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Why Global Warming was a Total Farce & it’s Now Incorporated into the Great Reset

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your computer and you have been correct on everything from politics to markets and even climate. You said we would be headed back to global cooling.  Was this based on the solar waves of energy from the sun?

Thank you for the thought-provoking blog


ANSWER: This is the Western Plague in research. They always seek to reduce whatever it is to a single cause and effect. I am so tired of this nonsense about CO2. Here in Flordia, we had a red tide and instantly the politicians were blaming it on farmers that certainly are not in this area. All I did was Google red tides and there it was, the first one reported was by the Spanish during the 17th century long before farmers in Florida using chemicals.

The output of energy from the Sun oscillates but that is NOT the single cause of the effect of global warming and cooling. There are other aspects that come into play such as Arctic Oscillations.

The Arctic Oscillation (AO) refers to an atmospheric circulation pattern over the mid-to-high latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. The most obvious reflection of the phase of this oscillation is the north-to-south location of the storm-steering, mid-latitude jet stream. This is what impacts the “jet-stream” which they will refer to on weather reports. Thus, the AO can have a strong influence on weather and climate in major population centers in North America, Europe, and Asia, especially during winter. This is something the Climate Change people seem to be oblivious to these days.

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The Great Reset: The Western Path to Dekulakization

The Great Reset: The Western Path to Dekulakization


One of the Soviet propaganda posters promoting the collectivization of agriculture in the 1930s. On the lower right, you can see a small man opposing the line of the marching peasants, He is recognizable as a “Kulak,” one of the local independent farmers who were dispossessed and partly exterminated to leave space for collectivized farms, considered more efficient. There exist several similarities between the fall of the Kulaki and the current “Great Reset” that sees the destruction of a number of economic activities, such as retail commerce, seen as inefficient in comparison to modern electronic commerce.

In the 1930s, the Soviet Union carried out the “dekulakization (раскулачивание) of Ukraine. It was the term given to the removal of the relatively wealthy, independent farmers (“kulaki“), to be replaced by collective farms. Their properties were confiscated, many of them were relocated to remote regions, and some were exterminated. We don’t know the exact numbers, but surely we are in the range of a few million people. The transition to collectivized farms may have been one of the causes of the great Ukrainian famine of the early 1930s, known as the “Holodomor,”

The reasons for the dekulakization are several. In part, they were related to the belief that large-scale, centrally planned enterprises were the most efficient way to organize production. Then, the Kulaki were seen as a potential enemy for the Soviet Government, while the region they occupied was a strategic asset in terms of food production in an age when famines were an effective war weapon.

But these considerations are not enough to explain why the Kulaki were so ruthlessly destroyed in just a few years. It was, rather, just a simple power game: the Soviet Government aimed at controlling all the means of production of the state. It couldn’t tolerate that an important section of the economy, food production in Ukraine, was independently managed. And so it intervened with all the might it could muster.

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The “Great Reset” And The Risk Of Greater Interventionism

The “Great Reset” And The Risk Of Greater Interventionism

The “Great Reset” And The Risk Of Greater Interventionism

Global debt is expected to soar to a record $277 trillion by the end of the year, according to the Institute of International Finance. Developed markets’ total debt -government, corporate and households- jumped to 432% of GDP in the third quarter. Emerging market debt-to-GDP hit nearly 250% in the third quarter, with China reaching 335%, and for the year the ratio is expected to reach about 365% of global GDP. Most of this massive increase of $15 trillion in one year comes from government and corporates’ response to the pandemic. However, we must remember that the total debt figure already reached record-highs in 2019 before any pandemic and in a period of growth.

The main problem is that most of this debt is unproductive debt. Governments are using the unprecedented fiscal space to perpetuate bloated current spending, which generates no real economic return, so the likely outcome will be that debt will continue to rise after the pandemic crisis is ended and that the level of growth and productivity achieved will not be enough to reduce the financial burden on public accounts.

