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Lines in the Sand


When I was younger I would get into intense political and ideological discussions with various individuals from both sides of the aisle. And in America there are usually two sides to every aisle, always perfectly demonstrating the polarization that keeps “We the People” endlessly chasing our tails in tight little circles while our masters loot and pillage to no end.

I tend to be the devil’s advocate and will often take the other side of any discussion, if only to test how factually based and intellectually consistent the other person’s thinking is. No surprise here but they rarely are; unless (of course) they’re using their own unique set of facts to base their deeply flawed argument upon.

Often the ‘discussion’ would quickly devolve into minutiae when the other person is confronted with their own hypocrisy or inconsistency. I am always amazed how fiercely they will cling to some irrefutable ‘fact’ in their argument as if that little gem perfectly supported their entire cognitive fallacy.

I eventually learned to never underestimate the lengths to which people will go to believe precisely what they want to believe, facts or hypocrisy be damned. One guy actually had the gumption to tell me with a straight face that we lived in a free country and he was entitled to believe whatever he wanted to believe.

It doesn’t take a ‘free’ country to accomplish that my friend, just a terminally closed mind.

I used to think people simply would not view the world with an open mind. Then I thought people simply couldnot. Lately I’ve come to understand it’s a little bit of both, combined with a heaping dollop of a complete lack of critical thinking sprinkled liberally with deep denial and affirmation seeking. Once the pile of self deception and outright denial grows to critical proportions, the addled ‘thinker’ cannot concede any one point without conceding all points.


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SkyNet is sentient and will destroy your investments and pension


SkyNet is Sentient and Will Destroy Your Investments and Pension

Do you really want to know about how SkyNet controls your investments and pension via the various financial markets? I ask with all sincerity because the subject is not pleasant and may even be frightening to those who have followed a strict diet of financial ignorance.

Once you know, it is nearly impossible to un-know. And just as there is never only one weed in the garden, knowing this inevitably leads to a critical juncture where one must then decide if they wish to know more or simply curl up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor.

You see, when “We the Mindless Minions” (desperately) wish to avoid responsibility for knowing, while the specific tactics used may vary greatly, the theme remains pretty consistent. I call it the Sgt. Schultz defense.

“I know nothing, I see nothing and I was never here.”

A variation of the theme, usually employed when among others, thus we cannot claim total ignorance about the uncomfortable subject presently being discussed, is brilliant in its ability to disavow responsibility while passing the buck to someone (anyone) at a higher pay grade.

“They would never let that happen/do that,” or the always reassuring “I’m sure someone’s looking into that as we speak.” Now how about those (fill in this blank with any sport, celebrity, politician, TV show or viral cat video).

Disavowing knowledge or responsibility, passing the buck and then changing the subject is the time tested way to live in blissful ignorance. Or as I have grown fond of saying, unconscious incompetence with a heaping side order of willful ignorance.

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A World Hangs in the Balance


The overwhelming number of well-funded groups “fighting for change” in this world are misdirected. Intentionally so.

These groups are designed to go off track, eliminate freedom, and produce answers that bring about more top-down control.

I can’t emphasize that strongly enough:

—The use of dupes and pawns, organized into groups, which cause more chaos and try to demoralize and box in THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL.

But the independent individual must survive, because he is where civilization begins.

The independent individual must understand this: his rational powers, and his imagination and creative impulse, are the foundation of anything that could be called civilization.

He can sacrifice these abilities on some altar of expediency or fear, but if he does, his light goes out.

Virtually ALL well-funded groups in the world who opt for change and betterment, under the banner of “greatest good for everyone,” are controlled.

They are paid for and run as fronts for global takeover. Their workers on the ground are clueless.

The elites we call the Globalists are basically promoting the following message: “If consent is withdrawn from our brilliant structure, life will go down the drain. We must have more groups who support our structure.”

Who basically withdraws consent? THE INDIVIDUAL.

Those individuals who sacrifice their own rational power and imagination are, in effect, consenting to the Globalist takeover.

That takeover is not civilization in any meaningful sense of the word.

It is tyranny.

Tyranny takes everything from the independent individual, and gives it to the permanently dependent individual.

