The US federal government debt is now $19 trillion, having risen over a trillion each year of the Obama administration.
This article will examine US economic status, and obvious solutions promoted by many of America’s brightest minds since Benjamin Franklin wrote a pamphlet how colonial Pennsylvania operated its government without taxes, and which we could easily do today.
Let’s examine just some of the facts of the current US economy that demonstrates it’s criminal status:
- We’ve already documented how the global so-called “elite” 1% are now wealthier than the 99% while ~30,000 children die daily from preventable poverty in gruesomely-slow agony. Just 62 people on Earth own more than the bottom 50%.
- The US .1% own more than the bottom 90%.
- The top 20 Americans (.000006%) own more than the bottom 50%.
- The top three public benefits of monetary and banking reform would add ~$1,000,000 to every US household. The lies of omission and commission by US “leaders” with legal fiduciary responsibility to communicate full and transparent economic data to never advise Americans of these options is a massive crime causing damages in the trillions of dollars yearly.
- Our current system of creating what we use for money as debt has the so-called “developed” and “former” colonial nations $50 trillion in debt, and lying for public austerity rather than admit the option of monetary and banking reforms.
For Americans still zombiefied to “believe” in America, please embrace the reality that 40% of US children live at least one year of their lives in under-measured poverty, while oligarchs most responsible literally laugh in grandiose glee of the poverty they euphemise as “income inequality.” Please absorb this 1-minute reality check:
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