In this context, The World Economic Forum has presented a roadmap for what has been called “The Great Reset”. It is a plan that aims to take the current opportunity to “to shape an economic recovery and the future direction of global relations, economies, and priorities”. According to the World Economic Forum, the world must also adapt to the current reality by “directing the market to fairer results, ensure investments are aimed at mutual progress including accelerating ecologically friendly investments, and to start a fourth industrial revolution, creating digital economic and public infrastructure”. These objectives are obviously shared by all of us, and the reality shows that the private sector is already implementing these ideas, as we see technology, renewable investments and sustainability plans thriving all over the world.

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Welcome To The Interregnum

hands fighting over crown

Your unease has a name: Zozobra

We’re between things.  It’s an uncomfortable place.

We are transitioning from an old story into a new one and that has folks feeling anxious.   By “we” I mean everyone on the planet.  If you find yourself with a deep sense of unease, yet unable to quite pin it down, you will find this article extremely helpful.

The old story of endless growth on a finite planet is winding down.  Whatever replaces it won’t be a continuation of the past.  Things are going to have to change, whether we like it or not.

Put more bluntly: the easy times are over, and a period of disruption has begun.

It may be many years or even decades before thing truly settle into a new equilibrium (of sorts – there really isn’t any such thing in this ever-changing universe).  The old will fall away even before the new has arrived. That process has already begun, hence the nervousness, anger, and fear.

My day job is serving as an information scout, an ambassador of the unknown, and because of that I’m acutely aware of the degree to which people are already worn down, burnt out, and unable to process any more.

Folks are so exhausted by the trials and tribulations dished up by the crazy-making machine fondly referred to as “2020,” that many are paralyzed.  Unable to take new actions because they are overwhelmed.

Yet, as I wrote recently, no choice IS a choice.  When so much is changing and so much is on the line, remaining frozen with anxiety is as much a determinant of your future prospects as taking swift action – each sets one down different paths promising different outcomes.

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Fauci – Truth – Coming Tyranny

There is a lot of disinformation running around concerning COVID-19. There is a virus, that is for sure. It was not a biological weapon, for the kill ratio is way too tiny. Was it created by research that Dr. Anthony Fauci was conducting, then forced to shut down and covertly sent it off to Wuhan to continue what he started? This much is true. Was it deliberately released by the Chinese? Highly unlikely. If it was released, it is also unlikely that it was an accident.

I would love to see a real live investigation to uncover if someone was bribed to release it in order to create this global pandemic that is resulting in the justification to end international travel, crush the economy, and to bring about the Great Reset to redesign the world in the vision of Marxist Socialism for its third attempt.

CDC COVID-19-Provisional-Counts-9-2-2020

The CDC has admitted that only 6% of the people with COVID-19 actually died of this virus. The media has been refusing to report this because it goes against their agenda of supporting this Great Reset. What they are also not telling the world is that previous studies of the 1918-1919 Spanish Flu showed similar results.

The vast majority of people 1918-1919 NEVER died directly from the virus; what killed them were complications from bacterial pneumonia. Some have tried to claim that was caused by wearing masks. That is not true. There has been a risk of wearing a mask that can cause some people anxiety and a sense of claustrophobia. I personally find wearing a mask restrictive relative to breathing which just makes it more difficult.

In 2008, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) wrote:

“The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone.”

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World Economic Forum Outlines Its ‘Great Reset’ to End Traditional Capitalism

World Economic Forum Outlines Its ‘Great Reset’ to End Traditional Capitalism

AP Photo/Michel Euler
AP Photo/Michel Euler
The coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for a “new kind of capitalism” and “great reset” of global economies, politics, and societies, according to World Economic Forum (WEF) founder and executive chairman Klaus Schwab.

In an article published Monday by the WEF, an impatient Schwab claims neo-liberalism is dead and with it traditional notions of economic capitalism.

In their place is a set of “Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics” the WEF says enables the world to progress under one set of overarching rules as drawn up by it, with “social  justice” a key component of this brave new world.

This restructure of the way we do business is the new model for the “great reset” Schwab argues, adding he foresees the coronavirus crisis as too good an opportunity not to “re-evaluate sacred cows of the pre-pandemic system.”

He outlines his argument by pointing to just how serious the epidemic has been to the way we live now: Schwab writes:

No event since World War II’s end has had as profound a global impact as COVID-19. The pandemic has triggered a public health and economic crisis on a scale unseen in generations and has exacerbated systemic problems such as inequality and great-power posturing.

