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Censorship is Now the Norm – Free Speech is Officially Gone

Google has just banned Parlar App and Apple has declared it will do the same giving them 24 hours. Twitter’s permanent ban on Trump shows that it is by no means a mere platform but is a political agenda in and of itself. Facebook has also banned Trump. For all the community guidelines are just a smokescreen. They are determined to try to prevent him from ever running for anything again or to use the internet to organize even a 3rd party. Meanwhile, the House will move to impeach Trump on Monday in a move to discredit him and all those who voted for him.

There are reports that thousands of conservatives have their accounts being deleted in a wholesale purge even if they had nothing to do with the siege of Congress. As I have warned, to me, this is the fault of the Supreme Court. It was their duty to rule was there evidence or not – plain and simple. Had they only ruled, this NEVER would have happened and that is assuming it was only Trump supporters while others are saying Antifa led the charge. If there was no evidence – just say so! But no. The courts are there to PREVENT violence. Refusing to rule, I have warned, leaves the only solution is violence. Just look at history! This is the very purpose of courts to ensure that civilization is maintained – i.e. remaining “civil” rather than violent.

Under all socialist/Marxism revolutions, the very first thing that goes is free speech. Next comes the loss of the freedom of movement – papers, please! The final stage is simply total oppression/surveillance and turning everyone against each other to prevent uprisings – see something say something…

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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