And then, as the vortex spins deeper, more people become dependent, and the tyrants allow them just enough to survive on the margins.

Every sane person wants a better world, but most sane people don’t yet recognize how that impulse can be twisted against them. Do you believe power-elites would promote their vision under the banner of “a police state” or “dictatorship, poverty, and loss of hope for all”?

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Collapse Fatigue


When we initially awaken and realize life is not what we were taught, inner alarms scream for our attention. Even though we can sense a danger we didn’t previously perceive, we cannot judge how close it is. There is no scale to measure proximity, only the palpable fear of a real and present danger.

Naturally, most of us will desperately grasp for answers. How can this be? What does this mean? What do I do now? And who is to blame?

We need answers! Or at least we think we do.

As we search for answers, we find there is no shortage of players who are more than willing to supply us with all the answers to our now life changing questions. Most of these people speak with a voice of absolute authority, stating factoids and tidbits with complete certainty and conviction. Naturally they insist their truth must be your truth, for only a fool and still asleep sheep would reject self evident ‘truth‘.

Scared and desperate for answers, we eagerly listen to those who are brimming with explanations. We quickly discover the alternative media, where much of this information is promoted, is populated by a whole herd of people who arrived long before us, thereby seemingly affirming this new stream of stories and explanations as correct. Many of us find ourselves quickly, even gratefully, moving from our old herd to the new one.

Similar in structure to the world we are now rejecting, the alternative herd has many factions, some quite cohesive, others more fractured and splintered. There are survivalists, preppers, the woo-woo crowd, the intellectuals, the political activists, the militants and so on. There appear to be an unlimited number of cubbyholes where all sorts of kooks, geeks, homesteaders, healers and revolutionaries hang out. Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you see another.

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The Sociopaths Among Us


What passes for standard operating procedure (SOP) on Wall Street and in Washington DC would never even cross our minds as a valid choice, let alone desirable or even possible to consider. In fact, we find most of the sociopath’s more egregious antics to be too fantastical to actually be true because we would never ever consider doing those things ourselves.

This social/psychological phenomenon is precisely why The Big Lie (and the mountain of smaller lies supporting The Big Lie) is so powerful and utterly believable to the average Jane or Joe. Time and time again I have heard a person, still deeply embedded within the Matrix, tell me the revelation I’ve just passed on to him or her is simply impossible, thus in their mind discredited and totally without merit.

And yet their initial unthinking response (“I just can’t believe……”) tells me all I need to know about their severe case of cognitive dissonance as well as their desperation to keep reality at bay. It simply can’t be possible because they know it to be impossible. The sociopaths feed off this type of emotional dysfunction the way whales feast off large schools of krill or sardines. It’s all right there for the taking, consumed in one big gulp.

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Where Will You Be When the End Game Begins?


Sometime after oh dark thirty it will begin, the previously cocked trigger suddenly released to wreck havoc throughout the world’s financial system. Like an intricate and interwoven design made entirely of standing dominoes, all it takes is a slight disturbance to knock one off its base and start the cascade of toppled consequences running down the line.

With the benefit of hindsight it will be seen that the trigger itself was not the killer. Instead, sometime later, a specific projectile will be (most likely falsely) identified as the blunt instrument which tore economic flesh asunder and quickly bled the system of ‘liquidity’ faster than a slash to the femoral artery. Too late to make a difference, tourniquets will be applied to stem the red tide. Sadly, all it will accomplish is to extend economic life long enough to enable a final frenzy of looting before the bloody end.

And the totalitarian end game will have only just begun.

A socioeconomic system, if healthy and vibrant, can usually withstand extremely rough handling and even intentionally directed assault. A severed lifeline, while certainly a devastating shock to the organism, can and will be survived simply because adequate resources and flexibility remain within the structure which can be quickly marshaled while emergency repairs are made.

But a compromised entity already deathly ill, continuously pumped with toxic drugs and stimulants, stressed beyond compare by various Rube Goldberg financial devices, constantly monitored and regulated to assure compliance to artificial standards no natural system would ever adhere to, is always one disturbance away from disaster.

Thus the stage is set for the dark thirty triggering event.

