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Did Baby Boomers Ruin America?

Did Baby Boomers Ruin America?


Referring to someone as a sociopath is strong language. After all, just between 3 and 5 percent of Americans are really sociopaths , people who initially seem charming, but, due to bad neurological wiring, lack a conscience and are unable to feel remorse. They are exceptional liars and cheats, and have no capacity to feel guilt.

But according to author and multi-millionaire tech hedge fund manager, Bruce Cannon Gibney, anyone born between 1946 and 1964 (baby boomers) that are still living are sociopaths.

“There is something wrong with the Boomers and there has been for a long time,” writes Gibney in the forward to A Generation of Sociopaths: How the Baby Boomers Betrayed America and the author’s beatings continue for 400-plus pages.

He doesn’t let any of us Boomers off the hook, but really focuses on “generational representatives like Bill Clinton, Newt Gingrich, George W. Bush, Donald Trump, and Dennis Hastert–a stew of philanderers, draft dodgers, tax avoiders, incompetents, hypocrites, holders of high office censured for ethics violations, a sociopathic sundae whose squalid cherry was provided in 2016 by Hastert’s admission of child molestation, itself a grotesque metaphor for Boomer policies.”

Gibney’s point being us Boomers are molesting younger generations because Social Security and Medicare might remain solvent just long enough for Boomers, but no one else, to collect. And, the author preaches from the environmentalist good book every chance he gets. Any skepticism about climate change is viewed as having “negative feelings about reality and science” because, for Boomers, sacrifices for the environment are, “incompatible with sociopathic desires.”

Boomers didn’t have a chance because their moms read Dr. Spock, were too easy on their kids, and parked us in front of the television. “TV’s essential characteristics make it the perfect education for sociopaths, facilitating deceit, acquisitiveness, intransigence, and validating a worldview only loosely tethered to reality,” the author opines.

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Sociopathy & Politics

COMMENT: What you discuss in “Are we Rewriting Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf” and “Hillary Advocates Violence Unless Democrats Win” are the ice people described in “The Sociopath Next Door by Martha Stout.” These are people with no conscience. Because your blog reminded me of the book, I am re-reading it. As the author says:

“Sociopathy is the inability to process emotional experience, including love and caring, except when such experience can be calculated as a coldly intellectual task.”

“If, instead, you find yourself often pitying someone who consistently hurts you or other people, and who actively campaigns for your sympathy, the chances are close to 100 percent that you are dealing with a sociopath.”
There are clearly those who fit this profile in your two blogs. I recall, many decades ago, where some complained that making certain groups “other” made it easy to harm them because they weren’t then seen as human. Making groups “other” is clearly a deliberate strategy being used here.

I believe there are also troubled others whose consciences have been numbed by indoctrination and propaganda from such leaders to believe the violence they do by eliminating or silencing “others” serves a greater good. Nowadays, many of their leaders call out openly for these zombies to act.

Having worked with a sociopath, I initially fell for her pity party on how she was abused earlier in life, I fell for her sweetness and vulnerability and became friends. Then I saw her engineer a complaint to ruin a man to achieve her business goal. She also tried to ruin me, but the details are not important now.

It was only luck that I saw the author being interviewed at the time and realized immediately what type of person I was actually dealing with: a velvet-covered razor blade who uses and abuses people’s genuine sympathy and concern to achieve an end.

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The Sociopaths Among Us


What passes for standard operating procedure (SOP) on Wall Street and in Washington DC would never even cross our minds as a valid choice, let alone desirable or even possible to consider. In fact, we find most of the sociopath’s more egregious antics to be too fantastical to actually be true because we would never ever consider doing those things ourselves.

This social/psychological phenomenon is precisely why The Big Lie (and the mountain of smaller lies supporting The Big Lie) is so powerful and utterly believable to the average Jane or Joe. Time and time again I have heard a person, still deeply embedded within the Matrix, tell me the revelation I’ve just passed on to him or her is simply impossible, thus in their mind discredited and totally without merit.

And yet their initial unthinking response (“I just can’t believe……”) tells me all I need to know about their severe case of cognitive dissonance as well as their desperation to keep reality at bay. It simply can’t be possible because they know it to be impossible. The sociopaths feed off this type of emotional dysfunction the way whales feast off large schools of krill or sardines. It’s all right there for the taking, consumed in one big gulp.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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