The only acceptable response to such a crisis is to pursue a “Great Reset” of our economies, politics, and societies. Indeed, this is a moment to re-evaluate the sacred cows of the pre-pandemic system, but also to defend certain long-held values. The task we face is to preserve the accomplishments of the past 75 years in a more sustainable form.

Schwab believes that if the Chinese coronavirus crisis has shown us anything, it is “that governments, businesses, or civil-society groups acting alone cannot meet systemic global challenges.”

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Some States Looking at Ankle Bracelet to Enforce Home Confinement

Some states are now looking to impose the very same restriction they do with criminals by forcing people to wear bracelets to enforce home confinement. There is just way too much evidence that this virus is so minimal it is insane. There is simply another agenda going on or we have the largest crop of brain-dead politicians in human history. This does not leave us with much of a solution. I fear that elections will become suspended, as was the case in New Zealand and Hungary, but on a more permanent basis.

I have warned that our computer is showing a much darker future post-2024. We are spiraling down into the leftist hole where human rights are suspended in the name of protecting them. I was speaking to a person who hates Trump and they said that “conservatives are only concerned about taxes” and they will get what they deserve. The problem they are ignorant about is simply that whatever Draconian measure they wish to inflict upon “conservatives” cannot be accomplished without subjecting themselves to the same actions. Strip them of free speech and so will they. Just look at Melbourne, Australia. To impose their lockdown to protect people, all civil liberties are denied and that applies to everyone — not just the dissenters.

These people have reduced food production and destroyed the economy, sending unemployment on a global scale exceeding 300 million. Can they really be this stupid? There has to be an agreement with this GreatReset to act against the people in such a manner.

The Democrats are Indeed Looking for a Coup d’etat

The Democrats are approaching the military to remove Trump as long as the major press declares Biden the winner. They also have the intelligence agencies in their back pocket. Based upon our computer projections for Panic Cycles starting in November and running into February, yet predominantly in December and February, I do not see the Democrats accepting a loss should Trump win. They will turn the nation into a street fight rather than a court battle. They will assume they will lose in the Supreme Court, so they are actually trying to stage a coup d’etat and blame a Trump victory on another Russian interference. If Biden loses, the plan is to blame Russia and as the military to remove Trump.

Since the media and Big Tech is in league with the Great Reset, once they call the election for Biden, they will most likely cut off all avenues of Trump’s communication. Trump’s social media accounts will be suspended, and other than Fox News, we can even witness the refusal of the big three to report on the truth.

From currencies to stock indexes, we are staring at Panic Cycles from November into February in various markets. Even Crude Oil is showing Directional Changes in December & February. Even gold is showing turning points in November and February.

Never in all my years have I witnesses the computer correlating on a global scale around the US presidential elections. The civil unrest will escalate. Both sides will not accept a loss. This election is tearing the population apart. This is less about Trump than it is about pushing this Great Reset through the United States.

Ruthless Tyranny by Police in Melbourne

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With more and more evidence coming out that this COVID-19 has been an orchestrated political attempt to prepare to subjugate the people for this Great Reset, the police who are supporting absolute tyranny in Melbourne, they are risking the real world mindless authoritarian power. Even the CDC in the USA admits more people are dying from suicides and drug overdoses than COVID. The German Health Minister has publicly admitted the lockdowns were a mistake.

Why is the Victoria police so anti-freedom? This illustrates that when the revolution comes, they are the first to be hanged as traitors. I have shown that when the police turn and support the people, that is when true freedom emerges as took place when Yeltsin stood on the tanks in 1991 in Moscow begging for them not to shoot their own people and in Ukraine when the police turned against Yanukovich. When they continue to support ruthless governments as they are doing in Melbourne and Venezuela, they inspire revolution which turns eventually violent.

It is truly astonishing how the Melbourne police are doing the same as the Nazis plead at Nuremberg – I was just following orders!.

Redesigning the World – The Great Reset

Redesigning the World – The Great Reset

COMMENT: Melbourne is getting locked down again. 5 million people on lockdown for 6 weeks at least! ‎People will only be allowed to leave home to go to work (if they can’t work online), grocery shopping, or for medical reasons.
‎All because of 191 alleged virus cases.