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Civilization Ebbs and Flows: You Remain


When I was planning my three Matrix collections, I made this note:

“Civilizations ebb and flow, rise and fall, but the individual remains. He needs, under any and all circumstances, to keep two capacities intact: 1) reasoning, logic, analysis; and 2) imagination. These are the well springs. No matter what situation he finds himself in, he will need these. He should not only preserve these two faculties, but also expand and deepen them. Nothing that could be happening around him is an excuse to desert these cores.”

What is happening around us now, in these times, certainly provides major distractions and diversions. It’s easy to go off on tangents and engineer reasons why we can’t achieve goals and embody our dreams. But that doesn’t help us. It doesn’t serve our interests.

After 30 years of working as a reporter, author, and researcher, I’ve come to understand that an imagined vision of what a person truly wants is his North Star. Working at higher and higher levels to fulfill that vision and make it into fact in the world eventually produces unexpected rewards. And also spills over into benefits for others.

The phrase “truly wants” is a key. When you reach down to that level of desire and see it, you find both peace and energy.

You find leverage. Now circumstances tend to adjust to you, rather than you adjusting to them.

It is as if the status quo has been waiting for a change, a transformation, and it moves toward you for assistance.

At the root of ancient alchemy was the notion that nature, in all its manifestations, was engaged in conflict, and a “quintessence” was needed to work a higher resolution. That quintessence is born out of imagination, the envisioning of new possibilities.



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2016: The Year Ahead


2016 will rigorously test people’s readiness to embody their truth. Can we live the wisdom and transformation we’ve been cultivating over years of study, journeying, and contemplation? Can we summon the strength to have our outside accurately reflect our inside? Are we ready to run our own world yet?

In many schools of mystical study, polarity is a key principle. The student is taught that everything in life is dual. All phenomena have pairs of opposites, as observed in the primal forces of birth and death, day and night, order and chaos, joy and sorrow. Over time, through experientially mapping and understanding the interplay of each set of polarities in our own lives, we may gradually determine a point of equilibrium that reveals the hidden teachings of these mysterious fluctuations. What we must be careful to avoid, is clinging to just one end of life’s naturally divergent polarizations. And herein lie the trials set forth in the world’s current crises.

At every turn, the synthetic culture of Empire implores us to throw our hearts and minds into unconscious polarization. It wants us to radicalize ourselves to either patriot or terrorist, believer or atheist, white or black, liberal or conservative, strong or weak, and then embark on an endless crusade to reform, condemn, or destroy the other side. This one-way polarization renders all participants impotent, regardless of which side they pick. This subtle but devastating trick deactivates our will and we automatically forfeit our capacity to rule ourselves. Lost in unconscious polarization, we serve Empire.

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The Simple Pump


The following is the first of several articles outlining the research, preparation and installation of The Simple Pump, a high quality mechanical pump used both in everyday applications such as a ranch, farm, off grid cabin or homestead, as well as an efficient backup to an existing fresh water pumping system. These are long reads, not brief outlines, and apply only to our specific situation and location. Your experience can and will vary from ours. 

It is said we can’t live more than three minutes without air, three days without water and three weeks without food. While I never wish to test any aspect of that statement, prudence dictates we prepare as best we can for those events of greatest probability. Thankfully, running out of (breathable) air is low on the list (at least where we live) while water and food are at the top.

When Mrs. Cog and I began our search for a new home, high on the list of ‘needs’ was a (relatively) remote location with its own well and septic system. We did not wish to rely upon outside sources to supply life sustaining water and/or to remove our waste product. Systems break when stress is applied, be it financial, governmental or personal. It is far easier to maintain our own systems than for the local, state or national government to maintain theirs.

As Mrs. Cog recounted with great humor in a November 2014 article (Amps Times Volts Equals Watts) a discussion about wells and water cropped up when I began to tackle the issue of sustainable solar power. Our well is deep……which is both a good and bad problem depending upon your point of view. Deep usually means a steady supply of fresh water as well as one less likely to be contaminated by surface sources.

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Compelling Reasons Why the Only Answer is to Question


What is the meaning of life? Better yet: what is the reason for discovering a meaning of life? Do we really need an answer? How far can I get into this without making a statement? Can any of these questions be answered? Perhaps (that answers the fourth question at least), but perhaps not.

