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July 6, 2024 Readings

July 6, 2024 Readings

The meme that is destroying Western civilisation—Part III–Steve KeenI

World’s Largest Fusion Reactor is Finally Completed, the Test Run Is 15 Years Away – MishTalk

George C. Marshall, Architect of U.S. Military Expansion, the Post War European Reconstruction Marshall Plan, Founder of the Orwellian “Deep State”? – Global Research

Back in the USSR. Are We the Soviets Now?–Robert Malone

David Stockman on Why the Federal Reserve is Running Out of Monetary Oxygen–David Stockman

Finland gives US control over 15 military bases–InfoBRICs

Can We Rest Assured That Just Because of the Unacceptably High Costs of Nuclear War and World War III, These Will Never Happen? – Global Research

Russia Finally Acknowledges That She Is at War with Washington – Global Research

Biden and Trump Battle over a Rattle – Edward J. Curtin, Jr.

Who Turned Off the Gaslight–James Howard Kunstler

War Games | how to save the world–Dave Pollard

Crash Or Bear Market, Either Way Stocks Going “Down, A Lot”: Mark Spiegel–Quoth the Raven

10 Signs That Global War Is Rapidly Approaching–Michael Snyder

The coming population collapse — Part 2 | by Subhash Kak

‘They’re Everywhere’: Common Foods Linked to Elevated Levels of PFAS in Body–Common Dreams

Russia Holds Mobile Nuclear Missile Launcher Drills Days Before NATO Summit In DC | ZeroHedge

Here’s Why Magazine Covers Reveal the “Market Zeitgeist”… What Investors Should Do Instead..

Here’s Why Magazine Covers Reveal the “Market Zeitgeist”… What Investors Should Do Instead..

Magazine Covers

Too many times in the past have I seen covers like this… and a few years later it didn’t turn out too bullish!

We covered magazine covers before as a great way to gauge “market zeitgeist.” It will be a while before we see offshore oil and gas, coal, or uranium hailed as a worthwhile investment on these covers. And when it happens, that’s when you’ll know it might be a good time to offload our positions. In other words, there’s still a lot of upside available in the hated sectors we focus on here at Insider.

Offshore Juice

Coming back to the offshore oil and gas theme…

Oil Majors Set To Sanction $125 Billion Upstream Projects in 2024

International oil and gas majors and the Middle East’s national oil companies are expected to give the green light this year to up to 30 projects, worth a total investment of $125 billion and holding an estimated 14 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe) of resources.

That’s the estimate in Wood Mackenzie’s latest analysis of upstream oil and gas projects expected to reach final investment decisions (FIDs) in 2024.

And who stands to gain by all this spend? Oil and gas service companies — still the world’s worst performing sector over the last 10 years and still down some 80% from the start of 2012.

Philadelphia Oil and Gas Equipment and Services Index relative to S&P 500 indexed

Australia: Lights Out or Diesel?

This is Hegelian dialectic (an interpretive method in which the contradiction between a proposition and its antithesis is resolved at a higher level of truth) at play in the land down under.

Let the lights go out (let our standard of living go backwards) or burn diesel (maintain our standard of living)? You guessed it…

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Peter Schiff: Bank Bailouts Will Devalue the Dollar

Peter Schiff: Bank Bailouts Will Devalue the Dollar

  BY    0   0

Peter Schiff appeared on NTD News to talk about the bank bailout and the March Federal Reserve meeting. During the conversation, Peter explained that everybody is going to pay for these bailouts because they will ultimately devalue the dollar as inflation skyrockets.

During his press conference after the March FOMC meeting, Jerome Powell said the banking system is “sound and resilient.” Peter said it’s not sound at all.

It’s a house of cards that is starting to collapse.”

Peter explained how the banking system became so unsound.

First, the Federal Reserve kept interest rates at zero for over a decade. During that time, banks loaded up on low-yielding, long-term Treasuries and mortgage-backed securities. With interest rates so low, they had to go out further on the yield curve. And the reason they were able to take so much risk is because the government guarantees bank accounts. That created a moral hazard. Customers didn’t care what the banks did with their money because they knew the government would bail them out.

Thanks to the mistakes the Fed has made since the 2008 crisis, we have a much bigger bubble now. The Fed caused the bubble that led to the financial crisis of 2008, and then they inflated a bigger bubble to try to paper over those mistakes and kick the can down the road so that we wouldn’t have to deal with the full consequences of resolving all those mistakes. And of course, we just compounded the problem with bigger mistakes and now the US economy is poised on the biggest economic disaster in its history.”

