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Deep State Predators Need to Terrify Everyone – Alex Newman

Deep State Predators Need to Terrify Everyone – Alex Newman

Author of the popular book “Deep State” and award-winning journalist Alex Newman says Deep State globalists are afraid the world is waking up to the tyranny they are trying to impose on every country on earth including America.  Things are not going as smoothly into their so-called reset as they had envisioned.  Newman explains, “The Deep State is in a ‘do or die’ moment right now.  They, the elites or predator class, recognize that they are now locked into this.  If they try to retreat, there is no retreat.  People are waking up at such a rapid rate that they are in a moment where they are going to have to go for broke and try to impose the whole agenda and damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead or they are going to be in big trouble.  They are going to be prosecuted.  Right this moment, there are conversations in state attorney generals’ offices all across the country, and this is a problem.  People are demanding prosecution. . . . Right now, the elites, or predator class, realize if they don’t move forward very quickly, they are going to lose everything.  They could possibly end up facing true accountability.  I think we are in a very dangerous situation now.  When people get into a position like that, they don’t have a whole lot of options.  Either they cancel the election or they cheat like crazy or they just collapse everything.  The way things are going right now with inflation out of control, the food crisis and famine just around the corner, of course, that they engineered, and the monkey pox and bird flu, they have all there crises lined up…

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Third of Global Population Killed in Next War Cycle – Charles Nenner

Third of Global Population Killed in Next War Cycle – Charles Nenner

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his analysis shows the world will start a huge war cycle by 2023.  This type of war is similar to WWII but much bigger.   Nenner explains, “The cycle work I do on wars starts at the Mandarin Empire 3,000 years before Jesus came into this world.  The long cycle only picks up the big wars.  Wars in Korea and Iraq do not show up.  So, I say the big War Cycle is up, and this is going to be a big war because the small ones don’t even show up.  So, I am very worried. . . . There was a Jewish prophet that once said, ‘The last war is going to take 8 minutes.’  Nobody took this serious because how can a war last 8 minutes?  Now we have an idea why a war can only take 8 minutes.  Things could calm down in the short term this summer.  Then, next year, it can start full force again, and the whole thing is very dangerous.”

How many casualties will there be in the next world war?  Nenner estimates, “It’s very interesting how you calculate something like that.  It’s the same way you calculate a cycle in IBM.  When you see IBM going down, you can get an upside price target, which we have.  You can do the same thing on the war cycle.  About one third of the population is not going to survive in this world.

So, more than 2.5 billion people are going to die in the next world war that is just around the corner?  Nenner says, “Yes, the numbers say if you have a world war, it’s going to take out 1/3 of the population.”

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Fed Rate Hike Will Cause Hyperinflationary Great Depression – John Williams

Fed Rate Hike Will Cause Hyperinflationary Great Depression – John Williams

Economist John Williams says the economy is in deep trouble, and the Fed knows it.  Williams says the Fed talking up “robust economic growth” that is causing inflation is “nonsense.” Williams explains, “The one thing that is not causing inflation is ‘robust economic growth.’  So, when they talk about raising interest rates to kill this robust economic growth that’s triggering the inflation, that’s absurd, and the Fed knows it. . . . If the Fed foolishly raised rates as reflected in the payrolls as not being fully recovered, you are going to have a sharp downturn, a double dip depression here.  At the same time, you are still going to have the inflation.  You are going to end up with an inflationary depression or a hyper-inflationary Great Depression.”

According to Williams’ forecast, “In terms of a crash, I am looking for much higher inflation, maybe hyperinflation, and I am looking for the economy to crash.  You can address the inflation by personally holding physical gold and silver.”

So, jobs are going to disappear?  Williams says, “They already have, but hopefully all the effects of the pandemic will disappear, and people will get back to work, but that is not happening now.  There is no sign of it getting better.  In fact, the numbers are indicating it’s getting worse. . . . The holiday retail economy in November and December declined at the worst pace since the Great Recession.  You had a negative holiday shopping season.  That’s not a booming economy.”

On top of that, Williams says the real inflation rate is 14.8 %, if you disregard all the gimmicks the government uses to make inflation look less than what it really is.  Williams says, “That’s the highest inflation rate since the Truman Administration.”

