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Greater Idaho

COMMENT: I thought you were nuts when you said the US would break up. I apologize. Today we voted here in Oregon to leave the state and join Idaho. Great forecast.


REPLY: This is always the outcome. But more importantly, this is also just the beginning. The election of Biden was really disastrous. With a slim 50.4% of the vote, he is trying to force the Leftist agenda down the throats of everyone else. This is not a way to run a country. He has no mandate and anyone with common sense would realize this is a very dangerous path he has taken. It amounts to a dictatorship. There should be a 2/3rd majority requirement to change tax codes or anything major. The United States will divide and politics will be the driving force.

Protests in Canada – Interesting Approach


Welcome to the New Terrorist Movement – Ecoterrorists

In London, we had the Extinction Rebellion becoming very violent. Now we have people blowing up gas lines on a coordinated basis and deliberately trying to create havoc leaving people without heat. This will indeed be part of the rise in Civil Unrest and we should expect this to become much more common.

Bill Gates is fully behind the lockdowns and wants society to be locked down for years. This has been to reduce people-driving and that he thought would reduce CO2. He clearly has more money than brains and is obviously not very smart. He is funding putting particles in the air to reduce sunlight to stop global warming. His entire beliefs are linear and void of any historical analysis. This guy can really hurt the planet and end up killing far more people than all the madmen of the past – COMBINED!

Manchester England Protest

250 Million Protestors in India – Almost the Population of the United States

For centuries, India was the source of the spice trade. Christopher Columbus thought he discovered a shortcut to India but bumped into America. The various spices in India have been used also for practices such as yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda. They are deeply rooted in Indian and South Asian culture. Today, as it has been for thousands of years, these herbs commonly used for these practices, such as turmeric, ginger, and ashwagandha, are exported from India and Modi has pulled another fast one on the people.

Indian farmers are currently protesting against unfair new agriculture laws and this has seen 250 million people joining the protest against the tyranny of the Modi government which has set controversial new agricultural laws. The Indian government set three new agricultural laws in September 2020. Previously, the government fixed prices for a variety of crops, meaning the farmers were guaranteed minimum profits for their work. However, under these new laws. Modi has directed farmers to sell directly to companies and sellers, meaning the farmers are no longer guaranteed the same minimum profits. Now they must negotiate for themselves when it comes to finding buyers.

For the past two weeks, Indian crop farmers have led more than 250 million protestors against these new agricultural laws in the Indian capital city New Delhi, according to the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. Many protesters have also ignored the coronavirus pandemic restrictions. The protests have shut down major highways, shops, markets, and more (see The Guardian). The participants say they will not cease their protests until the government listens, (see India Times).

France Erupts as Law Criminalizes Showing the Face of Police even when Abusing Rights of Citizens

This Communist 3.0 agenda being thrust upon the world by Kaus Schwab and his supporters will lead to major violence and revolutions. Thousands have taken to the streets in France against a new French law that would restrict sharing images of police, only days after the country was shaken by footage showing officers beating and racially abusing a Black man. This case of police abuse has shocked France and the world showing just how ruthless this takeover of the world by Schwab is really all about. Both celebrities and some politicians have condemned the officers’ actions and illustrate precisely why President Emmanuel Macron’s law to make it criminal to show the face of any police is erupting into an international human rights issue.

Macron on Friday called the incident an “unacceptable attack” and asked the government to come up with proposals to “fight against discrimination”. But that is just lip-service. This illustrates that the incidents of police brutality will get far worse if people are not allowed to video such actions.

One of the most controversial elements of the new law is Article 24, which would criminalize the publication of images of on-duty police officers with the intent of harming their “physical or psychological integrity.” It was passed by the National Assembly last week while it is awaiting Senate approval. This is showing precisely what Macron is up to – pushing the Agenda 2030 and they know this will lead to violence. The demonstrations across France against the security law took place nationwide on Saturday with the central Place de la Republique in Paris filled to the seams despite the coronavirus pandemic.

