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JCU bans Prof Peter Ridd from criticizing scientific institutions. Defiant, he refuses, fights on!

JCU bans Prof Peter Ridd from criticizing scientific institutions. Defiant, he refuses, fights on!

 JCU is trying (and failing) to gag Peter Ridd from discussing why we can’t trust scientific organisations

Peter Ridd: In an era of dangerous groupthink in science, academic freedom and scientific integrity is increasingly under attack.

Last August Professor Peter Ridd said the unsayable — that we can no longer trust scientific institutions. His employer, James Cook University (JCU) could have explained why they were trustworthy, but instead they fired back with a formal censure and ordered him to be silent, effectively to stop him criticizing the current state of science or scientific institutions. Then knowing exactly how respectable, ethical, and scientific this is,  they also ordered him not to mention the censure too. Let’s censor the censure, too!

If there was a crisis in science, what academic would be allowed to point it out?

It gets dirtier, apparently now they are even trawling through his private emails as well, hunting for more ammunition for their misconduct case. Who’s a bit desperate?

Hypothetically, if there is a crisis in modern science, with a failure to replicate results or a lack objectivity, this could cost the nation billions, risk the reef, slow medical research, and hurt our children, but  JCU have effectively said that no one they employ can talk about it. Does the state of science matter to JCU? Not as much as their right to issue prophecies, no hard questions asked, star on the tellie, and help their favourite political cause. (Science for Big-Government’s sake).

Obviously, Ridd is having none of this, and is determined to openly and brazenly breach both instructions. Tell the World! Furthermore, he’s taking the matter to the Federal Court, and raising funds to fight for free speech. (You can help!)

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