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Quantum Encryption even NSA Cannot Break!

Quantum Encryption is a dream that is rapidly coming true (University of Science and Technology China). At this level, it can make data secure and virtually impossible to hack. This will put the NSA back to the stone age where they belong. Crimes will have to be solved the old fashion way instead of hacking someone’s cell phone to figure out where their bank accounts are and did they pay their tax for the shoes they are wearing.

The Chinese satellite Micius has sent a quantum-encrypted dataset between China and Austria. The Chinese are leading the way to what may prove to be a global quantum internet. They launched Micius in August 2016, to experiment with quantum communications and encryption. Conventional communications satellites transmit information via radio or microwave signals. Micius uses quantum-entangled photons to effectively “teleport” information. This means SPEED that is almost instantaneous while quantum communications are extremely secure and will beat everything – yes even blockchain.

OK. That may sound like Star Trek and beam me up, Scotty! Well, what this amounts to two photons are inextricably linked, meaning if a user knows the state of one particle they can infer the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. Last year, Micius beat the quantum entanglement distance record, sending a message over a distance of 746 miles.

It works in the same way as Schrödinger’s famous thought experiment, involving a cat in a quantum superposition of being simultaneously both alive and dead. It’s not until an observer peeks into the box and checks on the cat that the superposition collapses into one state or the other. Schrödinger highlighted the bizarre nature of quantum superpositions, in which a quantum system such as an atom or photon can exist as a combination of multiple states corresponding to different possible outcomes.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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