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U.S. Total Public Debt Increases a Stunning $25 Billion A Day In 2020

U.S. Total Public Debt Increases a Stunning $25 Billion A Day In 2020

Americans better become reacquainted with Gold and Silver.  With the Federal Government adding $25 billion of new debt every day so far this year, at some point, investors are going to lose faith in the U.S. Dollar and U.S. Treasuries.  Just think about that for a minute.  On average, for every working day this year (116 days so far), the U.S. Public Debt has increased by $25 billion.

In just one week, the additional $125 billion of U.S. Public Debt could have purchased all global silver mine supply for the past eight years, nearly 7,000,000,000 oz.  And, in a little less than a month and a half, the increase in U.S. Public Debt would have purchased ALL KNOWN Global Silver Production since 1493… 52,000,000,000+ oz.  This is how insane the whole system has become.

According to the data from the St. Louis Federal Reserve and TreasuryDirect.gov, total U.S. Public Debt increased from $23.2 trillion in Q4 2019 to $26.1 trillion as of June 10th (the figure is $26.065 trillion, but I rounded it up to $26.1 trillion).

So, in less than six months, the total U.S. Federal Debt ballooned by nearly $3 trillion.  Now, if we go back and take the annual debt increase for each year and divide it by 250 working days, we have the chart below:

From 2007 to 2019, the average debt increase per day was $4.4 billion.  Take a look at the average increase of U.S. Public Debt so far in 2020.  It sticks out like a sore thumb.. eh?  If we divide $2.9 trillion of new debt by 116 working days in 2020, it comes out to a nice EVEN $25 billion PER DAY… LOL.

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Total U.S. Public Debt & Interest Expense Hit A New Record High

Total U.S. Public Debt & Interest Expense Hit A New Record High

The total U.S. public debt hit a new record high of $21.145 trillion on the last day in May.  As the U.S. debt increased, so did the interest expense which jumped by more than $26 billion in the first seven months of the fiscal year.  That’s correct; the United States government forked out an additional $26 billion to service its debt (Oct.-Apr) versus the same period last year.

While the U.S. debt reached a new high on May 31st, it took nearly two months to do it.  Let me explain.  During tax season, the total U.S. public debt actually declined from a peak of $21.135 trillion on April 10th to a low of $21.033 trillion on May 3rd.  Since then, the U.S. debt has been steadily moving higher (including some daily fluctuations):

If you spend some time on the TreasuryDirect.gov site, you will see that the total public debt doesn’t go up in a straight line.  There are days or weeks where the total debt declines.  However, the overall trend is higher.

Now, a rising debt level impacts the interest the U.S. Treasury must pay on this debt… especially when the average interest rate also increases.  According to the TreasuryDirect.gov, the interest expense rose from $257.3 billion (Oct-Apr) 2017 to $283.6 billion (Oct-Apr) this year:

As I mentioned, the U.S. government paid an additional $26 billion to service the debt than it did last year.  Now, $26 billion may not seem like a lot of money these days, but it could buy the total global Registered Silver inventory:

Thus, the extra $26 billion paid by the U.S. Treasury to service its debt would have purchased the 1+ billion ounces of silver held in the COMEX (270 million oz) and all the Global Silver ETFs. And, this would include the 138 million oz of silver supposedly stored at the JP Morgan vaults.

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U.S. Public Debt Surges By $175 Billion In One Day

U.S. Public Debt Surges By $175 Billion In One Day

After the U.S. Government passed the new budget and debt increase, with the President’s signature and blessing, happy days are here again.  Or are they?  As long as the U.S. Government can add debt, then the Global Financial and Economic Ponzi Scheme can continue a bit longer.  However, the days of adding one Dollar of debt to increase the GDP by two-three Dollars are gone forever.  Now, we are adding three-four Dollars of debt to create an additional Dollar in GDP.  This monetary hocus-pocus isn’t sustainable.

Well, it didn’t take long for the U.S. Government to increase the total debt once the debt ceiling limit was lifted.  As we can see in the table below from the treasurydirect.gov site, the U.S. public debt increased by a whopping $175 billion in just one day:

I gather it’s true that Americans like to do everything… BIG.  In the highlighted yellow part of the table, it shows that the total U.S. public debt outstanding increased from $20.49 trillion on Feb 8th to $20.69 trillion on Feb 9th.  Again, that was a cool $175 billion increase in one day.  Not bad.  If the U.S. Government took that $175 billion and purchased the average median home price of roughly $250,000, they could have purchased nearly three-quarter of a million homes.  Yes, in just one day.  The actual figure would be 700,000 homes.

Regardless, we are now off to the races when it comes to adding GOBS of DEBT to continue a Ponzi Scheme that would make Bernie Madoff jealous.

There is so much that I want to write about and put into videos, but there is only so much time in the day.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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