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Fed Fears Complete Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff

Fed Fears Complete Economic Collapse – Peter Schiff

Money manager and economist Peter Schiff said in October the Federal Reserve “could NOT win the fight on inflation by raising interest rates.”  As inflation just turned up anew, it looks like he was right—again.  Schiff explains, “Based on the recent data we got . . . the inflation curve has bent back up.  The months of declining inflation are in the rearview mirror.  Now, we are going to see accelerating inflation . . . and I think before the year is over, we are going to take out that 9% inflation high last year in year over year CPI (Consumer price Index) . . . and what that is going to show is what the Fed has done thus far in its inflation fight is completely ineffective.  If the Fed is serious about fighting inflation, and I do not believe it is, it’s going to have to fight a lot harder than it has.  Interest rates need to go up much higher than anybody thinks, but that alone is not going to do the trick.  We also have to see a big contraction in consumer credit and lending standards rising so consumers can’t keep spending. . . . Consumers are running up credit card debt.  That is inflationary.  That is an expansion of the supply of credit.”

It gets worse when the Fed has to save the economy again.  Schiff predicts, “I think the Fed is going to have to throw in the towel on the inflation fight because it will be fighting something it fears more, which is a complete economic collapse. . . .The federal government may be legitimately forced to cut Medicare and Social Security instead of illegitimately cutting it through inflation. . . .We have this collapsing standard of living, but think about it as a tax.  This is what Americans are paying…

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March of Folly: Fall of American Empire


“Folly is a child of power.” ― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam

“A phenomenon noticeable throughout history regardless of place or period is the pursuit by governments of policies contrary to their own interests. Mankind, it seems, makes a poorer performance of government than of almost any other human activity. In this sphere, wisdom, which may be defined as the exercise of judgment acting on experience, common sense, and available information, is less operative and more frustrated than it should be. Why do holders of high office so often act contrary to the way reason points and enlightened self-interest suggests? Why does intelligent mental process seem so often not to function?” ― Barbara W. Tuchman, The March of Folly: From Troy to Vietnam

The term “folly” is particularly apt at this stage in the decline of the great American empire. Folly is defined as: criminally or tragically foolish actions or conduct; an excessively costly or unprofitable undertaking. If ever a word captured the actions of American political leaders in the 21st Century and reflect the tragic downfall of an empire borne out of the ashes of the Second World War, it is the term “folly”.

For the last two decades I’ve been befuddled by the inane foolishness of our leaders, as they have driven the nation into a bottomless pit of debt at an astoundingly ridiculous pace, initiated military conflict across the globe, and in the last three years initiated anti-human policies guaranteed to destroy our economic system, depopulate the planet, increase human suffering, and turn the world into a techno-gulag where we will own nothing, eat bugs, and bow down to the commands of globalist overlords.

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Is the United Kingdom on the Road to Economic Collapse?

Is the United Kingdom on the Road to Economic Collapse?

There’s trouble across the pond and it’s only going to get worse as winter quickly approaches.

While it’s most fashionable to talk about the dire economic situation currently taking place in the US, the situation in Europe is so much worse.

There are talks of massive energy bill hikes and even the lights literally going out across Europe. This is the product of the toxic combination of a misguided sanctions war against Russia and Europe’s decision to transition towards inefficient green energy sources.

As a result, folks across the pond are going to be in for a rough winter.

If you’re an America, you should feel safe knowing that our situation could be much worse…at least for now.

Now for residents of the United Kingdom, that’s a different story.

The UK is now facing inflation levels that haven’t been seen in decades. On top of that, energy and food prices have been soaring lately.

Liz Truss, the UK’s new prime minister, is now tasked with trying to get the country’s economic house in order.

Truss is currently proposing a plan to cut taxes (good), while raising spending (bad). It’s basically a moderate form of Keynesianism, which does not resolve any of the UK’s structural economic problems.

Instead of cutting spending and red tape, while also getting the UK’s monetary house in order, Truss’s new economic proposal worsens the country’s fiscal situation and will only further ignite inflation.

What’s taking place in the UK is not unique to the island. Most economies in the West are over-taxed, over-regulated, and feature central banks who have no regard for monetary restraint.

It’s small wonder why these countries are in such dire straits.

Will the UK be one of the first high-profile victims of the economic doom spiral engulfing the West?

Check out George Gammon’s most recent video on why there’s nothing but bad things coming to the island nation.

P.S. – The West is experiencing an existential economic crisis.

Greyerz – The US Economy Is Crashing But The Global Collapse Will Be Even More Terrifying

Greyerz – The US Economy Is Crashing But The Global Collapse Will Be Even More Terrifying

Greyerz – The US Economy Is Crashing But The Global Collapse Will Be Even More Terrifying

Today the man who has become legendary for his predictions on QE and historic moves in currencies and metals warned King World News that the US economy is crashing but the global collapse will be even more terrifying.


“Everyone wants to live
at the expense of the
state. They forget
that the state wants
to live at the expense
of everyone.”
Frederic Bastiat

August 28 (King World News) – Egon von Greyerz, Founder of Matterhorn Asset Management (based in Switzerland):  Contrary to what the wisest men and women in the land have told us, the world has been hit by the most vicious bout of inflation. 