The best answer I’ve discovered for the first question is this: Whatever you want your life to mean. Which begs another question: are answers as important as we give them credit for? Perhaps, but I think not.

Here’s the thing: if we rely too much on answers, we have a tendency to give up our search for better answers, let alone for better questions. When it comes down to it, everything can be questioned. Even the most certain things can be questioned. Like our own existence, for example. It’s highly probable that you exist, after all, you are reading this. Likewise, it’s highly probable that I exist, after all, I am writing this. But even as certain as we are in answering “yes” to the question “do I exist?” there’s no reason why we should completely rely on that answer. After all, there may be much more to this whole “existence” thing than even we know. And it will be through questions –not answers– that we will discover how deep the rabbit hole really goes.

Answers are fine as long as were using them as stepping-stones toward better questions. The problem is we too often use them as security blankets or buttressed comfort zones, and our journey comes to an anticlimactic and contented end. But there’s too much at stake to allow that to happen: self-individuation, self-emancipation, and self-actualization, to name a few.

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C-Section Awakenings

C-Section Awakenings

Speaking from painful experience, the deeper the conditioning the more difficult the awakening. When appraised with an open mind and a fearless self examination, there is little doubt “We the People” have been deeply conditioned……even those of us who now claim our own personal awakening. The depth of our collective conditioning is why there will be many abrupt and traumatic C-section awakenings when the world comes crashing down around us. When seen dispassionately and objectively the question is not if, but when, how fast and by how much.

When referring to a live birth, the concept of a C-section ‘birth’ has always fascinated me. Considering the act of birth has been repeated billions of times over millions of years in one form or another (and one species or another) if anything can be considered ‘natural’ this can. So to cut open a living breathing being, often while awake and fully conscious of the ongoing procedure, and then pluck one living being from another is simply mind boggling.

While some might argue not navigating the birth canal saves the newborn from physical distress, to be plucked from the comforting womb and delivered into the stark reality of ‘life’ must be its own special kind of hell. Then again, children are remarkably resilient with short memories and little conditioning and this is especially true for newborns. They were born for the travails of birth.

To be thrust into the world naked and naïve when we have not been properly readied, devoid of all the tempering trials and preparations needed to ready us, is extremely disorientating and the furthest thing from ‘natural’ one can get. Just imagine your entire world violently sliced open and you torn kicking and screaming from it. While that might be a bit of an exaggeration when speaking of ‘birth’, it is a considerable understatement when discussing the deeply conditioned mind violently ripped from the safe confines of its comforting delusions.

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Self-Deception, Our Media and the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes Effect’

Self-Deception, Our Media and the ‘Emperor’s New Clothes Effect’

Published in 1837, the short story by Hans Christian Andersen called the Emperor’s New Clothes is a children’s story that carries some eye-opening messages about life, reality, society and self-deception.

It seems that no one wants to talk about self-deception these days.  I believe one of the reasons for this is we feel embarrassed when we are wrong especially when we find out that we have been lying to ourselves.

When we lie to ourselves and we decide that we want to grow beyond the lie we have to look into life’s mirror metaphorically and face the truth behind our lies.  This type of truth seeking can leave us feeling naked, vulnerable and a bit scared of what we are going to find.

Owning your Creation
Via prodigalsonspodcast.com
Via prodigalsonspodcast.com

Self-transparency is taught in many different spiritual circles today.  They talk about owning your own creation.  What they often mean is that if you feel that your life is bad, then that is your fault.  Conversely, if you feel that your life is good then that may also be your fault.

Though a lot of our reality is determined by an optimistic or pessimistic perception it is good to learn how to accept our reality and find peace in the present moment.  The truth of the matter is, there are many things that appear to be outside of our physical control.

For example other people’s thoughts and actions.  Those are elements that can add insight into our world, but we cannot and should not control others.  But enough about consciousness, we can dig into the realms of thought and self-mastery at a later time.  What about Hans Christian Andersen?

Was Hans Christian Andersen awake?

