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A Simple Plan to Prepare for the Most Likely Winter-Related Emergencies

A Simple Plan to Prepare for the Most Likely Winter-Related Emergencies

Many overestimate their abilities to withstand winter-related emergencies and fail to adequately prepare, thus leaving themselves exposed. The following are the five most-likely winter emergencies and some tips and resources to help you prepare.

Whenever temperatures drop decidedly below normal and as wind speed increases, heat can leave your body more rapidly. These weather-related conditions may lead to serious health problems. The reason being is that our bodies are not built to withstand long bouts of extreme weather. Lower body temperature can cause your heart, nervous system, and other organs to enter a state of shock, putting a person at risk of a heart attack, respiratory system failure, and possibly death.

Many overestimate their abilities to withstand winter-related emergencies and fail to adequately prepare, thus leaving themselves exposed. The following are the five most-likely winter emergencies and some tips and resources to help you prepare.

Cold-related health problems, including frostbite and hypothermia.

Here is a great article on how to avoid cold exposure and some tips on what to avoid. As well, knowing the type of gear to have on hand can make all the difference in the world. Here are 10 first-aid supplies to have on hand to assist with hypothermia exposure and some tips on winterizing your bug-out bag to prevent this medical issue. As well, with any of the following winter emergencies, never underestimate the power of having the right type of winter clothes to keep your core warm. Layering clothing works by trapping warm air created by your own body heat in between the many layers of clothing…

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Eight Pre-Hurricane Season Preparations You Need To Make

This past weekend Texas experienced its first tropical weather event for the 2021 season, and the season doesn’t officially begin until June 1st. Each year the tropics have been becoming active earlier than expected, and at this time they are unofficially starting the season in mid-May. Now is the time for the coastal United States to start preparing for what will inevitably be another active hurricane season.

2021 has proven that we need to be prepared for anything. The CDC recommends that each family have enough food and water on hand for a disaster that will last up to three days. Personally, I think two weeks of food and water on hand is a better goal especially since it could be weeks before the power infrastructure is fully operational. The following 8 items are what I personally recommend completing before the start of hurricane season.

1. Food

The best foods to have on hand during a hurricane are non-perishable food items that can serve many purposes. We recommend these 25 foods for your emergency food pantry. Be sure to include multiple can openers that do not require electricity to use.

If you have family members who have special needs, be sure to accommodate for those needs. For example, my daughter has epilepsy and is on a ketogenic diet. She must have plenty of fats, protein, and green vegetables. Meanwhile, my son is autistic and gluten sensitive, and he needs to stay away from gluten-rich foods, so pastas, cereals, crackers, and some of the canned soups will not work for him. As well, make preparations ahead of time for those that are dependent on medical equipment. Oftentimes, those who are dependent on medical equipment to always be powered can feel the most vulnerable in the aftermath of an emergency or when the electrical grid is unpredictable…

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How To Start a Pallet Garden and What Vegetables Grow Best With It?

Have you ever been searching through Pinterest and found a project you know you wanted to do? Of course, you have! Last Fall I was looking for ways to expand my garden, and I came across an article on pallet gardens. I just knew that I could add one or two to my garden area and grow winter vegetables in it.

A pallet garden is an easy and frugal way to grow compact vegetables and herbs like salad greens, baby kale, dwarf peas, bush beans, cabbage, and herbs such as parsley, thyme, basil, and rosemary. Another consideration is growing edible flowers like pansies and calendula. Concentrate your efforts on finding vegetable crops and varieties that have shallow rooting systems and grow in compact, bush, dwarf, or miniature form.

But before you get your pallet garden started, here are a few important facts I discovered.

Pallet Gardening in 5 Easy Steps

  1. Locate a pallet – Pallets are quite easy to obtain. I was at our local hardware store buying some vegetables, and I noticed when we drove up, they had a stack of pallets off to the side of the building. When I was checking out, I asked the owner if I could purchase one. She offered to give me as many as I wanted. Score! Later that week, I learned that a lot of businesses that have items shipped to them have available pallets; however, it is important to find out if the pallets have been treated with chemicals because that will contaminate your organic vegetable garden.

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Don’t Lose What You Store: 6 Tips To Protect Your Prepper Pantry

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it is difficult to use all the food I have stored. This year I have been placing a lot of emphasis on organizing my food storage and acquiring more food because I am concerned with the economy. When you have food stashed literally all over your house, it is sometimes hard to remember what you have and what you still need to purchase.