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Financial Cycle Down, War Cycle Up – Charles Nenner

Financial Cycle Down, War Cycle Up – Charles Nenner

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner says his cycle analysis shows the highs are in for the stock market, and it’s downhill from here—way downhill.  Nenner’s analysis show major support was breached at the beginning of 2022.  Nenner explains, “If it closes below the trend line, you better get out of the stock market, and it did.  Now, in January, it has closed much lower that all the quarterly lows.  This is not making lows on a daily chart but a quarterly chart, and that is much more important than short term. . . . I did a report about how many stocks are in an uptrend and how many stocks are in a down trend.  I think 50% is already in a bear market. There are just a few stocks that are holding up the market, like . . . Microsoft, Apple, Google.  I looked into what the earnings are . . . it was clear they are never going to sustain those prices. . . . I think 1% of the stocks are holding up 40% of the S&P.  Once they give in, the markets go down.  A lot of people have already lost a lot of money because most stocks do not perform anymore.  I think we are very close, and my target is still 5,000 (on the DOW).  It seems very farfetched, but it you just do the math. . . . The media will not help you.  They will invite you if you talk about markets going up because the companies that want to advertise with them want to sell.  So, very few companies like to talk about stocks going up and do not care if it goes up or down.  We just tell you the truth.”  Nenner says he and his clients are out of the stock market since the first of the year.

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Desperate Money Printing Leads to Depression – Dr. Marc Faber

Desperate Money Printing Leads to Depression – Dr. Marc Faber

Legendary investor, economist and market forecaster Dr. Marc Faber thinks central banks (CB) are not going to cut back the money printing.  Just the opposite.  He predicts CBs are going to print even more money at a faster pace to hold the failing economic system together for a little while longer.  Dr. Faber explains, “What is perceived to be safe, namely cash, isn’t safe anymore.  It is unsafe.  You ask me what is safe?  I don’t know what is safe anymore when you have money printers who print money indefinitely.  I don’t think they can stop.  I actually think they have to accelerate their money printing.  So, stocks may go up, but in real terms, it doesn’t mean your standard of living will go up.  Maybe the standard of living of the 50 richest people in the world will go up, but not the standard of living of the typical American . . . or the average American.  That standard of living will go down. . . . All the money printing is a desperate measure to keep the voters from rebellion.”

Dr. Farber predicts that not only are we going to see more asset inflation, but dramatic wage inflation too.  Dr. Faber, who holds a PhD in economics, says, “What I think will happen, and most people have not really considered, we will get wage inflation.  For the first time since the late 1970’s, we will get accelerating wage inflation, and in some cases, quite dramatic.   In some states, the minimum wage is $15.  I could see that going up to $30 per hour very quickly.  I don’t think inflation is ‘transitory’ (as the Fed proclaims).  We will not have stagflation.  We will have something worse.  We will have rising prices and a depression in the standard of living of most people.”

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Fed Prints Money or the Whole Thing Blows Up-Craig Hemke

Fed Prints Money or the Whole Thing Blows Up-Craig Hemke

By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post)

Financial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke says the Fed has all but said it was going to delay the so-called “taper” of easy money policies–forever.  This is why gold and silver spiked as the dollar tanked on Friday.  Hemke contends, “The Chinese, four months in a row, have been net sellers of Treasuries. . . . They’re not buying them.  Well, somebody has got to buy.  Congress just announced this week that they came to a deal where they are going to spend $4.1 trillion on what is allegedly called infrastructure. . . . The money has got to come from somewhere. There is this notion that they are just going to raise taxes on rich people.  Rich people are just going to change how they spend and do their taxes.  Who is going to loan us money?  It’s not going to be the Chinese or other foreign countries because they don’t have confidence in us anymore.  So, the money is going to come from somewhere.  Of course, the Fed is going to keep monetizing the debt because if they don’t, interest rates have got to rise to a point people are willing to loan it to the U.S.  If interest rates go to 3% or 5%, the whole thing blows up.”