The “transitory” heads of the Fed and ECB clearly couldn’t recognise inflation until there was a scapegoat like Putin to blame it all on.

The fact that Powell, Lagarde and their predecessors had laid the perfect foundation not just for a small spell of price increases but for an unstoppable avalanche of global inflation, they were totally oblivious of.  

Let’s be very clear. 

Covid didn’t create inflation.

Putin didn’t create inflation. 

No, inflation is the result of governments’ and central banks’ irresponsible and totally irrational policy of believing that prosperity can be created out of thin air.

They don’t understand or at least choose not to understand that reckless creation of fake money that has zero value CREATES ZERO WEALTH.

Money in itself has ZERO value. Money is just a derivative that derives its value as a medium of exchange through the production of goods and services. 

In simple terms, money that has derived value from anything but goods and services has ZERO value.

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What Will An EU Economic Collapse Look Like?

What Will An EU Economic Collapse Look Like?

Why the World Economy Hasn’t Collapsed… Yet.

Dominos falling. Image credit: Charl Folscher via Unsplash

It has become more or less common sense that some sort of an economic meltdown is on the horizon. Inflation is soaring while consumers struggle to pay their bills around the world. Yet, despite all this, the world economy is still supposed to ‘grow’ this year… What is going on here? What is happening in the background?

Energy is everything

Before we unpack where we are headed, it is very important to understand the basics. Rule no.1: Energy is the most important input to our economy. In fact, energy is the economy. Without it our ‘machines become statues and our workforce turns into a corpse’. Contrary to modern beliefs though, it cannot be substituted: every energy source has it’s own place in the economy. Thus

energy price increases act like an additional tax burden: you have no other choice but to pay them, or go bust.

The problem is, at least for growth obsessed governments, that we have most probably reached peak oil extraction in 2018, and natural gas is about to be peaking soon. Any lost fossil fuel ‘production’ from this point (due to wars, accidents, embargoes, political turmoil and so on) will lead to further price hikes and volatility in all areas of our lives.

The problem is, for the rest of us, that we have built a civilization entirely on fossil fuels, and despite spending more then half a century on developing alternatives, like nuclear, solar and wind, we only fell deeper into our fossil fuel addiction. We are burning more fuel, and as a result, release more CO2 and methane year after year, with 2008/9 and Covid providing nothing but a short pause.

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The Big Questions We Should All Be Asking Geopolitically

The Big Questions We Should All Be Asking Geopolitically

To say that current events are ‘messy’ today would be the height of understatement. Everyday the headlines blare at us some new set of contradictory data points convincing us of some lie that serves someone’s purpose.

No matter how hard we try to keep up with things, cutting out the extraneous to find the nuggets of signal from the jungle of noise is more than a full-time job.

Sometimes, however, it’s best to take a few steps back, fall back on first principles and remind ourselves who the players are, what they want and then ask the big question of each of them… are they succeeding?

But to even ask that question we have to ask ourselves honestly the following question:

“What will they be willing to do to survive under present circumstances?”

This is the most uncomfortable question you can ever ask anyone. What would you do to survive? To protect your family? Your position? Your conception of yourself?

Everyone’s morality has limits. Everyone. Everyone has a shadow, a dark side, a place where they retreat to their Hobbesian self and see the world purely in terms of ‘a war of all against all.’ Anyone who refuses to admit this to themselves is someone you should run screaming from.

Those that always claim the moral high ground, who are always “the goodies!” are those without limits on their behavior. As the great H.L. Mencken proclaimed nearly 70 years ago:

The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it. Power is what all messiahs really seek: not the chance to serve. This is true even of the pious brethren who carry the gospel to foreign parts.

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German Chemical Giant Warns Of “Total Collapse” If Russian Gas Supply Cut

German Chemical Giant Warns Of “Total Collapse” If Russian Gas Supply Cut

CEO of Germany’s multinational BASF SE, the world’s largest chemical producer, has warned that curbing or cutting off energy imports from Russia would bring into doubt the continued existence of small and medium-sized energy companies, and further would likely spiral Germany into its most “catastrophic” economic crisis going back to the end of World War 2.

Company CEO Martin Brudermuller issued the words in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper just ahead of German officials by midweek giving an “early warning” to industries and the population of possible natural gas shortages, as Russia appears ready to firmly hold to Putin’s recent declaration that “unfriendly countries” must settle energy payments in rubles, related to the Ukraine crisis and resultant Western sanctions.

According to Bloomberg he mused that while “Germany could be independent from Russia gas in four to five years” it remains that “LNG imports cannot be increased quickly enough to replace all Russian gas flows in the short term.”