Tip 1: Record What You Have

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to know what you have and where it is located. I have built a simple spreadsheet that lets me know how many canned items I have in the pantry, when they expire, where the items are located, and what I need to restock. My long-term storage is under a different tab, but it contains the same information. Certain items I run out of faster than others, i.e., chicken stock, canned tomatoes, green chilis, and having a spreadsheet helps me to replenish. I tend to prefer to cook with frozen foods, so the green beans, corn, and carrots end up expiring around the same time.

Tip 2: Don’t Be Afraid to Move Long-term Storage Items to Short-term Storage

A few years ago, I stocked up heavily on long-term storage items, such as beans, rice, pasta, flour, and oats. For a couple of years, I didn’t use them. I wanted to keep them untouched in case of a serious emergency. Last year I realized that was silly. Because I track what I have, I can rotate some long-term storage items into the short-term, and this has saved my family grocery money because I kept buying pasta, rice, and beans…

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Four Reasons Why You Should Stash the Cash!

With inflation and gas and food shortages on the rise, it is an excellent idea to have some cash stashed for emergencies. I know we live in a world that believes that there is an ATM around the corner and keeping cash in your wallet or in your home is obsolete, but there are some events that will prove it is good to have some loose cash around.

1. Stolen Credit and Debit Cards

A few years ago, I used to run at a local park after I got off work. My workout sessions were only 35 minutes to an hour, so I was never particularly worried that my car would be broken into. However, one Friday when I returned to my vehicle, my windows were busted out, and my bag, which was hidden, was missing. I should have known better than to leave a bag in the car, but I never thought it could happen to me. (How many times have we heard that phrase and shook our heads?) There is nothing worse than having your wallet stolen and having to contact the credit card companies and the banks to tell them. Immediately, all purchasing power is put on stop. In my case, it was on a Friday, and I couldn’t get my debit card reissued until the following Monday. At that time, I did not have a stash of cash, and I had to borrow money from my family. This one event is what led me to having a stash of cash.

2. Limits on Large Purchases

Many families are experiencing financial difficulties because of Covid, and since people have been unable to pay their card debt, the banks have reduced the limits that they offer…

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Don’t Lose What You Store: 6 Tips To Protect Your Prepper Pantry

Don’t Lose What You Store: 6 Tips To Protect Your Prepper Pantry

I don’t know about you, but sometimes it is difficult to use all the food I have stored. This year I have been placing a lot of emphasis on organizing my food storage and acquiring more food because I am concerned with the economy. When you have food stashed literally all over your house, it is sometimes hard to remember what you have and what you still need to purchase.

Tip 1: Record What You Have

I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to know what you have and where it is located. I have built a simple spreadsheet that lets me know how many canned items I have in the pantry, when they expire, where the items are located, and what I need to restock. My long-term storage is under a different tab, but it contains the same information. Certain items I run out of faster than others, i.e., chicken stock, canned tomatoes, green chilis, and having a spreadsheet helps me to replenish. I tend to prefer to cook with frozen foods, so the green beans, corn, and carrots end up expiring around the same time.

Tip 2: Don’t Be Afraid to Move Long-term Storage Items to Short-term Storage

A few years ago, I stocked up heavily on long-term storage items, such as beans, rice, pasta, flour, and oats. For a couple of years, I didn’t use them. I wanted to keep them untouched in case of a serious emergency. Last year I realized that was silly. Because I track what I have, I can rotate some long-term storage items into the short-term, and this has saved my family grocery money because I kept buying pasta, rice, and beans…

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How To Naturally Prepare Your Body For Cold & Flu Season in 4 Easy Steps

How To Naturally Prepare Your Body For Cold & Flu Season in 4 Easy Steps

This year, cold and flu season could present all kinds of different issues with preparing your body to fight off illness. But these suggestions could help you naturally fortify your immune system even with everything else that’s going on.

Having to plan for COVID around cold and flu season has certainly given us more to be concerned about in the coming months. Now is the best time to begin preparing your body to fight off illness.

In The Coronavirus Handbook, author Tess Pennington outlined some necessary points to keep your immune system as strong as possible during the time of year when you are most susceptible to illness.

It is important to emphasize that herbs cannot cure a highly contagious virus, but they can certainly help boost your immunity. Turning toward natural remedies now will give you the knowledge and skills you need to keep your family well during flu season and in the event of a pandemic flu. 