Catalunya is now mandating obligatory masks even where there are no people. In all public places incl. if you’re the only person there (say in a deserted park or street at a time when there is no one else).
They’re also openly saying masks and “social distancing” will be part of life now for the long term, i.e. forever or until everyone is vaccinated.

Meanwhile, Spain has extended the moratorium on payment of mortgages and rents for another 3 months (until end of September). No doubt they’ll keep extending it much longer than that. So, since March people don’t need to make their monthly mortgage and/or rent payments. In theory, the unpaid mortgage debts are just accumulating and will need to be paid once the moratorium ends (yeah, good luck with that). Rents won’t be paid, obviously, because there is no realistic way landlords could get this accumulated unpaid money from tenants. At present (and likely at least until the end of the year) they can’t even evict any tenant.
So everything will keep getting extended….and everyone will still pretend that once the “virus” is gone (or everyone is vaccinated) things will just switch back on and everything will return to normal.


QUESTION: What about the rest of the billionaires. Can’t they see what these people are up to? Why have they not come to you to try to promote Socrates worldwide?


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Lockdown #2 Begins


In Europe, several places (cities and entire regions within a number of countries) have already locked down for a second time, and many others have returned to stricter rules (masks, quarantines and forced testing when coming from abroad, etc) barely a couple of weeks after having relaxed those rules a bit. They are deliberately shutting down the world economy to further this Great Reset. What these elitists fail to grasp is that the wholesale destruction of the world economy is not going to be smoothed over with Guaranteed Basic Income and hoping people are content to live in this new communistic world where individualism is dead.

They have realized that it is best NOT to let up and try to keep people locked down and terrorized rather than allow them freedom and then try a second lockdown September-October with the next flu season.

This is NOT the Black Plague and the wholesale destruction of the world economy will bankrupt another 20%+ of all small businesses and further their agenda to NATIONALIZE companies. They are using this virus, that they may have planted, to achieve this dramatic Marxist Revolution. They have divided people into groups and furthered the hatred to the point that they will be turning violent against each other. This is how even the Nazis succeeded in gaining power — divide and conquer to the point they will seek government and surrender all liberty to restore safety.


Even in California, you really have to wonder why that state is so left. The people lit up the sky on the fourth of July DESPITE the nasty draconian politicians who imposed a $50,000 fine per person. They are fining people up to $2,000 in some parts for not wearing a mask. This is just insane.

World Economy Preparing for Collapse

World Economy Preparing for Collapse

The world has changed dramatically in the course of this orchestrated and intended collapse of the global economy in order to launch this Great Reset. In the course of several months, we have watched a deliberate economic disaster under the pretense of this coronavirus pandemic. While the main objective of one group has been the create a New Green World Order, they relied upon Socialists who realize that their economic dreams are also collapsing. As a result, this combined force is out to change the world and the real agenda is the New Green Socialist Agenda. They have pretended that there has been this huge tragically large number of human lives being lost when more people die from car crashes. They have deliberately terrorized people to achieve their agenda.

They have embarrassed politicians and countries into implementing quarantines, social distancing, and have locked down the world population where NOTHING of such a magnitude has EVER taken place in 6,000 years of recorded history. These drastic practices to contain this exaggerated pandemic have unleashed a Sovereign Debt Crisis our computer has been forecasting but never in my personal imagination w3ould I have ever anticipated that this would be deliberate.

The cost of this Great Lockdown is virtually beyond comprehension. We are witnessing people hoarding cash around the world. The magnitude and speed of collapse in economic activity that has followed is unlike anything experienced in our lifetimes. Yet the real trend starting to unfold is the collapse in public confidence. We are now even beginning to see runs on banks to hoard cash in China as well. Our sources in China are reporting that the People’s Bank of China initiated a strategic plan in the Hebei province which requires retail and business clients to pre-report any large withdrawals or deposits. They will expand this program in October to other provinces.

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David Stockman: The World Economy Is At An Epochal Pivot


David Stockman: The World Economy Is At An Epochal Pivot

A ‘Great Reset’ approaches

David Stockman warns that the global economy has reached an “epochal pivot”, a moment when the false prosperity created from $trillions in printed money by the world’s central banks lurches violently into reverse.

