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Looming Catastrophe Hanging Over Our Heads 

Looming Catastrophe Hanging Over Our Heads 

Former Assistant Treasury Secretary in the Reagan Administration, Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, says the record highs you see in the stock markets are based on “phony profits” that come from global central banks “propping up” the financial system. Roberts says, “Any of these central banks are really only there for a handful of big banks. That’s all they are concerned with. All the Federal Reserve has been concerned with for the last decade is the welfare of a handful of mega banks. Of course, the banks are too large. They should have never been allowed to get that large. When you have a bank too big to fail, then your policy has failed. You’ve allowed too much concentration. Where is anti-trust? Where is the Sherman Act? Everything that was legislated in the past to prevent the kind of looming catastrophe that is hanging over our heads, this looming catastrophe is produced by central banks. They are perpetuating it because they don’t know how to get out of it.”

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has just warned on the profitability of nine huge global banks. Some say they equal nine possible Lehman Brothers, which was the financial institution that started the 2008 meltdown. Is the IMF terrified of the slightest correction in the markets? Dr. Roberts says, “I think so, yes, because it’s not based on reality. It’s based on massive liquidity. So, it’s full of all kinds of dangers.”

The biggest danger to Dr. Roberts, who has a PhD in economics, is the U.S. dollar. Dr. Roberts contends, “It seems to me that the only thing that would cause the Federal Reserve to stop the liquidity would be if the U.S. dollar fell under attack.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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