When you begin feeling that your body is run down, it is time to start actively working to boost the immune system. By doing so, you are fighting off the infection before it overtakes your body, thus, significantly reducing being prone to colds and flu. You can help give your body the edge this winter by trying the following:

  • Herbal tinctures are natural medicines that help with a variety of ailments. You can stimulate your immune system function to help shorten the physical and mental recovery periods of illnesses.
  • Herbal teas that boost and even fortify your immune system during cold and flu season. Finding teas that have bioactive ingredients like echinacea, yarrow, lemon balm, elderberry, and marshmallow help you feel better naturally! Drinking any warm liquid calm our nerves, lower our stress levels, and decrease blood pressure as warmth itself is associated with comfort. 

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Could We Be Living Through a Systemic Breakdown? Here are 3 Telltale Signs

Could We Be Living Through a Systemic Breakdown? Here are 3 Telltale Signs

There are several telltale signs surfacing that we are living through a systemic breakdown of virtually every aspect of life as we knew it. However, there are ways to prepare and set yourself up for success as best as possible. Take steps now to protect yourself from one of the most uncertain times in human history.

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, supply shortages have plagued the country. It’s not just toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and seeds we are talking about. It’s more than that and some believe this is another telltale sign that we are living through a systemic breakdown. In a previous article, Ripe For Chaos: How The Great Reset Will Shake Us To Our Core, it was written:

“We are literally watching a TEOTWAWKI event transpire right before our eyes. By all accounts, the pandemic was the triggering event that will set off a breakdown of epic proportions. As the COVID-19 pandemic opened our eyes to a worldwide health crisis, what could ensue will shake us to our core.

There is no mistaking the signs of economic instability. Turmoil in the stock markets, mass job loss, and cost of living have been at the forefront of our minds dealing with the aftermath of COVID, but now we are literally living in a world where there is a battle for resources from a country level to a world level. Borders are temporarily closing. Resources are getting scarce. Most people do not understand this is the fall of a civilization.

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The Prepper Shopping List for August: 7 of the Hottest Deals For Preparedness Supplies

The Prepper Shopping List for August: 7 of the Hottest Deals For Preparedness Supplies

The temperatures are heating up and so are the deals in August. If you are looking for frugal ways to stock up on your food pantry and preparedness supplies, this month will not disappoint!

The temperatures are heating up and so are the deals in August. If you are looking for frugal ways to stock up on your food pantry and preparedness supplies, this month will not disappoint!

7 Things You Can Buy To Stock Up On Your Preps

Buying items during certain months of the year will allow you to buy at discounted prices so you can stock up and save big time. You just have to know which items are best to buy.

  1. Back To School Supplies – Take advantage of the back to school deals and purchase pens, pencils, tape, and other office necessities. Purchase a few extra rolls of tape and get them prepped for Christmas wrapping marathons in a few months! A majority of us are working from home these days, so take advantage of the deals. As well, you can look for small coloring books and crafts that may be on sale to invest in “sanity savers” for off-grid events where the kids need something to do.
  2. Bug Out Bag Supplies – There are some discounted items this month that could help you in creating a perfect bug out bag. In fact, if you don’t have a bug out bag, this month would be perfect to buy a sturdy backpack. As well, Ziploc bags of all sizes will be on sale and are perfect for organizing bug out supplies, first aid items, just add water meals, etc. As well, premade snacks like packs of crackers, juice boxes, granola bars, etc., will also be good to pick up at the store and are great for comfort foods during emergencies.

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10 Blackout-Proof Preps You Need To Get Through Extreme Weather Emergencies

10 Blackout-Proof Preps You Need To Get Through Extreme Weather Emergencies

Generally speaking, the American lifestyle is largely dependent upon the power grid. And when the grid goes down during the hottest times of the year, our eyes are opened to the need to have essential off-grid preps to survive.

A sweltering heat wave that has enveloped most parts of California causing a surge of demand on the power grid and energy companies made the decision to start rolling blackouts during the hottest part of the day.

The heat wave is ramping up this weekend, and some areas could reach triple-digit record highs, weather.com meteorologist Jonathan Belles said, adding that the temperatures are more typical of mid-summer than August.

An excessive heat warning was issued by the National Weather Service for Friday through Tuesday, and the combination of heat and wildfires prompted air quality warnings as well.

Ozone pollution in some areas reached levels Friday afternoon not seen in 10 years, the Los Angeles Times reported.

