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Doug Casey Warns: “It’s The Next Stage Of The Greater Depression… The Economy Is Going To Be Very, Very Bad”

Doug Casey Warns: “It’s The Next Stage Of The Greater Depression… The Economy Is Going To Be Very, Very Bad”

While President Obama took credit this weekend for saving the world economy from a global depression and stock markets are hovering around all-time highs, not everyone is convinced that central bank policy and government involvement in financial markets has stabilized the system. Doug Casey, one of the most well respected institutional investors in the world and someone who thrives in environments plagued with volatility and risk, joins Future Money Trends to explain exactly why the world has not avoided a Greater Depression and how things are about to get “very, very bad.”

And by very bad he means that centrally manufactured super-bubbles and bubbles are set to wipe out trillions.

You’ve got to remember that all of these governments and central banks all around the world have driven interest rates not just to zero, but to negative levels in some cases… and they are simultaneously printing up trillions of currency units. And even while they are desperately doing that the economy is falling apart in lots of different ways.

…They’ve created a super-bubble in bonds, a bubble in stocks, and meanwhile commodities have collapsed and are below production costs in many cases.

…The economy is going to be very, very bad… It’s the next stage of what I call the Greater Depression. 

Full interview via Future Money Trends

(Watch At Youtube)

But as centrally manufactured bubbles burst in one sector of the economy, says Casey, capital will flow en masse to other sectors as investors panic. First to safe haven assets like gold, and then to to broader commodities which have been left for dead since the start of the decade:

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

The Powers That Be Have Lost Control: “Everything Is Falling Apart Everywhere”

The Powers That Be Have Lost Control: “Everything Is Falling Apart Everywhere”


The entire system has been revealed for the sham it really is since the start of the New Year. Stock markets are crashing, the global economy has stalled, and the powers that be appear to have lost control.

As Andy Hoffman of Miles Franklin notes in his most recent interview with Future Money Trends, the only thing they are able to manipulate now are a few markets that include the Dow Jones and the gold and silver trade.

2011 is when the, let’s call them, The Powers That Be realized they were losing… they were three years into their post-2008 money printing frenzy and they were failing… Europe was failing… The U.S. had been stripped of its triple-A credit rating… all the markets were falling apart… and they were worried about Greece and all this…

They have lost control of everything… there is nothing that the Powers That Be haven’t lost control of… except the Dow Jones propaganda average and related major stock averages… and paper gold and silver.

Watch this extremely informative interview with Andy Hoffman:

Money printing is going off the charts… these things are really starting to get out of their control… the inventories are vanishing everywhere… and then of course you have stock markets around the world are falling… and now the stock market itself here in the United States has been falling…

When you talk about commodities and currencies and everything else… we’re talking about the worst economy of our lifetimes… of our parents’ lifetimes… of our grandparents’ lifetimes… and it’s only going to get worse right now.

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

This Is Going To Happen In 2016: “One Of The Greatest Commodity Plays Of All Time”

This Is Going To Happen In 2016: “One Of The Greatest Commodity Plays Of All Time”

While stock markets held strong near their all-time highs, the last year saw massive financial destruction in global commodities markets. Oil, gold, silver, steel, coal and other raw materials experienced price drops not seen since just before the the Crash of 2008. As an example of how bad it has gotten in the raw materials space one need only look at the Baltic Dry Index, which is used to assess the cost of shipping raw materials by sea. Signaling serious economic problems, the BDI recently hit its all-time low, surpassing even the lows hit during the last financial crisis.

That a significant financial, economic or monetary event will soon be upon us cannot be denied.

Yet within crisis there is opportunity, and knowing what can happen and how to position yourself accordingly ahead of the fallout will not only ensure that your wealth is preserved, but will help you thrive financially. While we have always urged those concerned with the state of affairs in the world to have a healthy storage of food and supplies in anticipation of supply disruptions or hyperinflationary monetary policy, a major financial event will, as it did following the last crisis, likely lead to significant gains in precious metals as investors the world over shift capital into the historical monetary asset of last resort.

As Future Money Trends explains in the following micro-documentary, there are three perfect catalysts for why silver and gold are headed to new highs in the very near future: low prices and global supply shortages, war, and the collapse of U.S. bond markets.

