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The Interminable Advance of World War 3

The Interminable Advance of World War 3

The current war-shrieking is irrevocably lashed to the over-extendedness of the West’s aggregate balance sheet. Somewhere in the basement of the NY Fed the Mother of All Spreadsheet’s (MOAS) burgeoning cells are starting to acquaint, of necessity, with scientific notation. A key leverage point has been reached if not surpassed. The terminal cycle in a secular trend swaps an ever-widening spreadsheet for the war drum.

Politicians don’t initiate anything, taking instead their cues from powerful interests. The manic yammering of Western pols on practically any anti-Russian pretense is the barometer of just how teetering the western banking edifice has become. We commoners listen to better gauge the proximity of our plight.

What Brzezinski circa 1995 breezily assured us, in warmed-over MacKinderism, was that the Grand Chessboard would checkmate to the West’s advantage in the near term. It sure looked like a walk in the park. And it would have been. So overweening in fact was Brzezinski’s hubris that he very helpfully put it in a book, something akin to leaving your secret-sauce formula on a bus seat for anyone to find. The world thanks him for it.

Yet funny things happen on the way to the forum such as a circuitously ruinous foray through a series of Neocon misadventures in the Middle East. Project Clean Break and the Yinon Plan precipitated an elective series of conflicts. Each involved territorial expansion (the Greater Israel project) at a time when no direct existential threat was being pressed on Israel itself.

With only changes, 2013 essays on Syria could have been penned today. Nietzsche’s most potent nightmare was eternal recurrence.

The American Empire should have prioritized itself and battened down another century of hegemony while Eurasian integration was still in its germinative phases. The Israel project could have been embarked upon subsequently.

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