Hemke points out, “All we can do is prepare for a time when this finally implodes because it will.  Confidence will eventually collapse.  Confidence is like Hemmingway’s explanation of how he went bankrupt.  He was asked, ‘How did you go broke?’  He said, ‘At first slowly, and then, all at once.’…

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Reset Means Crash of Epic Proportions – David Stockman (Revised)

Reset Means Crash of Epic Proportions – David Stockman (Revised)

Reagan White House Budget Director and best-selling author David Stockman says, “This is not the time to be invested in the markets . . . . A reset is just a pleasant name or a clinical name for a crash of epic proportions, which we will have because the markets are so inflated.  There are trillions of dollars that are at risk.  To put a dimension on this thing or a way of sizing this, is we have a $60 trillion bubble on the balance sheets of 130 million people in American society, but especially in the top 5% to 10% that own a huge share of the assets. . . . I have no thought about how big the correction will be, but if it were just back to the norm . . . it would be a $60 trillion correction, and that is a pretty big hole in the bucket.  If $60 trillion disappears (out of the U.S. economy), it changes everything.  It turns the financial system and economic reality upside down.”

How did things get so perilous in the economy?  Stockman says look no further than Washington D.C. and the Fed.  Stockman explains, “When central banks start to inflate like crazy, you first inflate financial assets.  It eventually works its way into goods and services, and that’s where we are now.  You get the second stage of inflation as well.  There has never been a small group of government officials, unelected at that, who have done more damage, more wanton harm to the economy and to the lives of ordinary people than (Fed Head) Powell and his merry band of mad money printers.  This is really an outrage.  I say these people are damn near criminally incompetent given what they say about the world, which is totally wrong, given what they’re doing, this massive money printing, which is totally unjustified. . .”

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Confronted with a Nightmare Scenario – John Rubino 5.8.2021

Financial writer John Rubino says there is no easy way out for the financial and political mess the United States has created for itself.  Rubino starts with the economic problems and explains, “Now, inflation is starting to spread. . . . Look at lumber.  If you are trying to build a house, it’s $35,000 more now than it was two years ago just because of lumber.  Iron ore, house prices, grains, food and you name it, we’ve got inflation going on.  At the same time, we have an apparent labor shortage.  All these companies are coming out and saying we would love to take on all the business we are being offered to us, but we don’t have enough people.  Even Uber and Lyft cannot find enough drivers.  It’s weird it is happening this soon, but we should not be surprised since we dumped tens of trillions of dollars into the economy over the past year.  This is what you would expect if you get the money supply going up 30% or 40%, which it did.  This is what you get.  The economy overheats.  Now, we are confronted with the nightmare scenario in a fiat currency system.  Inflation starts to pick up, which it is.  That sends interest rates higher, which is happening.  That threatens all the heavily indebted people out there because as rates go up, their costs rise.  Then they go bankrupt in increasing numbers, and the system collapses.  We are in the early stages in that kind of a process, and I don’t think anybody knows what to do about it.”

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The Losses are Hidden – Bill Holter

The Losses are Hidden – Bill Holter

Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter has been predicting the financial system is going to go down sooner than later.  He says the signs are the lies being told to the public to try to hold the system together.  Holter explains, “If you look at everything, nothing is natural.  Everything is contrived.  We are lied to about pretty much everything 24/7. . . . They lied about everything regarding Covid.  They have lied about the election.  They are lying about the unemployment rate.  They are lying about inflation.  They are lying about the true amount of total debt outstanding.  They are lying about everything. And one other tidbit, 36% of all dollars outstanding have been created now, were created in the last 12 months.  Oh, and the Fed is no longer going to publish M2. . . . How can you make a business decision if you don’t know how much money is outstanding?”

This leads us to all the digital dollars sloshing around and Crypto currencies.  Holter says, “Crypto currencies are a perceived exit from the system.  They are perceived as a safe haven.  If Bitcoin, which is nothing but digital air, can become $65,000 per unit, what can something real become worth?  What these crypto currencies are doing is illustrating a debasement of all the fiat currencies.”

Bill Holter says big loses in the financial world are being hidden from the public.  Take real estate, for example.  Holter points out, “The average mall in the United States is appraised 60% lower than it was a year ago.  That’s a 60% drop.  It’s now worth 40%.  There is debt on these things they owe.  These malls were not bought, built and created out of cash…

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greg hunter, usa watchdog, financial system, financial system collapse, bill holter, debt, fed, us federal reserve, money printing, credit expansion

2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History – Martin Armstrong

2020 Election Most Corrupt in American History – Martin Armstrong

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said his computers picked up massive fraud coming in the 2020 Election years ago.  Armstrong explains, “The computer doesn’t ask my opinion, or anybody else’s, it just goes on the numbers from the economic data.  It’s never been wrong.  Besides 2016 (predicted Trump win) and for this one, it said it would be the most corrupt election in American history.  I published this out at least two years ago.  People have to understand, this isn’t my opinion.  This has gone far beyond anything I would have anticipated.  Every election you have had dead people voting.  That’s pretty standard, and that’s not something new. . . . This is just off the charts.  This is the Left, and they are so desperate to take over the United States.”