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Government Calling out Military Against the People

COMMENT: Hi Martin

Just thought you might be interested in this article in today’s Sunday Times in the UK – our military intelligence are going to be involved to ensure that we don’t get to hear the opposing points of view with respect to vaccine safety – they really are worried that many people will think for themselves and not take these vaccines!
Best wishes
REPLY: France has withdrawn its troops from Iraq to use the military to fight COVID. In Canada, Trudeau is also calling in the military to help with COVID-19 vaccine distribution. This is not simply vaccines. They KNOW that there is rising resistance to this entire 2030 Agenda which the people have NEVER been allowed to vote to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we no longer live in a democracy. Our computer has been projecting rising civil unrest and I think that there is nobody who could have been forecasting this trend years in advance other than a computer. We will exceed more than 100 times what we saw during the 1960s over race riots and protests against Vietnam.
Make NO MISTAKE about this! Governments are calling in the military to PRETEND to be assisting with vaccines. But they are really being positioned for civil unrest which will rise to the level of revolutions in 2021 in many places. Our computer has made these projections at the beginning of this current Economic Confidence Model wave in 1985.65.

Uncertainty and the Future

Uncertainty and the Future

QUESTION: I would imagine that if Trump is able to prevail in the courts and earn a second term social unrest would be profound but what would be the effects on the markets?


ANSWER: There is still a shot that Trump can prevail if he can stop Biden from reaching 270 votes and that would throw it into the House of Representatives where each state would get one vote and Trump would win in that scenario as took place during the election of 1824. But PA has certified Biden as the winner and then a state judge ruled against the governor. Then lawsuits against Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin raise the stakes of perhaps preventing Biden from getting 270 sending it into the House of Representatives.

What is clear from Socrates is that civil unrest will rise no matter what. If Trump can prevail or the Republicans can keep the Senate, then the Great Reset agenda will be stalled. But Biden can still use executive orders if he takes the White House to try to impose lockdowns etc overriding Congress. In Theory, Trump could have used executive orders ordering the State to end lockdowns but that would have been used against him and the Democrats argued he lacked that power. With Biden, they would say he has it.

My OPINION is just an OPINION. This year has been off the charts and it is still not over. Socrates just follows the markets and that is the only tool we have that is not subject to personal opinion which I seriously doubt anyone will be correct in this mess other than sheer luck. Nobody has lived through this type of market. The press attributes the rally to the vaccine. Let’s be honest here, that is propaganda. The Dow took the lead only because of international capital flows.

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Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across EuropeIncreasingly draconian lockdown measures, economic destitution, and sweeping police powers are evaporating public trust and eroding public patience.

Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across EuropeIncreasingly draconian lockdown measures, economic destitution, and sweeping police powers are evaporating public trust and eroding public patience.

As the alleged “second wave” of the Coronavirus “pandemic” is reported to be sweeping across Europe in recent weeks, many governments have enthusiastically embraced their totalitarian side and granted themselves sweeping new “emergency powers” alongside new lockdown measures.

The public has been markedly less co-operative this time around. Rebelling against the seemingly arbitrary limitations which are not supported by either science or common sense. Protests have taken place all across the continent.


Thousands of people gathered in Berlin over the last few days, protesting the Merkel government passing a new lockdown law. Police turned water cannons on the crowds, and nearly 200 people were arrested.

The mainstream reported “hundreds” of protesters, but as pictures plainly show it was more like tens of thousands:



After the Prime Minister of Spain Pedro Sanchez declared a sixth-month state of emergency in late October, there were days of protests across the country.

Barcelona, already a hot-bed of anti-government feeling due to the brutal repression of the Catalan Independence referendum, saw violent confrontations between riot police and protestors

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“We Are The People” – German Protesters Clash With Police Over New Coronavirus Restrictions 

Thousands of demonstrators on Wednesday protested against the German government’s attempt to enact additional coronavirus restrictions. German police were forced to unleash water cannons and pepper spray to disperse angry crowds in Berlin’s government district, according to Deutsche Welle (DW).

