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War On Nation’s Food Supply?: Idaho Restricts Water To 500,000 Acres Of Farmland 

War On Nation’s Food Supply?: Idaho Restricts Water To 500,000 Acres Of Farmland 

In late May, Idaho Department of Water Resources Director Mathew Weaver issued a curtailment order requiring 6,400 junior groundwater rights holders who pump off the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer to shut off their spigots.

Idaho Gov. Brad Little issued a statement following the order on May 30, “Water curtailment is never desired, but the director must follow Idaho law and the Constitution in issuing this order.”

Brian Murdock, an East Idaho farmer, said the water curtailment affects 500,000 acres, which equates to roughly 781 square miles of farmland.

“Well, as you said, the state of Idaho and the Idaho Department of Water Resources has issued this curtailment of 500,000 acres. And to help put that in perspective, that’s basically 781 square miles of farm ground that is being taken out of production,” Murdock told the hosts of Fox News.

The grain and potato farmer continued, “And, of course, the worst problem is this is happening during a very plentiful water year. We have the reservoirs [that] are completely full, and when I mean full, they’re dang near breaking. The rivers are running as high as they possibly can. Just trying to keep those dams from breaking.”

In eastern Idaho, groundwater users with junior water rights breached the 2016 agreement in 2021 and 2022. Currently, Gov. Little, the lieutenant governor, the Director of Water Resources, and representatives from groundwater and surface water user groups are discussing a new deal. The plan is to strike a new agreement before the curtailment dries up the farmland.

Murdock told co-hosts Dagen McDowell and Sean Duffy that his family’s century-old farm faces a $3 million loss due to the state-issued order.

“This is the largest curtailment in the history of the United States as far as farm ground,” Murdock said in a video posted on X.

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Greater Idaho

COMMENT: I thought you were nuts when you said the US would break up. I apologize. Today we voted here in Oregon to leave the state and join Idaho. Great forecast.


REPLY: This is always the outcome. But more importantly, this is also just the beginning. The election of Biden was really disastrous. With a slim 50.4% of the vote, he is trying to force the Leftist agenda down the throats of everyone else. This is not a way to run a country. He has no mandate and anyone with common sense would realize this is a very dangerous path he has taken. It amounts to a dictatorship. There should be a 2/3rd majority requirement to change tax codes or anything major. The United States will divide and politics will be the driving force.

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