If the cheating is “off the charts,” then how bad was it in terms of fraudulent votes, including votes taken from President Trump and votes given to Joe Biden?  Armstrong contends, “The cheating is in the millions, definitely millions, and perhaps as much as 38 million.  This is some of the information I am getting from behind the curtain.”

Martin Armstrong also warns, “They (Democrats/communists) want to eliminate the Supreme Court—period.  This is outrageous what they are doing.  That’s why I have said this is not a simple election between Republican and Democrat.  This is something much more sinister. . . . You will own nothing, and you will be happy.  Their idea is to strip everybody of all property—period.  That’s communism.  Then you are going to give guaranteed basic income.  If you don’t do what the government tells you to do, like get a vaccine or whatever, then, oh, your guaranteed basic income will be suspended.  Then how are you going to eat?  This is what they are doing…

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2021 A Year of Mass Bankruptcy – John Rubino

2021 A Year of Mass Bankruptcy – John Rubino

 Financial writer John Rubino says, “2021 is going to be a pivotal year” in the debt markets.  Rubino says lots of debt will either be bailed out or defaulted on in some way.  Because of CV19, there is no getting around this.  The debt clock has been pushed forward by years.  One too huge to hide debt problem are heavily indebted U.S. states and cities.  Rubino says, “You have to call this a scam because years ago, they decided to offer wildly over generous pensions to public sector unions.  In return for that, the public sector unions elected people who would keep on doing that and keep the gravy train going. . . . Back then, it worked . . . but now they are all retiring, and these states and cities are heading for some version of bankruptcy at an accelerated rate.  It was always going to happen in the next 10 years, but with the pandemic, the time frame has been moved way up.  So, probably 2021 will be a year where a lot of these guys hit a wall where they have no choice but to default on a lot of their obligations.  That’s going to throw the financial system into turmoil.”

Rubino points out, “If they can’t pay their bills, they can’t pay their bills.  If it can’t happen, it won’t happen.  So, you get effective bankruptcy via defaults for a lot of these places.  That means massive layoffs of city and state workers and turmoil in the bond market.  That kind of thing alone is enough to send the U.S. back into recession assuming we are out of recession when it happens.

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Election Chaos Means Market Chaos – Michael Pento

Election Chaos Means Market Chaos – Michael Pento

Money manager and economist Michael Pento predicts, “We are going to have an election in this country that is the most contested vote this country has ever seen.  Whichever party that loses is not going to accept the results.  That’s mad chaos for the stock market, and that is one of the things I am thinking about when I am managing money.”

Another thing Pento is thinking about is massive Fed money printing in response to CV19.  They have printed a massive amount in a very short amount of time.  Pento explains, “They borrowed $3.3 trillion in fiscal 2020.  All of it was monetized by the Federal Reserve.  We switched to an inflationary hedge, and that worked out wonderfully for us.  Then a funny thing happened at the end of July, the PPP loans, the paycheck protection loans, they were exhausted.  The money that was spent and sent by helicopter, $1,000 per adult, $500 per child and $600 in enhanced unemployment, that was all spent too.  So, you have this massive fiscal cliff I warned about is here and here now.  Last week, I got much more defensive. . . . We borrowed $3.3 trillion, and that was monetized by the Fed, and that is all going away.  The amount of new borrowing is done.”

Pento points out one huge lingering problem, and that is unemployment and people still collecting a check.  Pento says, “There are many programs that people have access to get unemployment insurance.  One of the major ones is called Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA).  That number is 29.6 million people when you include continuing claims and pandemic claims for unemployment.  The PUA portion was up one million people last week.  The number of claims might be going down under the traditional channels, but they are all filing claims under the PUA.

