On the first really hot day in 2018 Sydney experienced temperatures above 45 degrees.
Fig 1: BOM Temperature map for NSW on 7 Jan 2018
These were the temperatures in Sydney’s suburbs:
Fig 2: Maximum temperatures on 7th January 2018 in the Sydney Metropolitan area
Energy guzzling NSW had to import 1,659 MW on Jan 7th 2018 at 16:40 NEM time. This was a Sunday during summer holidays with a comparatively low demand.
Fig 3: NEM generation, imports and demand during the afternoon
Note that solar is not included in the definition of “generation” but sits on top of the NEM demand curve. It lowers the grid supply peak as described in this graph of the Australia Institute
AEMO Dashboard
The generation and import data are from AEMO’s dashboard (NEM Dispatch Overview tab)
Fig 4: Screen shot of AEMO’s NEM dispatch tab on 7/1/2018 13:30 NEM time (14:30 AEST)
We can see that in NSW at 14:30 EAST demand of 11,608 MW was higher than generation 9,987 + 486 = 10,473 MW, a deficit of 1,135 MW.
AEMO’s dashboard also shows demand curves and electricity spot prices in a moving window of 2 days, separate for each State:
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