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Olduvai III: Catacylsm
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Affluence Without Abundance: What Moderns Might Learn from the Bushmen

Richard Gould: Learning From Ancient Human Cultures | Peak Prosperity

Richard Gould: Learning From Ancient Human Cultures | Peak Prosperity.

Richard Gould is a Professor Emeritus of Anthropology at Brown University (where I was his student) and one of the foremost experts on hunter-gatherer societies. In the 1960s, he and his wife spent years living with the aborigines in Australia’s Western Desert, observing first-hand their way of life. Through study of these people and many others around the world, his work focused on understanding how human culture and behavior adapts to environmental stress, risk and uncertainty.

We’ve invited him to this week’s podcast to discuss what insights ancient cultures may be able to offer in terms of “natural human behavior” that may fit well within our specie’s blueprint. Humans lived sustainably, with their food systems and each other, for many millennia. And yet, in today’s modern age, we have infinitely “more” than these primitive societies, but have much less general happiness (and are fast-exhausting our resource base, to boot). Are there best practices for being human that we can perhaps re-learn from our cultural predecessors?

…click on the above link to read the rest of the article…

Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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