Gonzales said several different factors would play into whether the rolling blackouts continue.

“We’re dealing with weather, clouds, wildfires … these are quickly evolving situations, quickly changing,” she told the AP.

The situation will be evaluated on a day to day basis, she said.


Learn more about rolling blackouts

Many believed rolling blackouts were a thing of the past and, in California’s case residents have not experienced one for 20 years. But all that changed Friday when the lights went out on 350,000 thousand homes. Many were caught off guard and felt PG&E had not fully communicated the likelihood of this occurring. But the worst is yet to come as more rolling blackouts are planned for the coming week. That said, it is important to know that certain preparedness items can provide safety and protection when you are off the grid during the hottest part of the year.

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Washing Clothes Off the Grid

Washing Clothes Off the Grid

Laundry detergent is a prep item that I have not begun to stock up on.  I was planning on using some form of soap and baking soda mixture to wash clothing, but the below recipes look more appealing.  I came across  this recipe that was found on a preparedness forum that is mentioned below for those that are interested […]

Laundry detergent is a prep item that I have not begun to stock up on.  I was planning on using some form of soap and baking soda mixture to wash clothing, but the below recipes look more appealing.  I came across  this recipe that was found on a preparedness forum that is mentioned below for those that are interested in knowing how to make laundry detergent to clean clothes.  Did you know that mixing your own laundry is cost effective, and you get more for your money.

The below recipes were found of the forums of  www.survivalistboards.com.

Laundry Detergent

I have used the below recipe for a little over two years now with good results.  It is cheap and easy to mix up and gets the dirt out.


  • 1 bar of soap – whatever kind your prefer
  • 1 box of washing soda – in the laundry detergent aisle of stores.  It comes in an Arm and Hammer box and will contain enough for 6 batches.
  • 1 box of Borax – optional, but really kicks the cleaning up a notch.
  • 5 gallon bucket with lid – or a container that can hold up to 15 liters.
  • 3 gallons of tap water

Put about 4 cups of water into a pan on your stove and turn the heat up on high until it’s almost boiling.

While water is heating up, begin shaving strips off of bar soap into the water until most of the bar of soap is shaved off into the water.  Make sure the soap shavings have dissolved into the water.

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10 Grocery Items That Disappeared Almost Immediately When an Emergency Was Declared

10 Grocery Items That Disappeared Almost Immediately When an Emergency Was Declared

Planning and preparing an emergency food pantry now will help you keep popular food items stocked and ready for the next crisis.

10 Grocery Items That Disappeared Almost Immediately When an Emergency Was Declared

Large-scale events can quickly cause significant economic, social, and political disruption in its wake. Studies have shown most households are not prepared for a two-week disruption, let alone a month-long ordeal such as what we are enduring with COVID-19. As a result, the public quickly sees how vulnerable they are to an emergency. An unprecedented strain has been put on our food system as a result of the initial food grab at the beginning of the health crisis.

With grocery items flying off the shelves and a huge demand on food banks, its no wonder that vegetable and garden seeds have been in high demand because of interest in sustainable food production. We now see that when a large population is hit with a rapid, far from equilibrium event, the system itself cannot keep up with the demand. The result, at best, shows how thin the protections of society are when this type of event happens and we must learn from this.

In the wake of the COVID-19 food panic, certain food staples disappeared almost immediately; almost all of which are listed in our 25 must-have survival foods. While toilet paper seems to be the one item that is ingrained in our memories as the grocery item that initially incited the run on the grocery stores, the items listed below have been in short supply if not out of stock for weeks on end.

10 Food Items That Disappeared Almost Immediately in the COVID-19 Health Crisis

  1. Pasta and tomato sauce
  2. Yeast
  3. Flour
  4. Sugar
  5. Milk
  6. Eggs
  7. Butter
  8. Rice
  9. Beans
  10. Peanut butter

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6 Ways to Recycle Water

6 Ways to Recycle Water

Water is an important part of our lives, and something we take for granted. Learnings ways to conserve water will help during droughts, economic hardships, keeping the utility bill down and conserving our vital natural resources. Here are 6 ways to conserve water from the home.

water (1)

Watching the aftermath unfold during recent major disasters, has caused many of us to wake up and start finding solutions to be better prepared and more independent. One of these solutions is finding ways to conserve water for later use. Instead of looking forward to the future to find the answers, we are turning our heads back to the past, to our forefathers. Many have begun to grow gardenscare for  livestock, and started learning self-reliant practices.