Around 190 protesters were arrested, and nine police officers were injured after clashes in central Berlin. Police said large crowds ignored repeated calls to wear face masks and practice safe social distancing – though none of the requests were followed by protesters.

“Police calling on demonstrators to leave. Lots of booing. Demonstrators want to access cordoned-off area around parliament where new additions to infection law are being debated [at the moment,],” DW’s Nina Haase said.

In a series of tweets, Haase described the chaotic scene outside the Brandenburg Gate. She said demonstrators chanted, “we are the people,” adding that many were singing the national anthem as they held the line.

Police were seen moving in on demonstrators, using large vehicles outfitted with water cannons. She said, “police called on demonstrators to stop attacking police officers.”

As water cannons soaked demonstrators outside the Brandenburg Gate, riot police also moved in protesters, pushing them back away from government buildings. Twitter handle “SecondOpinion” shows the angry mob from an elevated view.

Absolute chaos on the ground.

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The Police Join Protestors in Naples, Italy

This is what we need to desperately save our future. The police have to wake up and see that they are destroying, not just their own future, but that of their families for generations to come. I have always pointed out — tyranny ends when the police defend the people against the corruption of government. That is how you win bloodless revolutions.

EU Polices on Farming will Create a Famine


The EU is indeed playing into our model which has been projecting this would be a commodity wave built on food shortages. They will indeed contribute to worldwide famine and they have been supported by Bill Gates which seems to actually play into his desire to reduce world population. Food prices will rise and the poor will be left starving. This will contribute to the rising civil unrest much as the food shortages led to the French Revolution.

NAPLES Riots after Government Says it Will Impose 40 day Lockdown

Protest breakout in Naples after the government claimed that 2,000 have COVID-19 so they may lock down the region for 40 days and have imposed a curfew.  These lockdowns have not stopped the virus but instead, prolong it. We see civil unrest rising around the world and this may lead to even overthrowing governments in many places.

Rising Civil Unrest in Europe – Will it Lead to Revolution

Chris Hedges: American Bloodlands

Chris Hedges: American Bloodlands

The enraged, polarized segments of the population are rapidly consolidating as the political center disintegrates.

Fires and tear gas at the Mark O. Hatfield federal courthouse perimeter fence during protests over the police killing of George Floyd in Portland, Oregon, July 22, 2020. (Tedder, CC BY-SA 4.0, Wikimedia Commons)

By Chris Hedges

The tinder that could soon ignite widespread violent conflagrations throughout the United States lies ominously stacked around us.

Millions of disenfranchised white Americans, who see no way out of their economic and social misery, struggling with an emotional void, are seething with rage against a corrupt ruling class and bankrupt liberal elite that presides over political stagnation and grotesque, mounting social inequality.

Millions more alienated young men and women, also locked out of the economy and with no realistic prospect for advancement or integration, gripped by the same emotional void, have harnessed their fury in the name of tearing down the governing structures and anti-fascism.

The enraged, polarized segments of the population are rapidly consolidating as the political center disintegrates. They stand poised to tear apart the United States, awash in military-grade weapons, unable to cope with the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic fallout, cursed with militarized police forces that function as internal armies of occupation and de facto allies of the neofascists.

The spark that usually sets such tinder ablaze is martyrdom. Aaron “Jay” Danielson, a supporter of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer, was wearing a loaded Glock pistol in a holster and had bear spray and an expandable metal baton when he was shot dead on Aug. 29, allegedly by Michael Forest Reinoehl, a supporter of antifa, in the streets of Portland. A woman in the crowd can be heard shouting after the shooting: “I am not sad that a fucking fascist died tonight.” On Thursday, Reinoehl, allegedly armed with a handgun, was shot and killed by federal agents in Washington state.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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