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‘Developed’ nations now $50 TRILLION in debt; literally, figuratively bankrupt for infrastructure, public services

‘Developed’ nations now $50 TRILLION in debt; literally, figuratively bankrupt for infrastructure, public services

I continue to factually assert that Benjamin Franklin already “discovered” government can operate without taxes, these superior mechanics were considered so important by Thomas Edison and Henry Ford that they dedicated their 1921 summer vacation as a media tour to communicate directly to the public, and Yale economist Irving Fisher found 86% of economics professors across the US in agreement that creating debt-free money for direct payment for public goods and services is superior to our system of creating what we use for money as debt owed to private banks.

I also factually assert that the US $18 trillion debt, and the so-called “developed” and “leading” nations have total central government debt pushing $50 trillion ($50,000,000,000,000; the linked graphic updated with 2015 data). This accelerating debt is directly connected to these “former” colonial nations creating what is used for money as debt through bank oligarchies. These mechanics are like adding negative numbers forever; causing ever-increasing and unpayable aggregate debt.

Two minute video for you to visualize the US national debt:

This system we have is literally and figuratively bankrupt.

It’s also literally irresponsible (unable to respond) in face of deaths from preventable poverty since 1995 being greater than all wars and violence in recorded human history.

Better read the above sentence twice.

Now, please experience the feeling of what kind of leadership would allow ongoing and staggering numbers of children to suffer slow and gruesomely painful deaths when solutions are known, easy to apply, and all for less than 1% of the so-called “developed” nations’ income.

Maybe that kind of “leadership” is expressed by three former US Treasury Secretaries interviewed by Sheryl Sandberg, a former Chief of Staff for a fourth former US Treasury Secretary in this one-minute exchange with grandiose laughter about their euphemism for poverty, “income inequality”:

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

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