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Government Calling out Military Against the People

COMMENT: Hi Martin

Just thought you might be interested in this article in today’s Sunday Times in the UK – our military intelligence are going to be involved to ensure that we don’t get to hear the opposing points of view with respect to vaccine safety – they really are worried that many people will think for themselves and not take these vaccines!
Best wishes
REPLY: France has withdrawn its troops from Iraq to use the military to fight COVID. In Canada, Trudeau is also calling in the military to help with COVID-19 vaccine distribution. This is not simply vaccines. They KNOW that there is rising resistance to this entire 2030 Agenda which the people have NEVER been allowed to vote to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that we no longer live in a democracy. Our computer has been projecting rising civil unrest and I think that there is nobody who could have been forecasting this trend years in advance other than a computer. We will exceed more than 100 times what we saw during the 1960s over race riots and protests against Vietnam.
Make NO MISTAKE about this! Governments are calling in the military to PRETEND to be assisting with vaccines. But they are really being positioned for civil unrest which will rise to the level of revolutions in 2021 in many places. Our computer has made these projections at the beginning of this current Economic Confidence Model wave in 1985.65.

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