CEO of BASF Martin Brudermüller, file image

But in the meantime, Brudermuller described that “It’s not enough that we all turn down the heating by 2 degrees now” given that “Russia covers 55 percent of German natural gas consumption.” He emphasized that if Russian gas disappeared overnight, “many things would collapse here” – given that we would have high levels of unemployment, and many companies would go bankrupt. This would lead to irreversible damage.” He continued:

“To put it bluntly: This could bring the German economy into its worst crisis since the end of the Second World War and destroy our prosperity. For many small and medium-sized companies in particular, it could mean the end. We can’t risk that!”

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Mainstream Economists Struggling to Hide the Incoming Economic Collapse

Alternative Economists Were Right, The Stagflation Crisis Is Here

Photo by Annie Spratt

For many years now there has been a contingent of alternative economists working diligently within the liberty movement to combat disinformation being spread by the mainstream media regarding America’s true economic condition. Our efforts have focused primarily on the continued devaluation of the dollar and the forced dependence on globalism that has outsourced and eliminated most U.S. manufacturing.

The problems of devaluation and stagflation have been present since 1916 when the Federal Reserve was officially formed and given power, but the true impetus for a currency collapse and the destruction of American buying power began in 2007-2008 when the Financial Crisis was used as an excuse to allow the Fed to create trillions upon trillions in stimulus dollars for well over a decade.

The mainstream media’s claim has always been that the Fed “saved” the U.S. from imminent collapse and that the central bankers are “heroes.” After all, stock markets have mostly skyrocketed since quantitative easing (QE) was introduced during the credit crash, and stock markets are a measure of economic health, right?

The devil’s bargain


Reality isn’t a mainstream media story. The U.S. economy isn’t the stock market.

All the Federal Reserve really accomplished was to forge a devil’s bargain: Trading one manageable deflationary crisis for at least one (possibly more) highly unmanageable inflationary crises down the road. Central banks kicked the can on the collapse, making it far worse in the process.

The U.S. economy in particular is extremely vulnerable now. Money created from thin air by the Fed was used to support failing banks and corporations, not just here in America, but around the world.

Why does it matter where those dollars came from?

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The Future of the World Economy is Perma-Crisis

These Aren’t Shortages — They’re the Beginning of the Longest, Hardest Economic Collapse in History

Image Credit: 7News Screenshot

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They Will Reap What They Sowed


“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” – Galations 6

US Using 15 Military Bases As Coronavirus Quarantine Locations

Via the CDC

“I have certain rules I live by. My first rule: I don’t believe anything the government tells me. Sooner or later the people in this country are going to realize: the government does not give a fuck about them. The government doesn’t care about you, or your children, or your rights, or your welfare, or your safety. It simply doesn’t give a fuck about you. It’s interested in its own power. That’s the only thing keeping it and expanding it wherever possible.” – George Carlin

In a previous article – Cascade of Consequences – I attempted to make the case the ruthless billionaire oligarchs and their bought off lackey whores in government, media, academia, corporations, the military industrial complex, sickcare industry, and  Federal Reserve have used this engineered covid pandemia to further consolidate and expand their wealth, power and control over a frightened, willfully ignorant, compliant populace. In the month since that article the “powers that be” have ramped up the fear, increased their coercive mandates, reinstated mask mandates, and instituted vaccine passports in liberal bastion cities across America.

I see these ham-handed authoritarian dictates as a sign of weakness and their false narrative falling apart. A sense of desperation wafts from the halls of power in DC, corporate executive suites, and left-wing media outlets on the coasts who have overplayed their tyrannical hand. Resistance is building among an irate minority of critical thinking individuals who follow George Carlin’s first rule.

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Pandemic Phase Two

Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are most likely preparing for the second punch following the manufactured COVID Pandemic. The second punch is his profound warning with simulations once again of a cyber attack that will take down the world economy. I find it curious how this man who thinks he can direct, control, and accelerate what he calls the Fourth Industrial Revolution and turn it GREEN, has also created his center for cybersecurity.

The World Economic Forum has already conducted a simulation of a cyberattack that brings the global financial system to its knees. Of course, just months before this manufactured pandemic, there too simulations were conducted on how to carry that one out. They appear to have timed their manufactured pandemic with the turn in the Economic Confidence Model. Our models have clearly shown that the crash of March 2020 was unprecedented and never before in history did such an event move that far in such a short period of time. It appears to have been a deliberate manipulation.

After years of trying to get me on board, perhaps this time they are simply realizing that they should time their events with the model to get the biggest bang for the bucks. Will they wait until next March of 2022? Or will they use our shorter-term array and target August-October? It was last November of 2020 when Schwab’s World Economic Forum teamed with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to put out phase II of this plan to force the world to accept his Great Reset. They co-produced a report which warned that the global financial system was now vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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Click on image to purchase @ FriesenPress