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UK Considering Legislation That Would Imprison Internet Trolls

UK Considering Legislation That Would Imprison Internet Trolls

This blatant attempt at the censorship of online speech is deeply concerning.

If you ever need a reminder of how important freedom of speech is, all you need to do is look across the pond. The United Kingdom, which doesn’t have a First Amendment, has slowly seen citizens’ free speech rights eroded—and now may soon start imprisoning people for being trolls on the internet.

At question is pending legislation called the “Online Safety Bill,” which ostensibly punishes social media companies that allow harassment. Yet it may be expanded to include new criminal penalties for individuals who engage in mean speech online.

“Trolls could face two years in prison for sending messages or posting content that causes psychological harm under legislation targeting online hate,” the Times of London reports. “The Department for Culture, Media & Sport has accepted recommendations from the Law Commission for crimes to be based on ‘likely psychological harm.’ The proposed law change will shift the focus on to the ‘harmful effect’ of a message rather than if it contains ‘indecent’ or ‘grossly offensive’ content, which is the present basis for assessing its criminality.”

Other offenses will reportedly be created for “knowingly false communication,” applying to those who “send or post a message they know to be false with the intention to cause emotional, psychological, or physical harm to the likely audience.” The new offenses will also include punishment for social-media “pile-ons,” where groups gang up and are rude to people online.

Culture Secretary Nadine Dorries is reportedly planning on adding these provisions to the Online Safety Bill when it’s introduced in Parliament next month.

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Online partisan trolls a new fact of elections, international politics

Online partisan trolls a new fact of elections, international politics

Some foreign governments are paying trollers to provide internet propaganda. Are political parties?

It was the kind of story that was almost guaranteed to bring out the internet trolls.

On April 15, Margaret Trudeau, wife of the late prime minister and mother of the current Liberal leader, was interviewed by CBC Radio’sOttawa Morning. She was promoting her new memoir, The Time of Your Life, but she also took the opportunity to opine on the current state of federal politics in the run-up to the coming election.

“I’m not looking forward to the attack ads,” she told host Robyn Bresnahan. “I think it’s straight out bullying, and I’m ashamed of Canadians for doing this.”

Although she didn’t mention the Conservatives by name, it was clear she was referring to the negative ads targeting her son that the governing party has been running ever since Justin Trudeau became Liberal leader.

And when his mother’s opinions appeared online in an article published on cbc.ca,  readers were ready to rumble. Within 24 hours, the story had attracted 2,698 comments.

The number of comments is not surprising considering that the people involved — Margaret and Justin Trudeau, and the current prime minister, Stephen Harper — are all polarizing figures who attract very loyal and vocal supporters, and detractors.


Nor was the nasty and combative tone of the comments surprising, because that’s what we have come to expect from the partisans who troll the web looking to pounce at every opportunity.

“Will Mommy be participating in the debates to make sure those big meanies don’t say anything bad to Wonderboy?” asked LarryRight, in one of his several comments about the article.

“Economy is in the toilet. Senators on trial. Deficit after deficit. But yup Justin is the problem lol,” responded Skippy, who then went on to observe, “it’s unfortunate that paid Conservative Posters are so nasty.”


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How to Beat Internet Trolls

How to Beat Internet Trolls

In Order To Beat ‘Em, You Have to Know Their Game …

In order to beat Internet trolls, you have to know their strategies.

Below are 17 common games played by trolls to disrupt our power to learn, inform, and organize on the web …

1.  Threaten those who speak out, to try to intimidate them and their readers into silence.

2. Misquote the Bible to pretend that God commands us to be obedient slaves to authority … even if the powers-that-be are downright tyrants.

3. Start a partisan divide-and-conquer fight or otherwise push emotional buttons to sow discord and ensure that cooperation is thwarted. Get people fighting against each other instead of the 3corrupt powers-that-be. Use baseless caricatures to rile everyone up. For example, start a religious war whenever possible using stereotypes like “all Jews are selfish”, “all Christians are crazy” or “all Muslims are terrorists”. Accuse the author of being a gay, pro-abortion limp-wristed wimp or being a fundamentalist pro-war hick when the discussion has nothing to do with abortion, sexuality, religion, war or region. Appeal to people’s basest prejudices and biases. And (as explained by H. Michael Sweeney’s 25 Rules of Disinformation) push the author into a defensive posture:

Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule … Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kooks”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”, “terrorists”, “conspiracy buffs”, “radicals”, “militia”, “racists”, “religious fanatics”, “sexual deviates”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

(The person trying to smear reputation may not be a random knucklehead … he may, in fact, be a government agent, or a member of the group he’s smearing.)


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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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