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World on Verge of Spinning Out of Control – John Rubino

World on Verge of Spinning Out of Control – John Rubino

Financial writer John Rubino says gold is at new all-time highs, silver is vaulting upward and there is no end in sight for the massive money printing around the world.  Rubino say’s if you look deeper, you can see the “real message” in the unfolding events.  Rubino explains, “It’s fun to be a gold bug and see your stacks getting more valuable, but the real message here is the world is on the verge of spinning out of control.  That’s what gold and silver are signaling.  We’re just a mess with no way out of this because even before the pandemic hit, we were running deficits in the U.S. of a trillion dollars a year.  That is an emergency level of government borrowing, but we were doing it in the 10th year of a recovery or expansion.  Normally, everybody is back at work, paying taxes, government debt goes way down and sometimes it even turns into surpluses, but that wasn’t happening this time, which is a sign the monetary experiment that began in 1971 when we went off the gold standard and went to all fiat currencies everywhere was ending.  We are no longer able to manage economies with this much debt just by printing new currency and borrowing more money.  The system was going to break down anyway, but the pandemic has come along and accelerated the process.”

Rubino goes on to say, “So, now people ask:  Is there a pain free way of getting out of this and getting back to normality?  And the answer is probably no.  We have to get rid of this debt somehow.  I think the global debt to GDP is in the 350% to 400% range, which is the highest ever. 

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Lower Highs, Lower Lows, Eventual Dow 5,000 – Charles Nenner

Lower Highs, Lower Lows, Eventual Dow 5,000 – Charles Nenner

Renowned geopolitical and financial cycle expert Charles Nenner called the top of this market just 2% from the top in late January.  Nenner predicted the stock market could go down as much as 40%.  It went down about 38%.   After much money printing and to save the economy, the stock market came roaring back.  Is everything fixed and will the markets continue to rise?  Nenner says, “The cycle is up into the third week of June.  So, now things start to be risky.  We are looking for short-term sell levels, and we are going to lighten up. . . . What happened is not so crazy.  I have shown my subscribers what happened in 1929, what happened in 1973 and 1974, what happened in the 2000 crash and what happened in the 2008 crash. . . . There were huge bounces after the crash of 1929, the crash of 1973 and 1974, etc. . . . It’s very normal this latest bounce that happened, if you look at all the other market crashes. . . . Based on economics, the S&P is the most expensive it has been in the last 100 years. . . . If you do an overlay of what happened in 1929 and what is happening now, you will see it’s not so strange of what is going on now.”

Nenner contends, “You can’t keep lowering interest rates without consequences.  In Europe, it’s required to have pension funds 70% in bonds, and we have negative interest rates.  So, how are these people going to get their pensions?”

Nenner sees a pattern of “lower highs and lower lows” in the stock market and explains, “It’s like a ball.  You throw it up, it hits the ground, and it goes up again to a lower high, and it goes down again, and that’s how things work in nature. . . . Until now, it looked very strange.

How can the DOW go to 5,000?”  Nenner is still predicting a “DOW 5,000” in a few years.

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Mr. President: Open the Economy Now – Martin Armstrong

Mr. President: Open the Economy Now – Martin Armstrong

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says shutting down the economy is far worse that the effects of the Wuhan China virus. Armstrong says, “This is just scare mongering, and there is another agenda going on. The WHO is part of the UN, and the UN is for this climate change, and this is what their objective has been: Shut down the world economy, bankrupt everything you possibly can, and then rebuild from scratch. . . . The devastation in the economy is unbelievable. Our computer is very well known. Just about all the intelligence agencies look at it because it’s the only fully functioning artificial intelligence system in the world. It was saying unemployment was going to rise dramatically and retest the Great Depression highs. . . .That’s never happened like that. Even in the Great Depression, it took three years to get to 25%. We passed 13% in the first month. . . . From the very beginning, I said something is not right. Something is wrong. . . . This is really going to push the debt bubble over the cliff. . . . The number that has died is minimal. More than twice that die from the flu. There is no logical explanation to have done this. The study they used was not even peer reviewed.”

So, if Armstrong were face to face with President Trump, what would he tell him? Armstrong says, “What he needs to do is open up the economy instantaneously. I think he needs to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate who started this. All the information I have is pointing to a deliberate and intentional movement to harm the economy. These people are elitists. Bill Gates was in Germany saying everybody should remain in lockdown until he comes up with a vaccine. . . .

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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Click on image to purchase @ FriesenPress