Conserving water is an important aspect of preparedness and homesteading alike, and also something that every home can begin practicing. These conservation methods teach individuals the importance of frugality, prudence and self-reliance. Using  water consumption calculators is a great way to start researching how much water is used on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. When a person gets an idea as to how much water is used in the home, they can begin making appropriate changes.

Here are six easy ways to conserve and recycle water for later use:

1. Use rain collection barrels.  This is one of the most efficient ways of collecting water. Because the barrels come in different sizes, you can adjust your conservation method to how you see fit. If a person does not have rain collection barrels, they could use buckets placed out in the yard to collect water. The stored water can be used for a short or long-term needs. As well,because rain water lacks all the chemicals added to tap water, it can be used for other purposes such as feeding livestock, or watering the garden with.

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Why Seedlings Get Leggy And How To Fix It

Why Seedlings Get Leggy And How To Fix It

There is nothing more satisfying than getting to watch your newly planted seeds begin to emerge from the dirt. After one week goes by, you will begin to notice your seedlings are getting leggy and barely able to hold themselves up, If that happens, this guide will help you understand what went wrong and how to fix it. #ReadyGardens #GardenTips #GrowYourOwn #Gardening

There is little more satisfying than getting to watch your newly planted seeds begin to emerge from the dirt. After one week goes by, you will begin to notice your seedlings are getting leggy and barely able to hold themselves up, If that happens, this guide will help you understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

Leggy plants tend to be weaker, and they often flop and fall over. They will also produce fewer flowers and create an untidy spindly appearance. There are problems with leggy plants too. For starters, they often can’t stand up as well to natural occurrences such as wind and harsh rain. They will have a more difficult time growing up to be the strong plants we want them to be as well, and they tend to fall over enough that they become prone to diseases and pests that would otherwise not be a concern.

Why Do Plants Get Leggy?

There could be a few reasons, or all of the following combined could be an issue in making your plants too leggy:

  1. Lack of sunshine – Usually, this is the culprit.  The natural reaction is for a plant to grow towards the light.  If there isn’t enough light, the plant will stretch itself toward the light source in order to try to produce the necessary sugars to sustain itself. It accelerates its height in order to survive and as a result, you’ll get some long and floppy seedlings.
  2. Lack of moisture in the soil – Seedlings can also become leggy and grow weak if the soil (seed raising mix) dries out or is of poor quality. Dry soil keeps the seedlings from accessing the nutrients they require to grow strong stems and leaves.  This means they are literally starving.

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Nature’s Multivitamin: The Ultimate Guide to Sprouting

Nature’s Multivitamin: The Ultimate Guide to Sprouting

Finding the right supplements can be a tricky endeavor. But, what if I told you it's really not? In fact, you could easily grow your own vitamins naturally from the convenience of your kitchen window. What am I talking about? I'm talking about sprouts. #ReadyGardens #GrowYourOwn #NoGMO #HealthyLiving

While many of us are awakening to the dangers (ahem chemicals) that are in our food sources, not enough awareness is being made about some of the dangers that lie in over-the-counter vitamins. That’s right, some of your vitamins could be doing more harm than good.

Finding the right supplements can be a tricky endeavor. But, what if I told you it’s really not? In fact, you could easily grow your own vitamins naturally from the convenience of your kitchen window. What am I talking about? I’m talking about sprouts.

Sprouts are Power Packed

Sprouts are nature’s multivitamin and provide the highest amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and enzymes of any of food per unit of calorie. They are commonly referred to as a complete food because they are packed with high levels of complete proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and extraordinary amounts of protein.

How Do Spouts Benefit the Body?

  • Assists in healing the body
  • Cleanse the body
  • Prevents diseases
  • Enhances the general functioning of bodily organs
  • Aids in digestion
  • Removes gas from the stomach

Some of our favorites are:

How To Get Started

You’re going to love this – almost anything can be made into a sprout (except for nightshade varieties like tomatoes and eggplants). The most common types of seeds to sprout include alfalfa, grains, peas, lentils, radish, broccoli, cabbage, mustard seed, garbanzos, quinoa, nuts, and red clover. Sprouts can be grown every week for continuous staggered batches. In fact, there are sprout kits available to help you expand your sprouting palate.

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Olduvai IV: Courage
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Olduvai II: Exodus
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