both approaches are problematic, and there is much in between those two extremes.  A desperate enough person might try to burn you out to get to your resources, even though that could destroy the resources in the process.  And a person who receives a hand-out or hand-up because of your generosity may come around again or tell others which will potentially result in a line outside your door.

In this blog, we will look at those people who would show up at your door and what you can do to both protect yourself and help them.  It’s a difficult decision for sure.  It is one thing to ignore a stranger or maybe even an acquaintance.  It is quite another to turn away a neighbor, friend, or even a family member when your own resources are limited, well-prepared in advance, and you are staring down the barrel of a disaster that may stretch on for an indeterminable amount of time…

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