There are few people alive who understand the global economy and its (mis)management better than David Stockman — former director of the OMB under President Reagan, former US Representative, best-selling author of The Great Deformation, and veteran financier — which is why his perspective is not to be dismissed lightly. He knows intimately how how our political and financial systems work, as well as what their vulnerabilities are.

And Stockman thinks the top for the current asset price bubble era is in — specificially, he thinks it hit its apex in January 2018. As this “Everything Bubble” prepares to burst, Stockman estimates the risk of economic crisis is as great, if not greater than, the 2008 Great Financial Crisis because of the radical and unsustainable monetary policy expansion the central banks have pursued over the past decade.
This has caused the prices of stocks, bonds, real estate and most other assets to appreciate at rates that have no basis in the ongoing income/cash flow of the global economy. In short, they are wildly overvalued.
A key condition that Stockman has been waiting to see, that serves as a signal the bubble’s bursting is nigh, is the concentration of speculative capital into fewer and fewer stocks as the “good” options for investors shrink. We now clearly see this in the FAANG complex (a topic covered in detail in our recent report The FAANG-nary In The Coal Mine)
Stockman’s main warning is that there’s no bid underneath this market — that when perception shifts from greed to fear, the bottom is much farther down than most investors realize. In his words, it’s “rigged for implosion”.

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Train Crash Preview

Train Crash Preview

Today we will summarize something I’ve been thinking about for a long time. Exactly how will we get from the credit crisis, which I think is coming in the next 12–18 months, to what I call the Great Reset, when the global debt will be “rationalized” via some form of nonpayment. Whatever you want to call it, I think a worldwide debt default is likely in the next 10–12 years.

I began this tale last week in Credit-Driven Train Crash, Part 1. Today is Part 2 of a yet-undetermined number of installments. We may break away for a week or two if other events intrude, but I will keep coming back to this. It has many threads to explore. I’m going to talk about my expectations given today’s reality, without the prophetically inconvenient practice of predicting actual dates.

Also, while I think this is the probable path, it’s not locked in stone. Later in this series, I’ll describe how we might avoid the rather difficult circumstances I foresee. While it is difficult now to imagine cooperation between the developed world’s various factions, it has happened before. There are countries like Switzerland that have avoided war and economic catastrophe. We’ll hope our better angels prevail while taking a somber look at the more probable.

The experts who investigate transport disasters, crimes, and terror incidents usually create a chronology of events. Reading them in hindsight can be haunting—you know what’s coming and you want to scream, “Don’t do that!” But of course, it’s too late.

We do something similar in economics when we look back at past recessions and market crashes. The causes seem obvious and we wonder why people didn’t see it at the time. In fact, some people usually did see it at the time, but excessive exuberance by the crowds and willful ignorance among the powerful drowned out their warnings. I’ve been in that position myself and it is quite frustrating.

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What Will The Global Economy Look Like After The ‘Great Reset’?

What Will The Global Economy Look Like After The ‘Great Reset’?

A very common phrase used over the past couple years by the International Monetary Fund’s Christine Lagarde as well as other globalist mouthpieces is the “global reset.” Very rarely do these elites ever actually mention any details as to what this “reset” means. But if you take a look at some of my past analysis on the economic endgame, you will find that they do, on occasion, let information slip which gives us a general picture of where they prefer the world be within the next few years or even the next decade.

A few goals are certain and openly admitted. The globalists ultimately want to diminish or erase the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. They most definitely are seeking to establish the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Rights basket system as a replacement for the dollar system; this plan was even outlined in the Rothschild run magazine The Economist in 1988. They want to consolidate economic governance, moving away from a franchise system of national central banks into a single global monetary authority, most likely under the IMF or the Bank for International Settlements. And, they consistently argue for the centralization of political power in the name of removing legislative and sovereign barriers to safer financial regulation.

These are not “theories” of fiscal change, these are facts behind the globalist methodology. When the IMF mentions the “great global reset,” the above changes are a part of what they are referring to.

That said, much of my examinations focus on these macro-elements; but what about the deeper mechanics of the whole scheme? What kind of economic system would we wake up to on a daily basis IF the globalists get exactly what they want? This is an area in which the elites rarely ever comment, and I can only offer hypothetical scenarios.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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