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Trump Admin Accelerates Push to Export Fracking to Argentina

Trump Admin Accelerates Push to Export Fracking to Argentina

Rick Perry and energy ministers at G20 Summit in Argentina

The technology that has allowed for the shale gas revolution in America, we want to make available to Argentina,” Perry said.

At the summit, which was intended to focus on a transition to cleaner energy, Perry instead pledged the U.S. Department of Energy’s support in helping Argentina exploit its vast fossil fuel resources. Namely by connecting the nation with U.S.companies that know how to extract shale oil and gas via hydraulic fracturing (fracking).

But DOE isn’t the only part of the U.S. government facilitating fracking in Argentina. Under the Trump administration, the Departments of Interior and State — working closely with Pennsylvania State University — have been involved in multiple workshops focused on developing shale oil and gas in the South American nation.

Excited to join my fellow energy ministers at the . This is an exciting time for Argentina and the region. Argentina’s leadership in energy is good for our hemisphere and the world. pic.twitter.com/5X37kAEiXb

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Argentina has the second largest shale gas reserves in the world, but is still a net energy importer. Working together, our countries can partner to deliver abundant, affordable energy to the Americas and the world.

The main target for fracking in Argentina is Vaca Muerta (translated as “Dead Cow”), one of the world’s largest unconventional oil and gas deposits, located in the Neuquén Basin. The oil and gas industry has been eyeing this formation in west-central Argentina since its existence was announced in 2011.

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