Home » Geopolitics » UK: Syrian Terrorists Can’t Possibly Be Planning Chemical Weapons False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are

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UK: Syrian Terrorists Can’t Possibly Be Planning Chemical Weapons False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are

UK: Syrian Terrorists Can’t Possibly Be Planning Chemical Weapons False Flag, Because Russia Said They Are

In a recent meeting with the press, British ambassador to the United Nations Karen Pierce told reporters that it is absolutely unthinkable that the terrorist factions in the terrorist-held Syrian province of Idlib could possibly be planning a terrorist attack using chemical weapons with the intention of blaming it on the Syrian government.

Her reasoning? Since the Russian government has been warning of this possibility, the exact opposite must necessarily therefore be true.

Yes, really.

“There are many terrorist organizations in Idlib,” a reporter asked as a follow-up to previous questions regarding Russia’s allegations that terrorist factions had received a large batch of chemical weapons which they intend to use in a false flag attack. “Why do you rule out that they would perpetrate such an attack?”

“Because this story is coming from the Russians,” Pierce responded, with a straight face, and without honking a novelty-sized bicycle horn and saying “Wocka wocka!”

“It is much more likely for this to be a smoke screen for things that the Syrian authorities are planning to do,” Pierce continued. “The way to deal with any terrorists who are in Idlib is to ask the UN to negotiate safe passage, such as has been done before.”

So let’s recap: it is the British government’s official public position that the extremist jihadist factions who have been holing up in their final stronghold preparing for the long-awaited military confrontation in Idlib would have no incentive whatsoever to stage a false flag chemical attack in order to rally western reinforcements against the Syrian government and thereby escape defeat.

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

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