What we are about to show you is undeniable evidence… This is going to happen within the next year… Silver is likely the most undervalued asset available to investors today. 

Watch (Courtesy Future Money Trends):

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Financial Trend Analyst Warns: “This Suicide Move Will Implode The Whole Thing”

Financial Trend Analyst Warns: “This Suicide Move Will Implode The Whole Thing”

implosionJob losses across America continue to mount, housing is topping and recent reports from some of the nation’s leading retailers show that there has been no real, sustainable recovery since the crash of 2008. This, according to trend analyst Daniel Ameduri of Future Money Trends, is why nothing the Federal Reserve does with interest rates in December will make any difference for our overall long-term prospects.

But, as Ameduri notes in a recent interview with Kerry Lutz of the Financial Survival Network, there is one particular move that would amount to nothing short of economic suicide and a rapid destabilization of the system:

I just don’t see rates going up (meaningfully) until way into the 2020’s or even the 2030’s. The biggest thing to point out to people who think that rates are going up is because that is a suicide move.

Watch the full video to learn more about the shadow statistics the government refuses to share, what to expect as these trends come to pass and how to prepare for an unprecedented financial collapse:

(Watch at Youtube)

With interest rates so low and almost into negative territory (wherein you’ll actually have to pay your bank to allow you to deposit money) any upward adjustment by the Federal Reserve will have immediate and widespread consequences.

You raise these rates just a few percentage points and all of a sudden you’re paying $600-$700 billion in interest. The important thing to point out the U.S. government generates just $2.3 trillion dollars in revenue. And if your debt interest is $700 billion, maybe even a trillion dollars in interest,that’s when the whole thing implodes.

Consider what would happen to any U.S. household that saw its monthly debt payments jump from 15% of their monthly income to 30% or more.

The financial collapse would be nearly instant.

This is exactly what we can expect should the Federal Reserve raise interest rates.


Analyst Warns Of Turbulence: ‘Geopolitical Dislocations Could Result In Key Resource Supplies Disappearing’

Analyst Warns Of Turbulence: ‘Geopolitical Dislocations Could Result In Key Resource Supplies Disappearing’

Some of the world’s biggest investors have been taking significant positions in the commodity resource sector as of late, most notably in gold. With geopolitical tension and fear of economic breakdown reaching a near boiling point, it’s not difficult to see why. Instability pervades the entire system, encompassing everything from financial markets to social safety nets. And while it is easy to ignore the seriousness of current events because stock markets remain at record highs and mainstream pundits continue to toe the recovery line, the fact is that an unexpected and seemingly minor event could well send the entire world into a tailspin.

According to analyst John Kaiser, this is exactly what we need to be concerned with. In a candid interview with Future Money Trends Kaiser explains just how political dislocations could result in supply lines to critical commodities like food, copper, zinc and gold being cut – even without a major war – should the United States, Russia and China continue to bump heads.

(Watch at Future Money Trends or Youtube)

Forget about the big, giant macro-economic increases in overall global GDP, but instead let’s look at the turbulence we’re starting to see where China is asserting itself in the South China Sea area… where Putin is eyeing its lost colonies in Europe and Central Asia and thinking maybe we should re-establish the Soviet empire… where we see instability in the middle east.

Then you also realize that a lot of metal comes from China… a lot of metal comes from Russia. And if we end up in a shoving match where, say, the United States pushes back in the South China Sea… and Chinese generals get all up in arms and we end up with an incident… well what happens if China suddenly has sanctions going against it… or something similar, that Russia goes beyond messing in the Ukraine and starts taking out Latvia or Estonia?

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Watch: This Is Why The Elite Are Moving Into Gold and Silver: “There’s Blood In The Streets”

Watch: This Is Why The Elite Are Moving Into Gold and Silver: “There’s Blood In The Streets”

The 18th century banking magnate Baron Rothschild laid the foundation for contrarian investing when he said, “the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.” And if there were ever a time to take advantage of this advice, it may be right now.

For the last few years we’ve seen prices for gold and silver collapse to such an extent that mining companies around the world are cutting hundreds of millions of dollars and tens of thousands of jobs from their operations. It’s gotten so bad that many are moving into unrelated businesses just to stay afloat.

The following must-see video from Future Money Trends highlights why major investors are piling into resources as if their lives depended on it and explains a strategic approach that could pay significant dividends as prices for precious metals inevitably rise in coming months.