Pic by Thora Hallager 1869
Pic by Thora Hallager 1869


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The Reason You Work So Hard to Participate in the Rat Race

The Reason You Work So Hard to Participate in the Rat Race

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “A man in debt is so far a slave.” Money has no intrinsic value yet we spend our days damaging our health and spirit in order to obtain it. Why do we sacrifice our well-being for it? Is it the cliché that “we just want to provide a better life for our kids than we had?” Is it just way of the civilized world? The most important question to ask, however, is what power do we have to change this way of thinking and living? The reality is simple: money is a vehicle for social control. Debt makes us good, obedient workers and citizens.

The traditional workweek started in 1908 at The New England Cotton Mill in order to allow followers of the Jewish religion to adhere to Sabbath.  With the passage of The Fair Labor Standards Act in 1938, the 40-hour workweek became the norm. Data from the 2013 American Community Survey showed that the average commute time in America is about 26 minutes each way. According to a Gallup poll, the average workweek in America is 34.4 hours, however, when only taking into account full time workers, that average shoots up to 47, or 9.4 hours per day during a 5-day workweek. Keeping averages in mind then, between commuting, working and figuring in an hour for lunch (usually less), that puts us at approximately 11 hours and 40 minutes for the average full time worker. If you have a family with young kids, just add in another few hours for homework, baths, etc.

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The Last Individual in Europe–A Short Story

The Last Individual in Europe–A Short Story

“The indoctrination effect, regarding the individual, is to make him think he no longer has an independent existence. Those who still have functioning minds are taught that ‘the individual’ was a concept that had a use at an earlier stage of evolution, when modern systems and structures were still developing—but ‘individual’ became an accurate synonym for ‘criminal’ when benign super-government took over…”(The Underground, Jon Rappoport)

October 2, 2071, the Center of Centers, United Europe. Citizen G1435-X was brought into a secret conference room in the Department of Re-Education, Special Branch.

His interviewer held the title of Mental Health Representative of the People Level 14, or MHR. This is an excerpt from their conversation:

MHR: Are you aware of the size of the United Europe Government?

Citizen: I know that almost everyone I meet works for the Government in some capacity.

MHR: If you include corporations, which of course are in partnership with Government on many levels, the figure approaches eighty percent of the population.

Citizen: And there are the computers and robots, too.

MHR: The correct name is Machines for the Illumination of Everyone.

Citizen: What do you want from me?

MHR: That’s the whole point. There is no you.

Citizen: How can that be true? I’m sitting here.

MHR: No, that is an illusion. For convenience sake, an assumption is being made: ‘I am I and you are you.’ It facilitates this conversation. But in truth, we are one. We are in accord. We know the same knowing.

Citizen: Gibberish.

MHR: It would sound like gibberish to a disaffected part of the whole. A disaffected part, which is ‘you,’ simply needs to surrender. Then you will cease to be a diseased illusory series of thoughts.

Citizen: And this is official Government policy?

MHR: Of course. The culmination of all Government is the shared cosmic body. Another term for it is Universe.

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Who’s In Your Head?

Who’s In Your Head?

When you reflect on your life, do you sometimes lament the choices you’ve made, directions you took or didn’t take, and wonder what could have been? You may find that you’ve achieved success in one or more areas of life, yet feel like you have fallen short in others. You might ask if your life is really going as planned? But do you ever ask yourself if the plan was even really yours to begin with? If it wasn’t yours, what got in the way of living the life you wanted to live?

Have you stopped to think about what you believe and how it has impacted who you are and what you have become? If you take a minute to reflect on the path you’ve taken so far, can you say it was aligned with what you really wanted for yourself?

If you weren’t listening to your own heart-felt desires and aspirations, what were you listening to? Whose voice was in your head that made you choose a certain direction in life? Was it your parents, caretakers, family, religion, other authority figures, friends, peers, media and entertainment personalities, advertisers, the Internet?

cowboys and indians

Belief systems impact every aspect of our lives from our definition of right and wrong, good and bad, to what we do for a living, our idea of a perfect relationship, how we raise our kids, what we eat, how we spend our money and in countless other ways. Our beliefs forge a path for us, whether we know it or not, because they influence how we feel, our actions and the directions we take in life.

Regardless of where they came from, it’s important to ask yourself if you truly agree with the beliefs you have adopted and how they’ve served you. Are they liberating and empowering or limiting and fear-based?


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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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