The Greatest Threat to World Stability No One Knows About
The absolute greatest threat to world stability is a threat that oddly receives virtually no publicity. It’s not nuclear arms, it’s not a US stock market crash, it’s not a global bond market crash and it’s not a real estate market crash. The greatest threat to world stability is one that originates within the realm of cyberwarfare. Before you state, “Yeah, I’ve heard that many times before” and dismiss this article, there is a very low probability that your understanding of the magnitude of this risk is anywhere near complete simply due to the fact that the great majority of people do not have a clear understanding of how much of their daily modern lives depend upon a functioning internet. There is a massive threat to all infrastructure that exists in virtually every modern nation in the world today, because of the invention of the Stuxnet virus by US and Israeli intelligence agencies that inadvertently spread around the world. And virtually no one is discussing the greatest threat to world stability, one much greater than the threat of conventional warfare, outside of the opaque confines of State intelligence agencies. In fact, due to the release of Stuxnet into cyberspace, the safest places in the world may be, as of right now, the least developed nations technologically, that possess few or no life-sustaining key infrastructure controlled by computers. On the contrary, the nations subject to the highest risk from the greatest threat to world stability are the most technologically advanced that possess all critical infrastructure controlled by computers and that are now at a fairly advanced stage of adoption in regard to the IoT (Internet of Things).
Why the Creation and Discovery of the Stuxnet Code in 2010 Forever Altered Global Security for the Worse
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