(Watch at Youtube)

Devastation… an unmitigated disaster… the worst bear market in half a century… 

Home to the junior mining companies, the TSX Venture Exchange is down 85% in nominal terms and 90% down in real terms.

The smart money is getting in. Ray Dalio, George Soros and Carl Icahn are all making big entries into this sector… 

When it comes to the mining sector there’s blood in the streets.

This is, by all accounts, an environment in the resource sector not seen for over 50 years. But with investors around the world losing confidence in their governments and the broader economy, it’s only a matter of time before the worst bear market in half a century turns to the upside.

If you’re paying attention you can see the veritable blood in the streets that Baron Rothschild described.

Precious metals may have been left for dead by retail investors, financial advisers, and most mainstream pundits, but that usually means one thing: It’s time to buy.

Financial Strategist: “To Tie The Collapse To Some Date In September Is A Fool’s Errand”

Financial Strategist: “To Tie The Collapse To Some Date In September Is A Fool’s Errand”

There are scores of reports and analyses that peg a coming collapse of the economic, financial and monetary systems to the latter half of 2015. And while it is obvious that global stability is on borrowed time, analyst Craig Hemke of TF Metals Report isn’t completely convinced that we can effectively forecast such paradigm shifts the way we used to before the introduction of central bank intervention and rows upon rows of high frequency trading machines operated by Wall Street’s biggest banks.

In a recent interview posted by Future Money Trends Hemke argues that humans operating in free markets no longer carry the same influence as they did during previous events attributed to The Shemitah, Elliot Wave theory or Kondratieff waves:

(Watch at Youtube)

If you plot the U.S. Dollar versus Japanese Yen with a chart of S&P futures you can see them moving in exact one-to-one correlation… this gets back to those High Frequency Trading Machines and the ability of the central banks to influence the stock market by influencing a key factor that these HFT machines follow.

So if our markets now are not a human market… of human emotions and human economic cycles… if they’re not that anymore… then all of this stuff… the Shemitah, Kondratieff Waves, or all of the cycles and all of the Elliot Waves… you can throw it all out the window.

Because, that all relies to a great extent on human beings making decisions. What we’re seeing now is that all of these global markets are… they’re not flat out controlled because that means you’ve got central banks actually managing it tick-by-tick… But they are so utterly influenced by the central banks that are trying to purport this vision of normalcy to keep things going and they’re driven by these HFT machines, there’s no humans left.

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…



Top CEO Warns Of Global Reset: “It’s In The Cards For Sure… It Could Happen This Year”

Top CEO Warns Of Global Reset: “It’s In The Cards For Sure… It Could Happen This Year”

Over the last several months there have been numerous reports highlighting the frantic activities of the world’s ultra-wealthy elite. From the purchasing of emergency hideaways and airstrips to warnings from their financial advisors that it’s time to shift their assets into physical holdings, it appears that a lot of powerful people are afraid of a significant shift set to take place in the near future.

In his latest interview with Future Money Trends Keith Neumeyer, who recently penned a very public (and very viral) letter to the Commodity Futures Trading Commissions outlining the rampant manipulation by concentrations of shadowy market players taking place on commodities exchanges, shares his insights on what many believe to be a coming global reset.

According to First Mining Finance Chairman Neumeyer, the day of reckoning may come a lot sooner than most people think:

It’s in the cards for sure. Predicting exactly what it’s going to mean or what it’s going to look like… that’s the big challenge… I think a lot of people are ignoring it… but there are some forward thinkers out there who talk about it.

I think that the Chinese want their currency part of a floating currency… I think that’s really going to be the next leg in this whole change… in this reset going forward. It could even happen this year.

Watch the full interview with Keith Neumeyer

When this reset comes to pass the manipulations so apparent in commodities and broader stock markets today will be exposed, and according to Neumeyer, may lead to the biggest surge in precious metals we have ever seen.

Echoing the forecasts of one of the world’s leading trend strategists Gerald Celenete, Neumeyer notes that the monetary system that takes hold after a global reset could result in gold rising to $3000 an ounce or more. Such a move would have a similar impact on silver, which may stabilize at it’s historical silver-to-gold ratio of 16:1, putting it’s strike price somewhere above $150 an ounce.


…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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